Will mercy have mass rez for uprising?

People are STILL upset about mercy changes? Smh. suck it up and move on.
Make strategies and planning about how you should deal and play with the Valk instead of whining and moaning for mass rez.

Oh, ok so the Event will be as boring as quick play?
I guess I won’t even try the event, using mercy now is the same a cutting your wrists and bleeding to death.
Anyway I’m done with you Dev team. We gave you 2 years, and look at the mess you made with the game. Not playing, moving on.

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The same can be said about the mass rez haters.
Did the community “make strategies” to counter mass rez? No. They moaned and complained until it’s gone. Now we’re doing the same with Valkyrie.

Don’t bother trying to tell me that “mass rez was OP” or call it unbalanced because the dev team didn’t even try to balance it before reworking her. The ability itself was fine, it just needed more mechanical nerfs such as a cast time.


I find it funny… that they would respond quick to WILL MERCY HAVE MASS REZ FOR UPRISING but won’t make any comments on the [Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018 feels bad man :sweat:


Aka boring Mercy :thinking:, yeah, I’ll return to Overwatch once her megathread feedback is actually appearing to be acknowledged and ultimately changes are then tested on her ultimate on PTR. Hopefully one day anyway.

P.S. The fact you’ve replied here, so quickly, to this thread and not anything in the megathread thus far is also most likely the biggest insult to Mercy mains and fans who hate the rework in its current state.


What? You only think everyones okay with current Mercy because they continuesly get shoved away into the 13k megathread because I assure you, the majority of people who actually play her find her incredibly boring and lackluster. Shes not healthy, shes unrewarding, boring, and so easily countered in everything that she does.

If they put Valkyrie in this mode Im going to be pissed. It was IMPOSSIBLE TO PLAY PHARAH IN THIS MODE. Mercy now flies slower than her and has to stand still for 2seconds to rez. I was one of the people who actually managed to beat it on legendary (it was painful back then), it will basically be impossible with Mercy 2.0


I agree… to be fair now whenever you “lose” your rez ability due to someone knocking you off or you moving by accident you have to wait for the ablilty to come off cooldown for maybe like 20 seconds or so… when to sombra when she loses her hack she wait 3 Seconds to get it back… what is this logic?


I loved her original ultimate, it was actually original and powerful but easy to counter. But please continue spewing nonsense about how everybody hates it and blah blah blah!


Only sadistic Mercy one tricks liked it.

Witch Mercy had mass rez as a bot for the Halloween event :thinking:


If Mercy 1.x had a cast time and only LOS Rez she would have been balanced. Personally I thought her invulnerability was a bit too long, but those changes would have balanced her. She would have given the enemy a way to counter her ult while still being able to provide for her team

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I agree, cast time was needed👍

It’s not like anyone else can just push a button and watch the fireworks fly instantly.

But instead we got an OP rework followed by 6 months of nerfs (didn’t it add up to like, 11 nerfs?)

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What, exactly, could they say that would not turn that thread into a gigantic rolling dumpster fire just begging to get locked?

Sometimes it’s just better to lurk.

I know, Blizzard tends to go Overboard with everything. She only needed some tweaks.


She had a 1 sec cast animation after she rezzed. She needed a LOS requirement, and personally, I think they she have had the animation with her saying Heroes Never Die, then once the Res animation ended, the team would get ressed. This gives the enemy one second where she is alone and out in the open.

So, the order would go:

  1. Activate Ultimate
  2. Rescurrect Casting Animation with “Heroes Never Die!”
  3. Team gets resurrected after animation, not as she casts the ability.

What a disappointment.

Guess i won’t be playing Uprising.