Will Mercy get 55hp/s?

Good thing you don’t work at Blizzard.


I dont see why she’d need a compensation nerf. As I said, she’s literally zenyatta, but with extra mobility and rez that’s basically a hail mary. All the other healers except she and zenyatta have parts of their kit that allow them to heal multiple teamates at the same time and higher hp/s. She’s at a disadvantage.

Although if this were the case, I would gladly give up rez IF they give her a 55-60hp/s or the suggestion made (maybe something similiar).

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I find Mercy to be a well balanced, effective, and fun to play main healer in her current state.

As such, I dont see any reason to make any of the changes being discussed in this thread


mercy is already good but i guess people would rather complain about “power creep” and then buff their favorite heroes because they aren’t ubiquitous overcentralizing gamebreakers like they used to be


It’s possible! Geoff said this a while back regarding buffing Mercy’s healing or putting an ability on her reload key:

If Mercy is underpowered, Zen is just… yeah. I know his healing isn’t supposed to be that good, but his healing after the dps buffs is kinda bad, not balanced enough against his dps. Would like to see Healing Orb last 5 seconds from line of sight.

Mercy is fine. If you want to buff her, remove her resurrect.

I have to argue against this. Before 2-2-2, it was quite possible for you to run a 3 DPS comp, which made Mercy strong because of the damage boost potential.

Now Mercy is guaranteed to have to heal 2 tanks and she can’t keep up with all the buffed damaged when she’s run as a main healer.

it’s sad that dive isn’t catching on since the PTR, Mercy is incredibly mobile and Mercy player would probably benefit

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To me, that sounds as if the other main healers are heavily overtuned. High healing is what got us into such a horrific state of the game.
Nothing dies, so we need high burst damage to kill targets before they can receive any sort of healing.

Remember when Soldier had 20 dmg per bullet and was OP? Yeah… he got that nerfed, then recently reverted. And guess what, he’s still trash aferwards.

Probably not, but she desperately needs it. The devs are too scared of the backlash. Brig won’t be changed for the same reason.

I bet you they’ll buff Valkyrie.

It is indeed a good thing :sweat_smile:

But jokes aside, I was just stating that there is a chance of mercy getting compensation nerfs. It is a thing they do sometimes. Are you willing to risk it?

I’m not saying she needs one.
I’m saying that there is a possibility that she does get one.

There’s always a chance she’ll get some kind of buff next patch. The devs probably want to see how the Valk chain-beams change regarding barriers works out first. I imagine that Mercy’s pick rates being below that of Ana (admittedly not by much in GM) except in silver and bronze - while in a meta where Mercy should probably be doing well and people on the forum complain that Ana doesn’t - will raise an eyebrow at Bliz HQ.


I rather just have the 60 hps back and not risking a rework. A lot of people enjoy Mercy right now, what gives you the idea that a lot of Mercy players don’t enjoy playing Mercy?

And, keeping yourself alive in a battle is the easiest thing to do as Mercy if you are skilled enough. Mercy is literally the best support to stay alive, even better than Moira.

All Mercy needs is just a 60 hps and buff her valk healing to 70. Even then, Mercy is fine right now. She is balanced, but the heroes around her is not balanced. If the damage creep is solved, Mercy definitely didn’t need those buff.

The issue with buffing mercy is there’s no negative to her basically ever. Dmg boost brings utility, she never has to aim or use a resource, and she can escape pretty much everything in 2 seconds. So they have to buff mercy in a way that makes it so she can be a good healer, but not to where she outclasses every other healer with guaranteed value. Because that’s what mercy is: guaranteed value. Moira might run out of heals, ana might suck at aiming, zen can get dove on. I do think 55 (or maybe like 53) would be a nice buff. I’m just playing devil’s advocate on why they might be wary to do so. Especially since she was probably the most broken hero of all-time when they first reworked her kit.

Id be willing to remove her self healing or lower it, increase cooldown on GA, reduce her healing to 40, and remove angelic descent if it means that her one iconic ability is not contradictory to her kit.

They didnt like Mercy hiding to rez, they give rez a cast time to enourage it.

Doomfist has an instant kill ability on a 4 second cooldown with a 1.4 second cast that doubles as a movement ability AND can be cancelled while Mercy has it on a 30 second cooldown with a 1.75 second cast, while also requiring that the mercy fail at keeping people alive.

Baptiste has immortality field, which is infinitely better than resurrect since it keeps people alive and is proactive, can not only affect Baptiste himself but also everyone else, does not impede his mobility or ability to do anything else, is on a 20 second cooldown, the drone has as much health as mercy, but it doesnt have a critical hitbox.

Her healing is fine as it is. For me Resurrect is the problem, as well as Valkyrie to an extent. If you’re interested you can read in more detail this post I made a while back that still is accurate given that Mercy has not had any significant change since then:


Doubt it. Ever since August of last year, Ana has had a higher pick rate and win rate across the board, except for bronze and silver. If Mercy was beating Ana in win rate, it was usually within 2%.

If they saw no problem with that for over a year, they’re not going to see a problem with it at this point.

They claimed they would look into buffing her to 55hps but then never talked about it again. :confused:

No negative to her ever ?

  1. High ranked Mercy’s do need to be able to aim. You’re not doing consistent damage but you should be able to defend yourself or get a cheeky kill sometimes. Mercy does have a gun ya know.
  2. Brings me to my next downside of Mercy, no consistent damage. Damage boost does not even come to equal damage provides by other supports, plus their utility. Even high damage boost Mercy’s are around 3k per 10min while someone like Ana can be around 8k per 10mins. That’s more than twice the amount and those Mercy’s have way lower healing stats.
  3. Her utility is damage boost and Rez. Damage boost is mostly to try and make up for her lack of her own damage. Rez is on a 30 second CD that is risky to pull off in team fights compared to other supports utility which has shorter CDs and can be used in team fights.
  4. It’s very hard to run out of heals as Moira and Moira also has a healing ball to help. Ana sucking at aiming okay whatever. Zen being dove on, Mercy can also be dove on ? Ever have a pair of GM dive tanks dive on you ? Even with mobility that is hard to get away from.

I’m not tryna be rude or anything, just this idea that Mercy would be game breaking with more healing is ridiculous.

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