Will Mercy get 55hp/s?

I know the mercy threads have died down a bit, but i’d like to know if there’s a chance of the devs considering 55hp/s. It feels as if she cant hold the fort down a little while longer anymore while waiting for the other healer the respawn and she struggles on her own because she doesnt have any burst heals and cant heal multiple players at once. A zenyatta with extra mobility.
Healers arent meant to take away 100% of the damage and she wont always have gold healing of course, but being outhealed by a lot even while giving your all really crushes the soul. Maybe im just overreacting but :neutral_face:

Maybe if not 55hp/s they could allow chain healing of 2 at the same time out of valk with a cooldown of 15 seconds? Just an idea.


55? Why not 60? Are people that afraid of doing any changes to this dying game?


The devs removed 60hp/s, and I dont think they plan on reverting it, so 55hp/s just to meet in the middle.


Yes… For some reason. I ain’t one of them, but I read the sentiment all the time.

Mercy is incredibly underpowered in the game right now, taking into consideration the power creep that’s in the game right now. In fact, when I que support and go mercy, my team have arguments whether rez is a good enough trade off for less healing. So her niche of being able the revive aliies has also died off. And it’s all good her healing being consistent, but if the only thing she can reliably out-heal is a single Symmetra turret, that’s a major problem.

2-2-2 was the best thing for mercy, as she’ll always have a back up healer as her numbers now, in terms of base healing, are too low of a main healer. To compare, Moira has 80hps and heal orb, Ana has 75 per shot and ananade, and Baptiste has 60 per grenade in a small aoe, plus regen burst. Mercy only has her primary fire of 50hps. Yes she doesn’t need to reload, or aim, or manage a resource, but when she can’t heal anywhere near enough to counter the power creep in the game, especially as the heroes being buffed are popular heroes like ashe mccree soldier and tracer, we have a huge problem.

Mercy needs 60hps again, whether the devs like it or not. I don’t think ive ever had this problem, but recently people have given me the Symmetra treatment over me picking mercy, being avoided and reported for picking her because as a healer she’s just so weak when compared to her competitors.

Mercy needs her healing back. Otherwise, they might as well just rework her again, because a lot of Mercy players don’t enjoy playing mercy any more as its become so much of a battle trying to stay alive yourself while also trying to keep your team alive, something that mercy struggles with now, especially if paired with an off-support like brig or lucio. There just won’t be enough healing.


lel no


Mercy isn’t even really a main healer these days, which is a laugh. She’s more effective when played like an off-healer, generally needing a second main healer on the team such as Ana or Moira. She needs help but I don’t think the balancing team want to really help her as:

  • She might make OWL less entertaining
  • There will be a backlash in feedback
  • The slightest change to her current state may make her overpowered or more underpowered from her current state, she’s very fragile
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would be wicked if her shift didnt require a target it just makes it focused on that person just give it a slightly longer CD when used without an ally target.

Doubtful and probably no. Mercy is doing great as a side-kick to Moira, Ana and Baptiste. She only terribly sucks on her own as a main-healer and it doesn’t seem like Devs care.

She is not in need of a buff because she already is a viable hero.

Before a Mercy mains starts claiming that she “needs” it, remember that compensation nerfs exist. If you want to buff an already viable hero, then something has to be traded for it. Are you willing to risk another part of her kit?

I was not aware that this post was removed.

I’m not saying she needs nerfs, but there is a risk of getting compensation nerfs with a buff. They do that sometimes, and I don’t think Mercy will be an exception to this. There is a possibility she will be getting compensation nerfs with buffs because she is already a viable hero.

Are you willing to risk it?


Good thing you don’t work at Blizzard.


I dont see why she’d need a compensation nerf. As I said, she’s literally zenyatta, but with extra mobility and rez that’s basically a hail mary. All the other healers except she and zenyatta have parts of their kit that allow them to heal multiple teamates at the same time and higher hp/s. She’s at a disadvantage.

Although if this were the case, I would gladly give up rez IF they give her a 55-60hp/s or the suggestion made (maybe something similiar).

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I find Mercy to be a well balanced, effective, and fun to play main healer in her current state.

As such, I dont see any reason to make any of the changes being discussed in this thread


mercy is already good but i guess people would rather complain about “power creep” and then buff their favorite heroes because they aren’t ubiquitous overcentralizing gamebreakers like they used to be


It’s possible! Geoff said this a while back regarding buffing Mercy’s healing or putting an ability on her reload key:

If Mercy is underpowered, Zen is just… yeah. I know his healing isn’t supposed to be that good, but his healing after the dps buffs is kinda bad, not balanced enough against his dps. Would like to see Healing Orb last 5 seconds from line of sight.

Mercy is fine. If you want to buff her, remove her resurrect.

I have to argue against this. Before 2-2-2, it was quite possible for you to run a 3 DPS comp, which made Mercy strong because of the damage boost potential.

Now Mercy is guaranteed to have to heal 2 tanks and she can’t keep up with all the buffed damaged when she’s run as a main healer.

it’s sad that dive isn’t catching on since the PTR, Mercy is incredibly mobile and Mercy player would probably benefit

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To me, that sounds as if the other main healers are heavily overtuned. High healing is what got us into such a horrific state of the game.
Nothing dies, so we need high burst damage to kill targets before they can receive any sort of healing.

Remember when Soldier had 20 dmg per bullet and was OP? Yeah… he got that nerfed, then recently reverted. And guess what, he’s still trash aferwards.