Widow's 10 second grapple hook is actually ~12 seconds in practice

Just for Earthshatter, pretty sure they mentioned nothing about Charge getting fixed. And that was like almost 2 months ago, and still no update or word in sight. Not to mention it’s issues he’s had for over 2 years.

Widow’s grapple bugs are super annoying, but they’re not as gamebreaking as an Earthshatter completely getting blocked by a curb.


Those games have a much faster pace so it is harder to snipe. Take call of duty or titanfall, it is very hard to snipe in those games because of the pace and those snipers dont have more mobility than when you use a different weapon.

Overwatch is overall a slower paced game with overall slower time to kills, so sniping doesnt really fit in the game (where using other weapons has a slower time to kill but sniping still one shots), and it is also overall easier because the overall pace of play in overwatch is slower. I’m not saying it’s easy, I can’t snipe at all. But for those who can it is possible to get way too much value out of it. I don’t care how hard it is, they just should not be able to get that much value no matter how much skill they have. Snipers don’t have enough weaknesses to make this fair. The nerf is fair.


Wrong fight to pick, grapple CD received a pretty strong buff and was the obvious target once Widow was being perceived as too powerful. I expected this would happen eventually. It’s the other nerf that’s BS in so many ways, gladly it’s of little consequence (so far).

As to a sniper having good mobility. Uh, Overwatch has very forgiving hero design across the board.

There’s nothing wrong with Widow being low risk, just like there’s nothing wrong with Winston not having to aim. If you don’t think that’s fair or w/e, you’re playing the wrong game.

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You’re thinking of this in the wrong way. Her grapple is increased by 2 seconds. Regardless of the exact cast times before, the devs are trying to tone her mobility down but increasing the cooldown. If the ability took 15 seconds before and has the same impact it would be nerfed all the same.

Regards to it being buggy, every hero in the game is buggy, I play plenty of genji. Wall climb and deflect are buggy, they needed deflect without fixing the bugs. All we can hope for is for the bugs to be gone eventually


What on earth?

Why would you be zipping directly past Winston? If you’re looking at the direction Winston is leaping from, and Winston lands on top of you, you’re turning and taking a 180 degree turn away to run away.

Walls exist on all four sides of you, so no… you wouldn’t. You’d be turning at most 90 degrees.

Granted, there are times when you’d also do a 90 degree turn just towards the ground, but the point is that the spinning time is extended when you just aim towards the ground, in order to maximize distance from a diving enemy.

You do realize that by utilizing a slingshot, you’re doing an arc, right? Not straight lines? When you hook to a particular spot and slingshot, you’re traveling at the same velocity as when you were reeling. That’s how parabolic arcs and physics work.

So you’re getting the most distance in the shortest amount of time by choosing a roughly 45 degree angle to launch yourself along.

If you grapple along the ground, you’re getting only, at most, half of that parabolic arc. The instant you cast your ability, you’re at the top of the arc and it’s all downhill from there. Plus, the landing from a ground hook also means you suddenly return back to your normal walkspeed. You get the hook off cooldown maybe a half second faster, but you lose out on over half of your maximum horizontal distance and any potential cover you might get from a ledge higher above you.

The team coordination for a dive is different from the coordination to escape a dive. Everyone knows how to dive. That’s why it was meta for 5 seasons straight. It’s not hard to play the diving tanks in that situation and pounce on a particular character. It is however, much harder to coordinate heals and escapes based on heals. Widow might not be as pressured from hitscan lower levels, but every push that a dive tank makes is roughly the same kind of pressure. The differences are that healers don’t always have you pocketed, and there’s maybe 3-5 more team pushes per match in GM than in Plat-Diamond.

Some of your videos are a little wonky, sure. Any game that introduces some kind of different physics isn’t going to be 100% bug free. The majority of your example gifs though is a “bug” that can be fixed immediately with a slider in the options menu that makes Widow’s grapple target more specific about what it targets. By default (for some reason) it is set to auto aim to the closest edge on screen, but when you slide the option to the other end, it goes precisely where you aim it, fixing most of your gif’s issues.

Also, I don’t believe her hook is meant to swing, nor let you climb up a ledge. It takes you from “a” to “b”. If you didn’t release the coil with all the upwards momentum, you won’t reach the ledge. MAYBE with the introduction of Hammond’s tether they MIGHT patch her in the future to have a real grapple hook that lets her swing, but her current one simply does not. It’s not a bug, just a bad design.

Utter nonsense. Dive was and always has been weaker at lower ranks because it takes that much coordination. People at low ranks do no know how to dive. That’s why Winston had trash win and pickrates during these five seasons below Masters. At low ranks diving is usually just feeding one by one. The reason that Widow is still bad at these ranks despite this is partly because of a lack of coordination but also because the Widows are just plain bad themselves and you should never balance around people who are bad, regardless of whether they are the majority or not

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This is not true.

The slider barely remedies some of the auto-targeting problems. It only the targeting problems (whilst also introducing targeting problems of its own). It has no bearing on;

These are bugs. More the physics engine’s fault that the jarring shift in momentum than anything, but they are bugs nonetheless.

I don’t recall reading anywhere that it is supposed to refund that. Also, do you find yourself hooking the wall you shoved your face into often?

Again, this one is an actual bug, and one worth posting on the bug/troubleshoot page for devs to see.

This person clearly has their slider set to maximum accuracy, and they threw the grapple at nothing in particular. There is no bug here.

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That’s what I’m asking you…

You could also turn 90 degrees and hook the floor…

180 degrees was your example, not mine.

Yes dude, I understand physics. Which is why I’m trying to explain to you that grappling the floor is faster. Yes, you cover less distance, but you don’t need to go extremely far. Only far enough away that you’re out of Winston’s or D.Va’s effective range.

The whole reason it is faster is because you cover less distance. It takes less time because there is very little arc and the travel distance is not as long. Thus, your cooldown starts faster, you’re not as exposed for as much time, and you get away the quickest.

This is simply untrue. Only the top end actually played dive, and only the very top played it correctly.

To suggest that these are the only differences is asinine.

Edit: I’m actually done arguing with you dude. No matter what you say next, I’m not responding. Have a good day.

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If you leap and fire the grappling hook mid-air, you will swing.

And yes, it is supposed to climb up to a ledge.

It’s been that way forever… you have a little hop at the end of the grapple. Here it is in the beta informational video.

It constantly misbehaves and doesn’t do this when it’s supposed to.

I’m the one that made that video. It’s my other account. I did not tinker with the slider, it was left at default.

In fact, here’s a recording I did just now. Same exact settings, 100% sensitivity, didn’t touch the accuracy slider.


Widowmaker’s hooks are supposed to refund.


I just logged in to re-record this and, it no longer refunds hooks at all.

Time to update the buglist

I appreciate the effort you are putting into your arguments. Above and beyond on these forums for sure.

I’m quite sure you play Widow a lot more than I do, but, minus the random un-grabbable walls, her hook as felt consistently average. I had to take like 10 minutes out of my day to learn timing on how to reach high ledges, because I’ve never ONCE been placed on a ledge when I was below it. I just had to get used to how it is.

I cannot contribute to the argument any longer though, but I wish you a successful journey on getting your fixes!

totaly agree with this thread.

made one myself.

Blizzard sucks at blancing this game, if they push this nerf, this is my last season playing overwatch.

Roadhog says hi.

Roadhog One-Trick account.

Cast Time+Reel Time+Bugs = Roadhog.

We feel your pain.

Bugfix her before Nerfing her? Have you met Blizzard? Look at Sombra. They don’t bugfix before making changes. They just close their eyes and pretend the character doesn’t have bugs and press the giant “GO” button.

Hanzo is OP dont get me wrong but he is no sniper. He is meant to be but no one plays him like that, try thinking of him as the mid-range assassin and not a sniper. His arrows are projectile so its tough to hit especially at long ranges and it has fallof damage ( i think ), widow doesnt.
I see you have been complaining about hanzo a lot lately, honestly relax hes gettin some WILD nerfs soon.

He’s not mid range. Hes an any range death machine with some of the best mobility in the game.

His nerfs have barely meant anything, and the next round don’t do much either.

I personally am of the opinion that you don’t touch her balance wise until she gets her bugs fixed.