RIP Widowmaker [MEGA Thread] </3

It’s not Widow’s fault that most of the meta heroes have a really low skill cap.
You have to pick certain heroes because they are strong, but they don’t allow the player to outplay the enemy team’s player ob the same hero.

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Look. She’s a sniper, right? Why the heck isn’t she supposed to be vulnerable to flanks and harassment? It’s not like the heroes can find you every single time.

Also, Zerg is a one-trick widow, Kephrii is a one-trick widow. I don’t particularly see them getting shot at or flanked as though it’s 100% of the time. Instead, I see them getting 1 or 2 picks in team fights with aggressive placements (or even hook air sniping, almost too effective on that 8 seconds CD), which is a huge thing. According to one of the overwatch coaches, a 4v6 team fight is a >90% chance of winning statistically. If you manage to get 1 easy pick every single team fight, that’s already a high chance of winning. Even if winston or some flanker comes running to you, just hook away. Then your frontline becomes 3v5. In fact, if you hook away and shoot at the front line, that’s 3v6.

The sniper meta that we have now is partly because of Brigitte countering genji and tracer hard. Since Brigitte is here to stay, she can still assist you enough to offset the 2 seconds disadvantage for any flanking issues, even with that shield bash nerf. The only question is hamster hero coming in, feels like it’s going to be a tank meta.

IMO, it feels like you’re not doing enough tactical research to abuse positions even though you claim to do so. If you can hit easy shots, then why the hell are you not abusing it to the limits? Why even give the opponents a chance to shoot at you?

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Sorry, but,
Change in the game =/= widow nerf

a team with a better Genji will win aswell, a team with a better Tracer will win…
so whats wrong if the enemy Widow is better than your Widow?

do you really think that a Genji main using Widow in a match supposed to kill a Widow that plays widow hs only daily?
if your Widow is better than the enemy Widow, the enemy Widow has to understand that shes getting countered and she should switch to something else to deal with the Widow. dive hero, triple tank… there are options. if ur Hanzo is better than the enemy Hanzo it will work the same way…

its not the Widow problem its simply the fact that people hate snipers because they hate getting sniped but its too sad that those players cant appriciate the fact that those snipers that carry games play the hero a lot, practice daily… warming up for at least a hour to do what they can do in comp…

I wish I could open Overwatch and start comp… I always gotta play around 1 hour to make sure im good for comp. and sometimes… when im tired or idk… im simply not joining comp cause I know that my aim isnt consistant and I wont help my team that much.

good Widows work alot, they dont just go ingame, pick Widow and carry… it takes a lot of practice and warming.


Blizzard please, don’t apply this change to the live servers, otherwise Widow will be useless :((


Zerg isnt a 1 trick Widow, Kephrii is but his other dps can be played in GM aswell, hes not a bad Reaper and hes not a bad McCree etc…

you talk like youre always able to easy get those shots on the enemy… so no… there are tons of shields u deal with, u deal with tons of heros that simply shoots at u to stop u from doing ur job, u deal with flankers etc.

you talk like this game has no ults… if we didnt have ults I would agree with u but when a fight starts, and the enemy Genji use blade to kill 2 or 3 people, Widow becomes useless. but if there is lets say a Zarya Dva on the point still, a grav + bomb can change everything.

Widow is good when shes sniping those headshots before the team push… but at this point shes standing at the team’s position, the enemy will always try to kill her and shoot her at this time… there it no one of the team that push to the point still so the enemy will always try to focus the Widow to prevent her from sniping.
if the team pushes and the enemy focus the team Widow becomes powerful, because shes standing highground scoped to get her shots… means shes based on her team to be effective. and if the teams push and the enemy use grav or any ult she becomes useless…

what im trying to say is. Widow is powerful I agree but 8 seconds hook is made to let her protect herself abit more and escape her counters better simply because shes always behind, healers are mostly doesnt take care of her when there is a big fight on the point.
its not fair that u have to die instantly when somoene jumps on you… this why she will never be a viable dps. shes not pushing with the team and she will be very weak with no 10 seconds on her mobility.


What really annoys me is fact that Blizz at the same time nerfs hero A and buffs hero B which is counter to A or may compete with A. So in conclusion hero A gets a double nerf. Maybe let McCree, Soldier76, Sombra, Mei buff and Wreckingball go live and see how it will affect Widow’s evectivness.

If it doesn’t change THEN nerf Widow.

Hanzo created meta, which allows Widow to shine. But now she is getting ricochet nerf, same as Zaria. Did Graviton on it own was too powerfull? Remember when most heroes could escape from Grav and it got buffs?

This is silly when introducing an unbalanced hero as Brigitte and reworked OP Hanzo caused nerfs for balanced heroes…


I’m surprised they opted to nerf Zarya instead because the real problem is Hanzo. Since the Hanzo rework, he always has dragon up and it makes trivial for him to combo with grav now. A lot of Hanzo’s love to blow their ult before Zarya could get her Ult charged up due to impatience. The rework eliminated that. It’s so trivial for him to have dragons available that it’s common to see the combo in QP if a Zarya and Hanzo are around. That rarely happened before the rework.

Spam arrows or Hanzo’s ult charge rate needs to be to be nerfed and not Zarya.


Well it’s not that the game has no ults, but it ‘snowballs’? Like if you kill over and over, stagger enemies and what not, you gain an advantage in different ways with wallhack. But I agree that your team has to pressure the enemy into commit resources to take pressure off you.

Finally if you feel that for some reason you can’t penetrate the shields (which is why I say something like you’re not doing it right tactically, you’re supposed to find space where you can get easy shots), then maybe it’s time to learn a flex junkrat? It’s probably the easiest hero to be effective in masters, and I assume it’s on those choke maps where you can’t find space to get easy shots. When the enemies get to areas where there is long space, maybe swap back to widowmaker?

You can’t expect her to always be effective in every single map at every single point. That’s pretty much a hero in need of balancing.

Me as of now:

Pretty sure people who can play her properly won’t have much trouble.

good for you.
Thanks for the coherent and well though out arguments.

You’re welcome, just gonna stay at the sidelines as of now:

stop trying to tell me what I do wrong, u never seen me playing Widow… im not standing infront of an Orisa shield and sniping it… I know what to do against shields… but if people wants to avoid themselves from getting sniped they CAN do that… theres shields, theres obstacles and theres a lot of long range abilities that made to also annoy the Widow behind.

I assume that u never used Widow and youre just talking about her simply because she sniped u tons of times and ure tired of it… u cant appriciate her skill and the way she do that…
im not playing Junkrat and dont act like Master players cant play the game… to get GM from Masters its probably the easist road.

im not trying to make Widow viable in any maps, there are maps that she should not be used because shes not that effective there BUT… with all of the changes in game right now nerfing Widow’s hook was not needed.
they buffed her for a REASON… go read the reason of the developers urself, they made an 8 seconds cd hook to let her survive more, shes weak and shes not able to fight an enemy in close range.

shes totaly different than ANY other dps in game just because of the fact that shes a sniper.
every other dps can deal with mid range heros, Widow cant…

when somoene dives on a Widow all she can do is to use her hook to escape and sometimes u have the chance to 1 shot the enemy before u die which is not that simple.
now its not like 8 seconds hook feels like 2 seconds… when shes using the ability she still have to use it again in 8 seconds which is long enough compared to the other mobility abilities in game.

her hook used to:

  1. positioning
  2. escaping
  3. killing

its not going to be easy to play her and to be based on 10 seconds cooldown to do your job.
if u position urself to hit someone, the enemy can see u a sec after, dive on you and youre pretty much dead, even with 8 seconds hook.
if the enemy doesnt see u in 10 seconds u can use ur hook to escape… then they will simply dive on u again to the position where u cant use any mobility - this happens the same wih 8 seconds! so why do we need it with 10 seconds?
if youre using ur hook to kill someone, u cant position urself for 10 seconds, u cant escape for 10 seconds… this is INSANE it should not be like this.

8 seconds is balanced enough for the weakst hero in the game. and ya shes probably strong… but shes weak… every hero feel like Widow is totaly easy to kill, killing her when shes scoped is like 40-60 bullets right to her head… comon dude…

you might be a GM, probably a support main… u really never played Widow u will never understand what im saying. your comments comes from frustration… u dont like to get sniped just like many people, I can understand that… but Widow is here to stay and snipers are still in the game.


Yes but considering most tanks have to use their mobility to even get on top of a widow then shes gone due to hook on a low CD. You survive and wait til mobility comes off cool down and you have 3 seconds now to kill her which isnt gonna happen if she gets any heals or peels. And well after… the rest of the team just kills you. Widow should have never had her hook buffed in the first place


you describe the gameplay we used to play in 4 seasons, why no one talked about her being op then?

she is totaly fine the way she is, Blizzard just want to remove her for a season or 2.

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Wasnt her hook 12 seconds back then? They overbuffed her. 10 seconds is a happy medium now that brig is here

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8 seconds wasn’t an overbuff at all. Considering all her counters still easily counter her even with 8 seconds hook.

If both the diver and the Widow dived and escaped at the same time, respectively, at most it’s going to cost one more round of cooldown reset waiting, during which Winston puts down his bubble and just chill. If it takes more rounds than that, then either the Widow is pocketed (and Winston can’t kill ANYTHING pocketed, not just Widow), or the Winston is garbage that doesn’t know how to turn around midjump, and melee close to landing.

10 seconds is like telling Widow players: “If they have Winston, the only possible thing that you could ever do is switch heroes”. This isn’t supposed to happen, every hero has some sort of counterplay around their counters. Pharahs don’t immediately give up when the enemy picks Soldier.


Adjust speed for 30% decrease when zoomed in

Hook for 20 seconds.