Widowmaker is the villain of the lobby

Hammond by far.

Widow really only requires one skill set, good aim.

Hammond requires much, much more.

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:
clown takes

You made the assertion she is the most skill valued hero in the game. Prove your assertion.

kinda hard to prove anything to people saying things like this -

just here to argue, and not speak common sense

Find someone IRL who has horrible social skills and try to teach them. Let me know how long it takes you. :slight_smile:


Well, Midway isn’t exactly a Mensa candidate either.

This does not make any sense to me – why are you denying that 120+ fps frame rates do not matter for Widow when you do not even play on high end gaming hardware? I’ve played on both low and high end, and that extra FPS and resolution makes a big difference. When running almost 3x the standard 60fps frame rate, the smoother character rendering lets you predict moving target positions much more accurately at real time.

Another advantage of higher end PC gaming hardware is that your set-up is much more resistant to FPS frame lag, so even when your rig goes from 160’s to 120’s due to extra work load, that still 2x the updates of a 60fps setup. There’s also the 2k or higher display resolution to let you see targets at greater distances with less AA blur.

I was in diamond when I had a 60fps monitor, and had a win rate over 50% on widow. I got better monitors since then, but that’s about it. As long as a game can boot up and run, I’m good. I’ve never paid attention to settings or hardware beyond that, and I’ve done fine.

My rank is higher on tank and support, so I’m sure frame rate would start to matter if i was playing widow in GM or something, but for most people it really doesn’t matter (again, I do know a higher end PC makes a difference, but I’m just saying for the average player it doesn’t matter all that much)

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After the GPU + Monitor upgrades, the next most critical upgrade for using Widow was a proper gaming mouse and mouse pad. I had to go from wrist aim to arm aim, then fine tune the mouse sensitivity + DPI so that I could reliably land both flick and hook shots. I still use the Pledge furniture polish trick on the mouse pad to keep it silky smooth, but Widow is still harder to use than Cass/McCree or Ashe given the scope zoom and charge timer. And now that we have a perma-invis Sombra, playing Widow is much more difficult than prior seasons.

If tricks and messing with aim works for you, great, but I just play the game. I don’t think about it more than that, and I maintain a positive win rate on widow. Just use common sense, communicate with your supports, and the only thing that really is a threat to you (on widow maps) is another widow

I’m always looking for ways to better optimize Widow play. I’m only around 1.5 KDA with her, but that’s also against full Widow counter teams (Winston, Sombra, other Widows, etc.). The next upgrade will be an RTX5090 whenever it comes out, provided that it does not have the same cable-melting issues that plagued the RTX4090’s.

To each their own, but I just come home from work, log in and play what I feel like playing. I rarely put any thought into it beyond that. It’s a game, not my job. (not saying my way is right or wrong, but that’s how I see any video game)

I do aim train when watching TV on another monitor sometimes, it’s relaxing in it’s own right to zone out and do that.

This. Widow locks down entire sections of the map her threat of oneshots, making it impossible to even approach the objective… and you can forget about touching/contesting the objective while Widow’s there (bc most objectives lack any form of cover whatsoever).

You truly can’t play the game while there’s an enemy Widow pinning your team down.

Plus, every form of (non-lethal) counterplay to Widow’s one shots have notable downtime and are designed to only buy you a second or two of safety at most.

In other words:
The Wretched Blueberry Must Die.

Otherwise, she turns the lobby into her own personal shooting gallery (where nobody else is allowed to play the actual hekkin’ game mode bc they’ll just get their dome blown off for trying).

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Screenshot your stats little buddy

I apologize, I lied. Apparently it’s only 56%


It is fine. I confuse Widowmaker with Winston relatively often myself. They both have that “Wi” and the color of dead flesh…


Im clearly not just talking wp. Your scoped crit accuracy and KD

The new Mirror Widow’s skin actually looks quite good after ditching the blueberry of death motif.

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I swear, Sombra players forget they make noise and have visual indicators of what direction they went.

Not to mention how often they will maintain a straight line of movement after.


Tracer has the highest skill floor, along with Doomfist, Sojourn, Ball, Genji, Echo, Ana, Baptiste, Mei and Ashe.

Widow it’s hard, but she only require aim, meanwhile there are other characters that alongside aim require insane game sense to be played, knowing the full potential of their kit or the three in case of Tracer.

I love Mercy, but I’m not going to say she’s insanely hard to play because she isn’t.