Widowmaker is the villain of the lobby

Yes that is exaclty what a glass cannon is. Get better.

Lets not forget how the second your team starts doing bad, the first person everyone turns their head to is the widow.
Not the genji getting hard countered
Not the dps moira with <1000 healing
Not the tank getting out rock paper scissor’d
Everyone immediately says “widow swap, ur trolling”

Me playing Bap: Hmm, priority for dps and tanks they say? Let’s see if they keep up with my passion to blow that Widow’s balloon head off =) Widow’s juicy critbox is something very attractive to me, so let the race begins and see who is able to steal that free frag from me =)

Onetaps that sombruh…
Sumbruh: Cheater!

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I mean you’re the one sitting here saying:

like who’s crying and developing a victim complex here exactly? i’m trying to say widow is in the worse spot shes ever been and people, like you :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:, are STILL crying for nerfs over a character so easily countered.

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Widow has one of the highest skill floors – if the player can’t dome targets, then Widow gets punished harder than anyone else. I’m a Widow main, though I find myself carrying many n00b13 Widows with Cass/McCree when they get farmed by Sombra but never switch, even after a 1-10 record.

As much as Widow is the villain Sojourn is the server admin. Widow just switch to Sojourn so only the enemy team hates you. I joke I play mostly only Widow myself when I dps never switch.

I hate it when people say this, it’s really not true. All widow needs is mechanical skill. She doesn’t need any of the thought, strategy, etc. that other heroes needs. Mechanical skill is simple to train. There’s a lot more skill to this game than just aim.

Reality is widow’s design is so poor that she’s the only hero in the game that gets value just by existing somewhere on the map.

Lats time I checked, precision aiming was an actual skill. Most of the player population can’t aim worth beans either.

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Pure mechanics is the easiest skill to train. A skill floor is measured by a lot more than just simple mechanics.

OW was my first FPS, I started playing it when I was older than 30, and I have a 57% winrate on widow. Training aim is easy, it just takes practice. And again, if I want to instantly add value, I can just swap to widow. Without firing a shot I control large chunks of the map (on widow’s points/maps at least). That’s a problem.

I disagree… basic communication is the easiest skill to train. Yet many here do not know how to use a mic or ping a target.

It’s far easier to train mechanics than to teach anyone communication or social skills.


thats reaching bro… i think youre coping at this point

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I could make a list of the top reasons I have lost games, to include my own poor play, and the number one reason would be because my team had a bad Widowmaker player.

I’m not saying that the hero isn’t hard countered. I’m not saying that people shouldn’t practice her. I am saying that if I had a graph for what caused me to lose a game, bad Widowmaker players would be ahead by a fairly large margin.

For clarification purposes:
Been playing since day 1, and I play tanks.

I like Widowmaker and tbh I disagree with a lot of the Widow hate even if I understand the frustration of people who dislike her. But I’ve rarely seen anybody trash widow players the way you’re describing.
Mind - people rarely say ANYTHING AT ALL anymore, but still.

Pinging a target requires zero aim like Moira … just point and click in the general area, while Widow needs to land a precision headshot, usually against actively dodging targets.

Player gaming hardware also matters – a 60FPS @1080p Widow will be at an extreme disadvantage if facing another Widow on a 165fps platform at 2k or higher resolutions. Widows are extremely high FPS and low latency dependent because they need the extra performance to land those head shots.

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I played on a 60fps monitor for years, and maintained a positive win rate on widow. People use hardware as an excuse. She’s not nearly as hard as people say, it’s pure mechanical skill. You can turn your brain off and practice it. That’s why it’s easy (time intensive to train, but easy).

Heroes that actually take thought and strategy, you might never be good with, no matter how much you practice.

What hardware are you using now? Because I can say definitively that the performance bump between 60fps and 165+fps was HUGE. It’s like watching targets move in slower motion when running higher FPS gaming rigs.

go ahead, lets hear a hero you think has a higher skill cap than widow

I don’t know, I don’t pay attention to that. I have an off the shelf desktop, and a monitor from Best Buy.

Doom, Echo, Genji, Tracer, Lucio, Hanzo, Ball

Again, I have a 57% winrate on widow. Widow mains overinflate how difficult she is.