Widowmaker is the villain of the lobby

You don’t know what these terms actually mean


Im at 1,000+ hours on WM. facts.

But mainly because the animated short portrays her as the only real villain in the game.

Plus almost all voicelines continue to repeat a sub-track to players that they hear that says "SNIPER’ or “The enemy has a sniper”. its a subliminal message that is left in the game.

Aim is Widow’s primary skill requirement, but having to scope and charge the shot means she also needs to be aware of what is around her before committing to the kill shot. She also needs to know maps to take proper sniping positions without getting flanked or dived. When an enemy Sombra, Winston, or Genji is present, she has to remain close to supports to avoid getting assassinated. I dunno about anyone else, but I do consider these game sense variables.

Widow gets punished very hard for not hitting dome shots, while other characters can just hit almost anywhere. She needs very precise aim to be productive, hence the high aim skill floor requirement. Lastly, she is very situational because small maps do not give her sufficient room to charge and land a scoped kill shot reliably.

Please try playing symmetra, you will get to experience being hard countered by anyone with more than a melee weapon.

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All I see from these posts are “Wahh I can’t dominate every map and create more space than 10 tanks combined unimpeded”
Cry more or pick another hero, I literally have zero sympathy for Widow players.

Lol how many of our games have we seen this happen? I could go widow. Get rekt for half the game, get 2 picks on enemy sniper and they switch to sombra.

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A hero with a low skill floor means there is not much skill needed to get value out of the hero, and Widow is not that.

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No. I’ll be going Sombra, and you’ll be getting deleted again, and again, and Again and AGAIN until you swap.

And I’ll be having the time of my life doing it.

“Nobody makes a fool of me! I’m gonna make you pay!”

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don’t care, i will be instant swapping to winston or sombra to be a annoyance, if you have the confidence to pick widowmaker, you better be good enough that i can’t counter you.

You. You are. You made the thread. You said this in the OP:

Whining and acting like a victim while playing as one of the most powerful damage characters in the game with the most range on her hitscan gun that can ohk most characters.

You made this thread crying and developing a victim complex over Widow of all characters… This is expected of Genji/Hanzo/Doomfist/Cass mains :tm: … but Widow… c’mon, nobody feels sorry for Widow, good players especially don’t feel sorry for Widow, other players who have to deal with smurfs don’t feel sorry for Widow.

You mean like every other character has to do…? Literally any other character…?

No, the difference is that Widow MUST scope to charge a kill shot. During this time, her movement is cut in half, her FOV is drastically restricted, and turn rate reduced – all making her a sitting duck for almost any flank or ranged attack. Other characters like Soldier or Cass can hip fire and jump to their heart’s content without any attack wait time nor view reduction, while Widow moves slower and cannot jump while scoped – doing so cancels scope charge mode. As you can see, Widow does not shoot like other characters.

personally for me it’s just boring to play vs widow or hanzo

that’s kind of the reason why i think it’s boring. if widow is good then it’s over, if widow is bad then it’s over and there is no balanced in between. in all cases if i’m dps i will have to be the one to deal with her and this game of aim_map_awp just gets old really quick