Widowmaker is the villain of the lobby

I’m so tired of the crying that people do over Widowmaker. there isnt a hero in this game as hard countered as her. There are certain MAPS that hard counter widow, let alone heroes like sombra. She has the highest skill ceiling, lowest skill floor, and is the hardest countered and people STILL find ways to complain about her.

If you lock widowmaker, if doesnt matter what team you’re on, you are the villain of the lobby.

Your team either expects you to hard carry them to an easy win, or your trolling and deranking and bringing them with, theres no inbetween.
“if you dont start every teamfight with 3 picks, then get off widow youre trolling” - said the genji playing into winston / moira…

The enemy team sees a widow, regardless of how good they are, and they become instant priority number 1 for both dps and the tank…

Dont get me wrong, thats how you’re supposed to deal with a glass cannon character. But theres isnt another character in this game that can be as shut down and unplayable as widow can be. Leave us widow mains alone already…


~Loses three duels to enemy ashe~

“Dang! They are good!”

~One shots the ashe a single time~

Ashe: ~Swaps to sombra~


I just had a match where a Widowmaker on the enemy team was crushing my team. No one did anything but focus the JQ. I said screw it and went Widowmaker. We had a fairly decent duel. It was close to 50/50 with them coming on top. I got potg though and my team lost because when 4 people focus a tank and no one else then you are going nowhere fast. I don’t hate nor love her. I’m not great at aim so I don’t always pick her but I do have my moments.
Oh I just remembered that back in OW1 I had a friend when I went out on Junkertown attack as Widow he told me that if I got the first kill he’d suck my toe. I went out and sure enough got the first kill. We all laughed. I’ll never forget that moment.

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I’ve been seeing a lot of players talk about hero fantasies in OW. I think I finally have one for widow. It isn’t being an infamous assassin. Infamy is free just for picking her. No, the fantasy is actually proving to your team you know what you’re doing.


Widow is very map dependent. The rage is just the frustration people feel when a Widow pops off and the enemy team does a good job defending her so she’s untouchable.

As a support, if my Widow (or any DPS) starts popping off, I’ll stay near them and keep them alive through dives. At that point it’s pretty much GG on maps like circuit royale or Havana.

Ball/Doom/Genji/Tracer player here. Chasing you is in my dna, it’s nothing personal. I don’t hate you, I just can’t help it.

When I see a Widow on the enemy team my heart beats rapidly and I begin to salivate uncontrollably. I have to dive you or I’ll start with the shakes like an alcoholic.

I can’t help it man.


Widow players act like they’re the only people who can land headshots and like the character isn’t disproportionately rewarded for doing so, especially with how frequently she can fire off kill-shots.

Widow hate is warranted, she is unhealthy for the game, unbalanced, and extremely unfun to play into. Even having a good Widow on your team is unfun because you rarely play the game, it’s the “Widow Show” where the match centers around her while her team is basically just there. Sometimes you even find yourself competing against your own Widow just so you can play the game as well.


With the added health buffs+health regen, it’s probably never been easier to survive a widow’s “1shot,” yet some players still have a disproportionate hatred for her.

Yeah… I keep wanting to play her but I never can because the instant they see me on her they will swap to Sombra/Doom/Winston/Moira/Venture/etc and hard target me until I swap. I could get 0 kills and miss every shot and they will still swap to counter me because they are so filled with hatred.

Highest skill floor is what you meant. High means difficult and low means easy, both for the floor and ceiling

Not sure I agree on the skill floor, Genji is a much more complex character to pick up and Echo’s ult exists, but Widow’s definitely up there.

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200 health
standing still
easy hitbox
projectiles traces that reveal your position
high heels with megaphones attached to them
12 second cooldown on mid mobility
everyone in the lobby hates you
some maps are straight up unplayable
certain characters have kits created specifically to make you not play the game

It really is just a skill issue. The character has never been in a worse spot and if you’re still having trouble, then there’s not much more to tell you.


Doesn’t matter with the ranges she can play at with her hitscan gun compared to everyone else. She doesn’t need to stand still and her gun being hitscan makes it even easier because she doesn’t have to predict movement as much, she can pop out, shoot and move.

Just like everyone else has an easier time hitting shots thanks to the s9 changes. HEr hitbox doesn’t really matter when;

  1. She isn’t getting ohk by the vast majority of characters who can get ohk by her at the same range.

  2. She can sit outside of most character’s ranges so they do even less damage while still being able to ohk them, herself.

Doesn’t matter due to her positioning and her being able to move around the map. she does not have a laser showing where she is aiming, the trace is after she shot and potentially killed someone, after she already won the duel and generated value, it doesn’t mean widow is still in the same spot and even if she is it doesn’t mean much on it’s own, especially when she can charge up another kill shot before anyone can get to her along with the other variables which are her entire team.

It also means nothing when all the sounds of a team battle can be going on and around the objective and then she pops up across the map to spam instant kill-shots into the crowd.

Good, she doesn’t need more mobility with her lethality.

well-deserved, she is fundamentally unbalanced and poorly designed.

Good. they have also changed multiple maps, multiple times, specifically because of this character singlehandedly ruining the experience of playing on them. They have taken maps out of rotation because of characters like Widow. Widow should have been reworked long ago.

Good. That is the alternative to reworking the character. They know she is poorly designed on a fundamental level but instead of the dev team admitting a character is poorly designed and doesn’t fit the game, they will do everything from altering maps to creating and reworking other characters to specifically “counter” the originally flawed character.

If there wasn’t a favoritism problem, Widow would have been reworked back in the OWL days.

It really is, she can output extreme amounts of burst in an extremely short amount of time very frequently and within more ranges than anyone else in the game. Learn to aim better and communicate with your team. If you’re whining about not being able to do anything with a character as busted as Widow, you just need to get good, there’s not much more to tell you.

It’s always funny when widow players tell everyone else to get good but don’t want to get good with the objectively more powerful character. You can get AT LEAST 2 kills every time you get into position because you have the range, damage, and charge rate to do so before anyone is literally able to get to you. You shouldn’t even be whining about Sombra because you can charge up a kill-shot on her way before she kills you, that is quite literally a skill-issue on the widow’s part.


Whole lotta words and a whole lotta cope.
its a skill issue. play sombra and hard counter any top 500 widow main in the game

No, not untill you receive the hanzo treatment of losing 1 shots.

You play a hero that as long as you land shots, can counter almost every non-tank hero in the game.

Widow players are like Sliver players in MTG.

Nobody loves sniper mains in ANY game. Until you can be regularly stabbed in the back TF2 style, that is.

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Yea, from the person whining about Widow being countered. and “hated”

Exactly, get good and aim better, then you don’t have to cry and develop a victim complex over sombra, you can easily turn and kill her every time.


Widow just existing creates more space than any tank in the game. No one else can play the game until the widow dies. No, we won’t leave widow alone.

One shots should not exist outside of ults.


Don’t like how every tool of this sniper hero is meant to counter Sombra, makes her unplayable.

Just get better. You’re complaining about the most countered character in the game. Just counter swap move unpredictably you’ll be fine.

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The “most countered character in the game” can also single-handedly “counter” the most characters and most characters in the game. So get better at Widow and learn to aim better while also moving unpredictably or if they don’t have the “skill”, they can counter swap off Widow.

It’s that simple.