Widow Nerfs are not needed

I’m in silver and there’s godlike Widows here.
The kind that are liable to kill three people in a few seconds if left unchecked.

Widow has a 45% winrate.
If you are playing against smurfs, they’d destroy you on anything.
Otherwise Widow is provably awful.

True and I agree with what you say. But this is a player issue, not a hero issue.

Tell that to jeff then mate who keeps throwing the team based card in there.

Even if you land a body shot or two as Widow you still have an impact… from a much safer distance :roll_eyes:


Widow can and does dominate lower ranks, I see it everyday in platinum. What many don’t consider is that player skill is relative. So while a gm widow has wayyyyy better aim than a platinum widow, the people a platinum widow is trying to shoot are not as good as those the gm widow is trying to shoot. Platinum players don’t react as fast, know to use cover or get behind a shield. So the platinum widow has more opportunities to one shot someone. And better opportunities at that.

So while I do think there’s a floor, say silver or low gold where a widow is essentially worthless, I do think widow is affecting many more than just gm.

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Yeah. A 45% winrate impact.

Um, yes?

In your words exactly:

So why would anybody who is not at least a Diamond player want her nerfed in the first place? :thinking::thinking:

This isn’t csgo. And this clearly isn’t your average fps… It would still be an fps if you nerfed her because most people in this game shoot something, and is played in first person :slight_smile:

If I would rebalance her I would nerf her gun damage, maybe 200 on a headshot instead of 3… She would always have to fully charge up to kill a normal squishy, and Mei, Reaper, and Torb would survive with 50 hp,

But greatly buff her venom mine, as it’s really bad anyways. Buff it’s hp, increase it’s radios and dmg, reduce it’s cd, and maybe give it an anti healing effect.

And possibly buff her ult as well.

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needed nerfs please assist.

I’m above diamond and think Widow needs a nerf. Most of the people advocating for Widow nerfs are actually high rated. I don’t know where you got that from that low ELOs are complaining about her.


We complain about Smurfs a lot because most hardcore smurfs and trolls go widowmaker because she’s the easiest hero to carry with when you’re playing under your skill level.

Winrate =/= overpowerdness

Of course Widow should be nerf or deleted. She has one shot. LOL!


What a cringe response. Widowmaker was statistically a top-tier DPS pick during the latter portions of Dive. Like, that’s not up for debate

The top DPS are snipers right now. “Yikes” (another super cringe response). The snark is strong with this one

Not really. More threads have popped up asking for Tracer buffs than nerfs. Yes, I’m sure if you dig you can find some bozo asking for Tracer nerfs. That’s not the same as seeing the general zeitgeist on the forums, and that currently is that Widow is a problem.

Or, you know, when Hanzo could teamwipe because he could throw an unblockable ult into any number of other ults, and he could generate that ult at an absurd rate, and gib tanks at high frequency, etc etc


That how shooter should work, when you spend time training your performance to be carry. And then you can be defeated because of moba, where ppl just pressing Q,E,Shift on you etc, and all you can rely on is your performance. Then if you’re still wining, everybody who loses against, wanna find excuses for themselves. Typical whine. I’ve met 1 good widow against from 20-30 games, probably because of my rank.

No it’s not, because OW doesn’t have carries.

There is no “carry class” of hero. There’s just tanks, dps, and supports. If you can carry with a hero at your skill level, which is what good Widowmakers can do, that hero is OP and should be nerfed.

Also she’s frustrating and unfun to play against. But that’s a different argument.

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I have bad news for u…

If you’re not able in something it will always be unfun. Just start being able. You have fun when you deserve it, otherwise - gitgud.

System cant identify full potential of skill level because of human able to perform. THat’s the way how you grow in ladder. So if you’re top1 widow in ladder, you obviousely better than 99.99% of all players, which will say you’re just imba-abuser, but will never try this “imba” themselves, cause they know what will happened then. Nothing good for them.

I suppose so, but I would categorize that complaint under smurfing, rather than Widow. Widow can carry super hard (in any ELO), but if that player is smurfing, I’m sure they could stomp just as hard on other heroes.

Either way, games should not be decided on which team has the better Widow. In high ELO, this is very often the case. So I agree.

Then why do they always pick Widowmaker?

Her ability to get picks is 100% divorced from any cooldown, has unlimited range, and is on a hero that mates it to a very high level of mobility.

She. Is. A. Carry. If you’re smurfing or have, otherwise, thrown your SR/MMR down to play below your level (trolling).

People boost, carry, and throw with Widowmaker. Not with any other hero. Well, maybe Doomfist, but he’s a LOT more rare. And the occasional Hanzo.

Guess what they all have in common! One shot kills.