Widow Nerfs are not needed

There really isn’t. Threads still pop up constantly demanding Tracer nerfs, who is basically a troll pick.

Nope. It’s all the fault of supports, who out heal them.
And as far as burst dps heroes go, tanks deal with them.
Thus Goats.

Also tanks do the job of ALL dps heroes better.
Most dps heroes are too easy to kill, with no significant trade off over the likes of Roadhog.
Doomfist is like one exception, who can go upto 400 hp, while being hyper mobile, and that’s it.

Looks like ima have to use an example here. Back in the day doom was so strong that an anti-dive style comp was created, and many people were running it when a good doom was on the enemy team. Similar case to widow right now

Love how you’re just assuming they don’t know this. I’ve seen many good interviews and videos from OWL pros (who know all counters and can aim) who think widow is dominant

This isn’t about supports. Most of games ran in top ranks are 2-2-2, so in most cases there is at MOST 2 supports. Widow and Hanzo are only being run because they are the only DPS that aren’t niche, all the others mostly are

Also just looked at your profile and you’re a widow main youself, so you shouldn’t be calling me out on being a doom/junk main when you ignore the fact that you might be biased yourself


Surely a lot of these topics today.

The widow mains are scared to death she might get nerfed soon, so theyre trying to save her from Jeff’s nerf hammer


EVERYTHING is about supports. That’s the first rule of the game. You should have learned that over the last 3 years.
Sometimes tanks…

But the last time dps were meta defining was when Bastion was immortal for 3 days, and before than when McCree did full damage with FTH.

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A character isn’t OP if there are ways to counter it / negate it. Learn the definition of the words you use.

And yet, Widow is still not OP or broken as evidenced by OWL.

All other DPS are trash because of supports. Already explained it to you.

LMAO. I can play every hero in this game. I don’t main any single hero.

More like correcting people’s obviously flawed and wrong opinions.

It boggles my mind how some people are still confused about that.


They aren’t confused, they just simply can’t be bothered to use the training range for 10 minutes a day to warm up so they want w + m1 heroes to reign supreme

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Real Widow mains warm up in comp.

Agreed, Widowmaker as she is decides too many games and takes fun out of the game :frowning:


Widowmaker is broken by people who are either higher SR, or have good aim, which is why Master/GM players complain about her more than lower elos. lower elos do not play or have played against widowmaker at her best, and sure, it takes skill to hit your shots, but it’s about the functionality and the lack of risk alongside the insane area denial you create with that hero. in GM/Master you have such little room for error when going up against a decent widowmaker, you will get doinked. and don’t use the argument “just dive her and use cover l0l” since in higher elos widowmakers will adjust their positioning and will get heals when you dive them or will just grapple away, in some cases both. the most reliable widowmaker counterplay is another widowmaker, and that is just not right on it’s own. many people don’t enjoy playing widowmaker, and don’t want to put the time in, and you CAN’T blame them for it.


Of course its about supports. They’re getting 1 shot. That’s bad.

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I agree in a sense, i change to monkey as soon as i see her, but not all groups have the synergy to change at the drop of a hat. Say im off tank and forced to change from zarya to winston i will guarantee there will already be a Reaper or one will appear. Its catch 22 as the team will rarely swap their dps to compliment my change, quite often leaving a loose tank spot or a free widow to cause hell. You must remember not every one plays with friends or is in a high rank to see that perfect team composition.

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That doesn’t make the hero fun to play againts though. For 99% of the match im getting one shot, feeling like i can’t do anything at all even if she doesn’t land shots the entire match still revolves around her. Even if i win the game, it was still a horrible match to play.

This is the same for Doom, Hack and Strom Arrow. They aren’t winning 100% of their games. But its just so awful to play againts.

Im all for Widow getting buffs in other areas. But one shots are just awful. And as someone who likes the legaue, I want her nerfed so I can see other dps being played. But as of right now, she holds tight restrictions on the meta. It’s either goats, or double sniper meta thats returned and happening in GM right now. There will never be other dps being played. Not until widow is nerfed. She stomped on Tracer and Genji during dive. There’s absolutely no way we would see anyone else.


if anything widow needs a different ult

Yes that’s why a hard counter to dive hero’s were added. Because the supports were the strong ones…

You two are playing up supports too much. Yes they are necessary but not to that extent.

Healers have actually decreased in the amount of healing that goes out per game.

No meta has ever had a main healer in it as their job. As an example, double sniper which was the pervious meta (a dps meta just to again, prove a point wrong that there isn’t a dps meta) used a Mercy to damage boost. Never to heal.

Metas don’t use healers as team fights happen so quickly, they can never keep eveyone alive. The point that dps cant kill anything is wrong. Im sure we have all played many many games as a dps where we get a kill. We have seen pros run quad dps and take out goats as well.

^^ yes.

Widow actually had triple the pick rate of Tracer.


Actually dps heroes need to be able to kill supports a lot easier. Healing is way too strong, affecting sustained dps heroes too much.

Brigitte and Moira should not have been added.

The meta has always been defined by which supports are the strongest, and which tanks work best with them.
Currently the meta is 3 support goats.

Not true, new hero releases always upped the healing output.

And the worst part is that healers became versatile. Because there are now more than 3 healers, you are not put into a situation, where dps heroes were necessary.

Claiming people don’t heal on Mercy. Nonsense.

Also double sniper wasn’t actually the meta.
People just didn’t know it. It was goats all along.

1 shots arent a good answer to healing being too strong.


That’s true. Goats is the meta for a reason.

Being able to kill through any amount of healing can be really useful though.

Behold the interesting result of having a OHKO on a hitscan primary attack in place of one with them tied to an ability on a cooldown

The skill requirement of headshoting is a significantly bigger draw back than a minor cooldown on an easy to use ability.