Widow.. Nerf her mobility

Genji can burst her down and get out, especially since Widow is usually on high ground so her teammates aren’t usually a problem for him. D.va and Winston aren’t going in by themselves 1 v 6 they will have a team backing them up and both of them can melt Widow by themselves before she repositions. Even if she does their cool downs are shorter than hers so they can follow her especially since if they already dove her she’ll already be low on HP.

OWL isn’t the base game and those players have the aim to make her powerful. Like Tracer, she has a limitless skill ceiling but still has counters to put her in check. Just because pros use her well doesn’t mean she’s OP it’s means their good with the character. It’s skill plain and simple.

Most players can’t play on the OWL level, OWL doesn’t play on the live patch either. They have Brigette without nerf, Hanzo without buffs and you call for nerf for Widow. There already was a time when Widow had higher cooldown on hook and she was bad. Why repeat the same thing again?

If her grapple goes back to they way it was what if dive cam back to the meta? also widow is supposed to be mobile. when you’re playing her you’re not supposed to stay in one spot because it will be predictable you’re supposed to move around and if shes been using it to move around and a Winston decides to dive her what is she supposed to do?

Longer CD for grapple would be fine I think.

They highkey shouldn’t have longrange one-shot sniper heroes in this game in the first place esp when there are only three heroes with the potential to dive her and it’s easy for her to juke one or two. The game’s too reliant on countersniping.

Okay y’all want to nerf her mobility? Than get rid of the red tracer trail that exposes her position every time she fires, make her gun and footsteps quieter and get rid of the “They have a sniper” callouts and the callout indicating her ult is active. If she’s gonna be loud af she needs that mobility because every time she does anything you instantly know where she is so she needs to have grapple ready to reposition to have a fighting chance. Nerf her mobility than they need to make her quieter to compensated or else she’ll be trash tier again. So pick your poison.

How is this not About Hanzo? Passive wall climb to disengage, passive double jump, Storm Arrow (a.k.a. Panic arrow) melts tanks. Arrow with no fall off. Dose not need to wait for shots to charge.

Cans snipe and not be slowed down while sniping. Ult gained ever 30’sec or 2 min. Ult CLEARS the objective! To avoid Overtime! Arrows at mid range are equal speed to hitscan.

No SCOPES enemy’s meaning his LoS is not limited to a small portion of whats in front of him. Can drop off cliff to climb,spam shots, and repeat. Can kill enemy team from spawn with ult (Who else can do that?)

Doesn’t mean that Master and GM level Widows don’t have aim that feels like playing against an aim botter.

Seriously, if you can’t comprehend the game at a higher level which is applicable for master and GM there isn’t a point in this discussion. You are looking at how things should work on paper but not how they work in reality, people still make the mistake of thinking that Winston is a Widow counter, he isn’t really on his own. If he does go in alone he can force a reposition and annoy her for a bit but if she isn’t caught without her hook cooldown, it’s not going to be easy to kill her because she is going to hook away and unless you have people with cooldowns left who can get to where she’s going she’s fine and your team is now split and out of position to do anything.

Widows hook is already bugged af and you want it nerfed? Hook already randomly gets you killed for buggin out and grapping wrong surfaces. Go play widow in comp and complain afterwards i see barely any playtime on your profile.

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shut the front door with all this nonsense. its not like widow just has to look in your general direction to take you out instantly. she has an extremely weak kit and it sounds like to me you want her completely wiped from the game.

A high skill hero being used in a high skill environment means she is going to be powerful.

Also I literally explained how the characters I listed can deal with her. I didn’t say Winston was going after her alone, Winston’s dive him when they have a team backing him up so even if she repositions someone else will get her. And again a lot of characters have a lower cooldown on their mobility abilities to get her, it’s a fact.

Even if her cooldown was to be upped she’s still going to be a powerful character because she’s very aim intensive to get use out of her. Her power comes from if you can aim well not so much her hook. And again your asking to nerf her on the grounds that she’s powerful in higher tiers like litterally every 2 and 3 star hero like Genj/Tracer.

I’m just going to reply back with a simple “no”. She’s still easy to kill in many instances.

I think she needs a slightly longer cooldown on her grappling hook.

Her weakness is meant to be her positioning: if you can get up to her, you have a chance at killing her. But unless you reach her within 8 seconds of her taking a new spot, she’ll be able to escape every time.

I’ll admit she’s a high-skill hero that needs a lot of practice to be able to land those insta-kill headshots, but her utility is a low-skill escape.

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Let me get this straight. You’re in plat, but don’t know how to counter Widowmaker. Yes, a good Widow with great aim and positioning is absolutely monsterous, hut you know, coordinated pushes, shields, Widow on attack isn’t bad at all if you know what you’re doing so you could kill defense widow that way.

Because EZWIN bread hero can’t cheese her to death so they want to be able to DPS Baguette around to her where she can’t escape and wail on her with their egg-whisk and claim they outplayed her.

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This is totally true, the amount of times I’ve had the grapple hook inexplicably below a ledge instead of the top resulting in a quick death is just infuriating. It’s a Hail Mary escape, not a guarantee. It’s also a SLOW escape, you end up dead in mid-air as often as you do away.

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If it’s so easy to deal with her then why do Widowmakers dictate the outcome of a game on their favoured maps?

You dive Widow, she repositions to the other side of the map, now you are there free for her to shoot at.

Yes good Widows are going to be very good in high ELO, but they wont force a mirror matchup.

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Let me guess, Genji needs a 40 second cooldown on his dash because he can hit me AND get away with it too! Awe heck man. Is op pls nurf blizz.

Key word here is “favored maps” when characters are on maps that put their abilities to the max they are going to dictate or at the least heavily inclufence the match. It the same in cases where people use Pharah on Oasis, Brigette and Reinhardt on Kings Row, and Widowmaker on maps like Junkertown, where they can be difficult to deal with because the map design favors their abilities.

Your exaggerating her hook here… she can move a good distance away but not far enough to safety unless she hooks back into her team or to the nearest healer/health pack.

Yes, I totally want her to be unviable and just so bad no one wants to ever pick her. You got me. :clap:

Seriously how did you get from “Nerf her mobility by a tiny bit” to “Compeltly nerf her beyond F tier and delete her”