Widow.. Nerf her mobility

Look, I get it, during Dive she was weak because she had no way to get away, so they buffed her so she could easier to get away. (funny because they said they do not want to buff heroes to remove their weakness but that is what they did.) but now that we are away from Dive she needs her grapple hook reverted. ty.


why are crit multipliers 2.5x. She shouldn’t one shot 250 hp heroes.


That’s kind of a dumb reason to nerf/revert a character buff because the meta we’re in is currently favoring them. By that logic then Mercy needs mass res back because it counters Dragon/Grav.


If D.va didn’t have missiles that could annihilate you I would agree, but with her still having an absurd pickrate and damage post missile nerf, Probs not an important change for them to be making.

They removed her weakness. Geting dove on. And they only made her only even stronger now that Dive is not meta anymore. and removing weakness is against the devs mindset when buffing chars.


and we all know that’s not gonna happen

Widow is balanced, leave her alone :frowning:


If they removed her counters mobility they would remove the weakness. Jumping a Widow should not in itself be rewarding, you should have to think about it more than that, so the cooldown makes sense in that regard. Hanzo’s movement right now is on a 5 second cooldown, but nobody complains about that?


That’s not Widowmaker’s fault though. Dive isn’t as strong so she’s more powerful that’s just the meta favoring her now, not a “she’s OP” thing…

i get it a good widowmaker can be devastating , but that’s not a reason to call for nerfs , please don’t contiune this chain of calling for nerfs


This was to stop rewarding body shot widows back in the day while keeping the same reward for headshotting Widows. Widow originally did 150 DPS per body shot which was obviously ridiculous, so to reduce the reward while not affecting pro Widows they kept 300 DPS per headshot and 120 to body shot.

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(20 characters)

Yes she should. Why would a sniper not one shot squishy heroes?


Except, Widow gets rewarded if she is good, being able to one-shot half of the cast is enough, you should not have good mobility if you have the opportunity one-shot squishies.

thats insane amount of power
its much easier to headshot in overwatch than other games.

other games have 2x critbox 90% of the time

But, as stated, due to a previous nerf to her damage they increased the crit multiplier to keep the headshot damage the same.

Would you prefer 150 damage bodyshot widow just so the multiplier was a nice and easy 2x for you?

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Tell that to Hanzo and Doomfist…

Widow is fine as she is, her counters have mobility abilities on lower cooldowns then her hook (which is still unreliable sometimes)


same logic could go for DoomFist but we know he was made that way just like Widowmaker

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If they actually fixed the hook then maybe they could nerf it
As it stands, the ability is buggy as hell and very unreliable.


Widowmaker is one of the most balanced things in the game. What are you on about?

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