250 is supposed to be the HP for heroes that are beefy, but not tanks. They are supposed to be harder to kill than the squishy heroes but lack things like mobility.
That isn’t to say I think Widow needs a headshot nerf, just that I don’t think 250 should qualify as squishy.
I don’t think this changed the game too much. Yes, she can re-position more frequently. But it is still not to the level her counters can.
Rein is also pretty meta right now, you can hide behind his shield, which widow need 17 shots to break (so more then 20 seconds of charged shots). Don’t tell me this is too little time to kill her.
That still doesn’t answer what this has to do with the majority of the player base. Higher tier players get the most use out of her which is to be expected
OWL before Brigette Widow sat at a <20% useage now with dive not being so popular she’s <50% the meta is favoring her.
It’s a high end buff which only matterd in… high end games. Increasing the cooldown isn’t going to impact the lower level of play but it will at the higher level of play.
Same thing with Zen’s right click nerf.
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Imagine +2 seconds on Tracers’ recall. You normally wouldn’t use it every time cooldown ends, but these moments when these 2 seconds extra would hurt a lot would happen.
It is the same with hook cooldown. When you are rushed by Winston or D.va, 2 seconds are very long.
So nerf her for the sake of high level players basically?
Lol widow mobility isn’t that impressive and at most ranks on console and pc she still bad to okay.
Yes because the buff she received was for high level players.
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If Widow is dominating your team than your bad. To many characters can get to her with more mobility than she has at her disposal. Genji, Tracer, Sombra, JR, Dva, Winston, and Widow. I also would prefer a sniper duel as well if I am defending or attacking. Do not see why of all the character she needs a nerf.
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Yes, because how dare a SNIPER get a one-headshot kill on anything thay isnt a tank.
On the maps Widow is good at she can stay at a range where heroes like Winston and D.va would need to use their abilities twice to get to her. If you try to close the distance by simply running towards her, she’s just going to get you so low that if you try to dive her, she’d only need 1 hit to get the kill/demech.
Even if you get to her, the only thing you’ll force is a repositioning.
Like I said. On Widow maps, the Widow matchup is the deciding factor.
She got buff because she was so bad, even one shot kills was not enough for pros to pick her. Nothing has changed for long time and now out of nowhere someone want a nerf for her.
She was very bad for year, so bad you got shouted and reported if you chose her. And this is the state these forum warriors are trying to return her.
How does that fix the problem that she requires good aim to be effective? Upping her hook cooldown won’t change the fact that she’s a good carry hero.
It makes it so that you can consistently dive her given the chance, you are also forgetting that lower cooldown means more hook shot atempts that is easier to punish as her cooldown would be longer.
Why can hanzo do that. Why can reaper do that. Why can Doomfist do that. why can reinhardt do that. I could go on and on if you considered practical one shots, such as roadhogs hook combo and mccree’s double headshot, and i’m not even mentioning ultimates.
You can constantly dive her now. Characters like Winston and D.va have over lower mobility abilities than widowmaker. Genji doesn’t even have a cooldown and can deflect.
Dive abilities don’t have infinite range, like I said you don’t simply walk up to a Widow without taking a shot to the face.
It’s a high end problem, maybe you should watch some OWL to see what I mean.
They close the gap plus D.va can eat widow shots while still doing damage. Winston can tank the shots (he’s not going to drop after a few shots) Genji is hard to hit because double jump hides his crit hitbox and again he can deflect. Increasing her hook cooldown doesn’t fix the problem your seem to have with the character and that’s her damage. Increased hook cooldown doesn’t stop you from getting headshot by her.
You close the gap and then what? You stand there waiting for the cooldowns to come back. Widow isn’t going to stop shooting and by closing the gap you are likely where the rest of the enemy team is.
Ultimately, all you do is use up all your resources trying to get to something that’s just going to reposition when you get on it.
Again, watch OWL. It puts things into perspective.
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What’s the cooldown on Hook ? 8 seconds ?
I’d sooner call for less of a cooldown on her hook than more