Widow.. Nerf her mobility

Bring Sombra

This isn’t about Genji. This is about Widow.

I know, I was mocking you by pulling another not exactly OP but a monster in the right hands hero out so I could complain with you. Looks ridiculous when someone else does it right?

Except, Genji, if he uses his mobility to get into a fight, he either needs to kill someone and then flee with him, or be stuck there without mobility to flee.

When you dive Widow, she hooks away, she has a shot on you, and more often than not she is gonna take you out. Genji is far more balanced than Widow in the right hands. Atleast you can escape from Genji, a good widow and you can’t even peak before getting your head blown into a fine red mist.

If Widowmaker uses her shoddy hook that works half the time you jump to where she repositioned and get a free kill. It’s just as easy to say the same thing for widow dude… Yes tell me at my rank it’s easier too, discredit me over that while you’re at it.

Except, you have just used your mobility, before she had used her, which means you can’t get to her for a couple of seconds, and more likely than not when the time you get to her, if you even have mobility, which half of the cast lacks, atleast horizontal mobility, you’re screwed, because the time you get to her she have had the chance to shoot you plus recharge her hook. And if we increase the cooldown on the hook it makes it a little bit more fair for all other heroes, since then they have a chance to catch her before dying.

Pressure her, hanzo is prominant currently, Widow is amazing on attack in the right hands. Not sure if you know, but I’ll let you in on a little secret I learned in Silver. Overwatch is about counters. You can bait out abilities and swing fights in your favor. Shocker isn’t it?

Except, you can’t bait hook, because Hook is one of the best bait ability.

Hero dives you -> Hook away.

There is a reason why people say the only good Widow counter is your own Widow. Because that is the truth. Besides, her hook on a longer cooldown isn’t gonna hinder her killing power. It is only gonna make her need to think of positioning more.

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It adds momentum, you can sling yourself further.

Pressure. Her. Down. With. Abilities. I refuse to believe every Widow you fight in plat has a ridiculously high HS rate. They’re not God’s that just headshot 4 or 5 people every encounter and then grapple into the air only to headshot you when they’re trying to get away. You’re making her sound impossible to counter without bringing up simple ways to counter her. When she doesn’t have the hook she is almost a free kill…

Forgot to mention: Shields work wonders for getting through chokes where she can easily headshot you. All Widow does is pretty on a team that can’t coordinate properly.

No that far to where your home free lol. Like I said unless she lands by her team or healer for protection then she’s not going to get fa to where it’s not officially impossible to get her.

Maybe I am not just talking about Plat Balance ? I mean, look at OWL. The widow decides the fight. Every. Single. Time.

Far enough to get you out of range and enough time to get a pocket on you.

Maybe because Widow is insanely good against prebuff Hanzo and theyre not even playing on the same patch. You’re also talking about the 1%

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Widow is fine, just make adjustment for at least some of the dive heroes to be playable…

Not to mention, Widow has always been able to do this. Complain now though because she is a part of our new meta, she isn’t the enabler of this meta though. That’s the funny part


Again, if she lands with her team or a healer I just said that. Plus, it also depends where she is positioned and if she is close to the team, playing farther back or more upfront.

This is a really dumb thread with even sillier answers, play her more and you’ll understand why this is stupid. xoxo

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you call it a tiny bit but that nerf would make widows a free kill 99% of the time compared to now. Just stop