Widow.. Nerf her mobility

Because OWL is using old Hanzo, so Widow is seeing more prevalence there, and therefore for visible.

Think some commentators have said some things too to draw attention to that.

LOL no

what’s a widow with bad mobility called



Good. Considering she can one shot more than half the cast. :slight_smile:

The Widow main in me is so happy to see these silly nerf threads.

After all the pain and suffering…she’s finally relevant again!

yeah because you need hours and hours of training to be able to consistently kill you

unlike ana and brigitte :slight_smile:

edit: another :slight_smile: because :slight_smile:

no please don’t do that

Uh… Okay. And I am not taking you serious anymore.

lmao, see what i did there

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The joke is players at most ranks still throw if you pick her.

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Nope, that must be a normal plat thing… People throw if you DON’T have a widow.

That’s a joke, but still double sniper works since Tracer and Genji and trash tier now.

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The fact is, she needs atleast 10-12 seconds on her Grapple again since we in are a slower meta, or we can buff Anas sleepdart to 8 second cooldown, cause that’s her disengage.

Of course she should. A headshot is hard to pull off, and it’s high-rewarding. She can’t one shot a 300+ hp hero so that’s not a problem


people who ask why widow can oneshot people are the ones that don’t know you need countless hours of daily train to keep being good at it

you can’t just be good a good widow all of the sudden like most people think


You community of course would try to destroy the most pure mechanical skill character in the game because cant ever “get gud”. Jesus Christ, the game is already super easy as is with such brain dead characters. But its ok, this game is imploding anyways. You guys are to blame

Doesn’t even look at my most played Hero :clap:

Get gud simple as that. She requires the most practice than any character in the game for a reason. Nerfing the highest skilled character because you can’t play her.


that’s what i did

but you think widow takes no skill to get headshots :slight_smile:

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Comp says brig and zen so, make sense. Widow counter those character

Learn 2 aim

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Sigh. Where did I say that ? Please point right out where I said that, please quote me on where I said that. Look at that, Widow, a hero that can one shot more than half of the cast, also has really good mobility ? It just doesn’t make sense. Then you look at Ana, almsot similar as widow. But she has a 12 second CD tiny projectile as her only chance to get away.

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i said that ana takes no skill and you went full defense mode xD
(don’t get me wrong, i know ana takes skill)