"Widow is OP"...um....sure

LOL you play in bronze dude, down there a widow can’t shoot someone standing still let alone be helpful in any way to your team. In Masters+ the only counter play to a good widow is a better widow. Period.

ay you forgot frog man

There are more GM’s in bronze than in Masters :stuck_out_tongue:
They are just screwing around on their alts.

nah, just get a decent sombra. Pro widow harasser.

@op I don’t think it’s changes to her specifically, it was the nerfs to dive characters that has created today’s situation.

and ladies and gentlemen and everyone else this is how we know they don’t understand balance at all. they fail to understand changing anything changes every one esp similar heroes synergies and counters.

to her hook. not her insta kill which is the problem. mccree needed High non changes but got a buff to fan. not addressing the problem. bliz loves those changes

no it isnt. you really dont understand a thing about her or balancing. it’s a fallacy youre claiming is proof

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dang i forgot about that good call m8.

The Widow with the better skill should win.

there was a time where she could hook twice and winston could jump once it was horrid

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wasnt that the beta or soon after it ended? I feel like that was WAY long ago but im bad with time so idk for sure. honestly bastion shield was worse tho

it was during the first buff she got for her hook she was up and u jump her as winston so she goes down and when u go down she grapples again and when u get ur jump and jump her she grapples again … it was nerfed but it didnt get reverted … she became way mobile … not in the beta though it was 3 to 4 seasons ago when dive get wrecked

Widow has been a problem from the very beginning of the game since beta.

Players went so far as to avoid pro widowmaker player so said widow player never found players anymore, but only the bodyshot damage values were ever nerfed in widow. Headshots still remain a problem and even pro plays are dictated by who has the better widow.

Widow has been needing a nerf for a long time, dive and goats just masked it. Goats is no longer meta? Boom doublesniper. Hanzo is getting his storm arrow nerf, but widow is still not being looked at despite being the worse problem.


really? dang. it feels like that was way longer ago. i do remember her being impossible to attack. wasnt it also on a relatively short cooldown too for each charge

i dont remember that exactly my dude, i remember the things i told u because they made me lose some of my hair

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Sure NO ONE ever complained about widow


You are bronze, your opinion has close to no value in this topic. Sure she seems fine for you since bronze widows hit a headshot once in a blue moon.

If two players apply the same amount of skill to different heroes that do roughly the same thing, and one of them will always win, it means that hero is OP.

Compare two players with the same skill where one only plays widowmaker and hanzo and the other plays literally every other DPS.

The widow/hanzo player will almost always win.

Widowmaker (and Hanzo) is/are broken.

On top of which, you shouldn’t be reportable for throwing just because you picked Widowmaker in a low ELO. Not only is she too good in high ranks, she’s too bad in low ranks for her to be healthy.

I shouldn’t (usually correctly) assume that my team is going to lose just because someone picks widowmaker.

What do you suggest?

Keep in mind, removing one-shot kills on headshots is really out of the question, that would absolutely destroy any viability she has at all.

Hanzo, on the other hand, has plenty of viability outside of spam headshots.