"Widow is OP"...um....sure

you say that like 90% of DPS players don’t throw the game when they can’t contest a pharmercy

why do you care what someone in a higher rank does? is it any surprise the better widow is deciding these games with the way the game’s population has embraced turtling the everliving crap out of every game?

like what do you think is going to happen when you do that? Is the Widow player supposed to kill themselves just because they won’t play into your mobile oppression fortress comp?

Game wasn’t like this before. Widowmaker isn’t the problem.

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I think Widow was less of a problem in the early days because dive and triple tank were among the first real metas and neither of those is great for Widow to try to play against. True, she’s not much different than she was at launch but many other things are.

Actually that is false, the most unchanged hero is Tracer.

Widow has been nerfed multiple times.

EDIT: “changed” is the better term since she has also been buffed.


I’m not GM myself but i’ve played against some really good Widows that pretty much destroyed the fun of the match to me.


shes been buffed…

I never said she wasnt…

and because it took longer to ramp up her damage, and her grapple had a longer cooldown

Actually it does, Reinhardt was given a passive to curve the frustration that comes with playing him, otherwise known as how it feels to play him. Balance wise he is in a much better spot than the majority of the roster and factually and statistically there was no need for changes other than those affecting how it feels to play him.

Feelings have a major impact on balance, entire heroes are changed based on nothing but subjective opinions.

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This isn’t the first time people have said Widow is broken. Before GOATS became a thing double sniper meta was dominating so people hated her and hanzo. And even before they reworked Hanzo Widow was very oppressive in higher ranks.

Yes, she’s been relatively untouched for years, aside from a few buffs, but she’s also been a problem for years, one that seemingly the only answer we had was either GOATS or hope your team has the better widow.

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In higher ranks whoever has the better widow wins. Its hard to even counter her cause most of the time she is getting pocketed by a mercy. Widow should get a flinch when you shoot her cause right now she just sits there and takes the hits while lining up her one shot. Idk why a sniper would ever get that big of a clip to in most games snipers have 1 to 3 shots and longer reloads.

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Again, feelings have nothing to do with it. His balance changes were given due to 2/2/2 hitting up soon and the way multiple movement inhibiting abilities functioned. This has literally nothing to do with feelings but your conjecture about it without actually seeing what’s under the “hood” or what their plans are which may or may not involve reworking and changing other heroes to fit in the new 2/2/2 model.

The change was based entirely on feelings.

Which made it frustrating, which is an emotion. CC should feel bad to play against.

Unless they tell me something, I’m not going to speculate. I can only base my opinions on what I see, and what I see is a change being done entirely on the basis of subjectivity, which is exactly what the post detailing the change states.

Their own comment talks about the change being to reduce frustration, an emotion.

That is why a lot of pro players want her nerfed, you know, the top of this game ? But nope, not op at all. : )

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So your saying Skill is OP, since Widow take skill to actually perform properly, snipers are only OP when the player have skill. So yes, skill is very OP, pls nerf your skill, nerf everyone skill so that Widow will never be OP anymore.

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Where’s the evidence?

Something can be frustrating and not working as intended or being broken. I don’t see how the former cancels out the latter.

So basically you have zero evidence and are just speculating. As if the devs ever made a change on a “whim” or a “feeling” in the past and this is a normative behavior.

Who is a lot? Please let me know who with evidence and it better be an actual quote that can be verified and it better be more than one person.

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Players want something easy to counter a heroe that requieres almost 6 months to master.

They want something like Winston with auto aim. As they can’t play her or they play one trick.

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Pretty much this. Some people here think this game is a moba, and not an actual FPS. So instead of learning to counter a hero that actually requires a lot of skill to play, we should nerf it cause it’s easier than putting some effort.

This is a game and a competitive one. Some buff or nerf can’t make the character unplayable, but as I don’t play her due to I can’t get a pick with her or anything else. I don’t care if they ruin a high skill heroes.

So selfish and childish, I wonder if they get that Widow every game.


Developer Comment: As a frontline, melee-range tank Reinhardt was more adversely affected by knock back abilities than most heroes. To reduce some of this frustration and enable Reinhardt to more easily fulfill his role, he is now more resistant to being knocked back.

This change was infact implemented due to feelings.

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widow wasnt op because no body knew how to play the game its been 15 seasons now