Widow is destroying Master, GM, TOP500 and OWL

That would make Winston a guarunteed kill on a widow when he dives, as the widow has no means of escape, and no hero should be able to get such a easy kill onto a hero who can do nothing about it. I think that rather than that, teams should co-ordinate to force out a grap and then dive her with another hero.

And leave themselves exposed to get destroyed while they do so.

It shouldn’t take a team to counter one independent hero.

Why not? If a hero (or individual) is destroying you, then you put all of your recources into putting them out of the fight. With intelligent play, so long as a hero is not so broken they can easily 1v2, overpowered heroes are kept in check by the way the players react to them.

…Because while you’re making a team effort to wipe out a single isolated hero, the rest of their team isn’t sitting around twiddling their thumbs. They’re taking advantage of the huge vulnerability you’ve made and wiping you out. This is the precise reason that Widow’s only true counter atm is a better Widow.


Making a team effort to wipe out a single target (usualy isolated, or somewhat unprotected for otherwise vunerable) was the meta for a long time and is still viable. It’s called dive. Not sure why the fact that it is on a single hero is a problem.

To be fair season 3 was a LONG time ago. The game was still pretty fresh and new and your average joe blow genji and tracer were nowhere near as good as even say an average genji or tracer is now. The ladder has evolved and improved immeasurably even since say season 7 onward.

People finally realized how stupid dva’s 4 second defensive matrix was coupled with the fact that the shield buff on winston made him more viable meanwhile he was unkillable with a dva that knew how to use d matrix properly. Dive has a dangerous combination of steady pressure and flexibility. They also have verticality with both tanks which is nothing to sneeze at.

If you created a 5v5 with a good trade whoever died probably is quick footed and can get back to the fight faster than the opposing non dive team.

Once dva got her micro missiles it really got ridiculous as she could single handedly delete a 200 HP target

What put dive over the top pre brig was the fact that dva especially pre missiles nerf was basically the best hero in the game apart from mercy. Nevermind tracer basically had no counters.

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you are plat. Why do you care about masters and masters +?

Thanks for your answer

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No she doesn’t.

Sombra is hot garbage right now. Maybe after this next patch since they’re supposedly buffing her…

This thread kinda reminds me of the current economic situation, you work hard to climb to the top…now the ones at the bottom are demanding that you get nerfed because it is “unfair” for them. Kinda interesting to see this parallel in a game.


Have you ever played a shooter before? snipers are suppose to get one shot headshots.

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Can I like, copy-paste this into about a dozen other threads?

Whenever I bring up these points people go, “lol, shut up bronzie!” and then try to pretend they’re not ad hominem rank-shaming me.

*Hanzo is ruining master, grandmaster, top 500.

Widow is definitely in control of OWL and dominant in t500/quite common in master, but has nothing on hanzo.

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Maybe they want to become M/GM one day. Mabye they like watching high level games. Maybe they just want the game they love to be a good place for all.

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What snipers are “supposed” to (or traditionally) get and what is actually balanced are not necessarily the same thing. OW is not a traditional shooter.

Most other games with strong snipers limit their snipers somehow; either with scarce ammo or just by having enough people on the field that one good sniper isn’t going to carry the game by themselves (and by putting in things like planes, helicoptors, and tanks that will out-snipe you with a howitzer once someone tells them where you’re camping.)

Overwatch has none of those limiting factors, and even gave Widowmaker and Hanzo much higher than normal mobility.

Widowmaker would be invincible in CoD just between her Grapple and her unlimited ammo.


Here you are, a platinum player making statements for a rank you do not even play at. How are you to know she is “destroying” Master, GM and T500 if you don’t even play anywhere near that rank? Obviously a hero with Widows skillcap is going to be strong in the hands of the top 1-5% of the player base.

Do you know the reason Widowmaker is so powerful right now? It’s because of the heroes that are meta, and in such a limited meta the only viable heroes are easy pickings for a Widowmaker. Do you know what’s really annoying to play against as Widow? Genji, Winston, Tracer and D.va are any of those heroes meta picks right now? No.

Widow has been practically the same hero for many months aside from a 2 second buff to her grapple hook. The last time people complained about Widow like this was when the game first released and she had 150 damage bodyshots. The only reason snipers are strong right now is because Blizzard decided to force a meta where every other DPS/Tank that counters snipers can barely be played.

If someone is outplaying you on Widow they deserve the gratification of being able to utilize one of the most difficult heroes in the game. I don’t understand why low rank players use ranks that they have no knowledge of playing at to scapegoat their own opinion.

Other people on the forums who do have been stating as such in various other threads. Also, it’s plainly evident in OWL what’s going on, and there’s this thing called “youtube” that you might have heard of. Lots of streamers also play from plat to GM and there’s lots of evidence there if you care to look.

Besides which, she does exist outside of plat and, believe it or not, people can occasionally aim in the lower ranks.

There seems to be this misunderstanding that below gold, nobody can aim, and everyone just kind of stands there. The basic problem below plat and diamond is consistency. Players are usually simply missing one or more skills necessary to climb, or just can’t perform every skill equally well at the same time. There’s lots of people, even in bronze, who can aim. It’s just that usually their positioning sucks, or they don’t understand that trickling in is bad and start to feed super-hard after they lose their first teamfight unless they can somehow solo-carry their team back into an advantage (this is what I find myself doing a lot. I even know I shouldn’t be doing it, but I always find myself thinking, “I’m almost there. If they can just survive without me for just a few more seconds…” It never ends well, and I apparently never learn.)

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Even before that she was at the top of the meta for DPS heroes. Only Tracer was outshining her really. Now her strength is just exacerbated due to the lack of dive tanks and Genji. Even then, she has a very reliable escape on a relatively short cooldown, which is why she was still seeing play even before this meta began.

Not everything has to be about aim/damage. There are other parts of her kit that could be toned down in order to allow more DPS heroes to be viable.

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not sure what was good in my drivel but go ahead

She was the meta hero on specific maps and perhaps in the pro scene.

On the ladder she was never exactly outshining other heroes other than on those maps.

Like, not only was her winrate pretty mediocre, the pickrate also looked like:

Yeah, maybe remove her mine completely, to make her slightly more vunerable to flankers and give her less of an advantage over heroes who dive her.