Widow is destroying Master, GM, TOP500 and OWL

Ana players could have improved in the meanwhile too.

And lets say I give you dive countering Ana, because that’s not far fetched, the meta isn’t even dive now, and she is still a bad pick as we still have supports who

  1. counter her
  2. heal more than her
  3. do it easier than her

Ana doesn’t have Widow’s mobility.

Window is just fine… She requires a high level of skill, awareness, and pretty decent positioning to be effective. The problem right now is not Widow, it’s that there isn’t a counter for her that is playable, so she is literally given free reign.

I’m surprised that Window is your issue, and not Hanzo, who is 10x better than window, since you can be close, mid, or long range and wipe people out in one shot, also you destroy tanks, oh and you’re a great flanker as well…

Ugh, I hate this game right now.

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She has self heal and a sleep dark as a trade off.

The issue does not lie with Widowmaker being overpowered though. The heroes that are actually able to contest Widowmaker are now almost unplayable. In season <9 you were able to play a Genji, D.va, Winston or Tracer to contest Widowmaker. Now it’s much more difficult, so often Widow will go uncontested.

The lack of dive DPS/Tanks are why Widowmaker is a strong pick right now. If these heroes were viable enough to be played Widowmaker would go back to having her normal counters and would no longer be an issue. It’s like these forums can only grasp at straws but never see the bigger picture of why something is the way it is.

Also stop using OWL as an example for Widowmaker being strong. Of course she’s going to be be insanely good in the hands of the top <1% of the playerbase. It should be expected that Widow is a top tier pick in OWL because she is being played by top tier players. The meta does not help this and only exasperates the issue of her counters not being as strong as they used to be.

First, I generally go off of only Pro scene and GM, as those are where you see the game being played in its most efficient form. So, yes; I was talking about the pro scene.

Seems like her pickrate was pretty high there for a DPS anyway. Only 4 heroes had higher pickrates, 2 of which were Tracer and Genji for obvious (DIVE) reasons. On the maps where she was good, a good Widow dominated, even in dive when there were multiple heroes to disrupt her.

She shouldn’t have really been picked much at all in a dive meta, and yet she was still picked quite a bit. I think denying that Widow is a very strong pick is a bit silly, dude.

Also, when you have a high pickrate, your winrate is bound to be mediocre.

Ana is tired and needs reasons to be rejuvenated again. Allow her a balloon parachute or a zeppelin so she can float away.

Or ya know…one of those aerial skate boards for her because she is hip like that

I don’t think the post is about nerfing Widow. There’s no denying that there’s an issue with the game, though, when almost every high-level game is determined by which Widow makes the best shots. It almost negates the rest of the team’s play. Whatever the reason, she’s a problem right now.

Well, at the very least, they did have limiting factors.

The thing is that those “limiting factors” were dive heroes, and thanks to a certain armored Swede with a shield they’re all useless.

Don’t people carry in MOBA’s, though?

I hear about it all the time, so reality isn’t playing out the way you seem to think it should.

Heroes of the Storm is probably the most team-oriented MOBA on the market, and it’s pretty much laughed at by hardcores precisely because you can’t XP/Gear up and carry games due to its design.

In the pro scene there is no doubt that widow IS becoming a problem. But not sure what would be a simple solution without gutting her. People think it’s as simple as diving her with winston or dva. There is timing involved however. You gotta play smart and force her to reposition herself which will work in the lower end as a lot of them have no patience. Once the hook is used then you can make your move.

I will say on my smurf in high bronze I have seen some ridiculously competent widows (obvious smurfs mind you) but dont think she is becoming a problem only in 3.5k+

And nerf for a 5% of the community should be good? I don’t think so :confused:

What has happened to Ana is simple. She is antiquated outside of her old age. She has no mobility. Cannot self heal at all outside of using her grenade on her self which takes away any sort of counter pressure opportunity. Cannot heal through shields which are everywhere right now.

Why would you play ana sub 2000 right now if you can play brain dead moira and get the same healing throughput or better with far less effort. People make fun of how braindead mercy is. TRUST ME moira takes no more skill at least in lower elo.

What synergy does ana have with other supports? Running with mercy can make the duo seem immortal but they end up stealing ult charge from one another.

First buff Ana needs is to be able to nano herself. There is ZERO reason for this not to be added to her kit. I am not saying it will fix her problems as I highly doubt they will. But it would be a nice start.

Its MUCH harder to shut down moira than it is Ana.

So basically what I said, about other supports power creeping Ana, while being much easier?

Please kindly uninstall.

The account you posted with is Gold.
Beneath Gold is silver.
Beneath Silver is Bronze.

You have a smurf, intentionally placing it and keeping it in Bronze. Which is TWO RANKS lower than you’re supposed to be.

You are singlehandedly ruining the experience for most Bronze players.

An alternate account is fine if you play where you’re meant to be. Staying at a lower rank to smurf, is not okay, and you should be ashamed.

For the record its for learning alts and dusting off heroes I havent played in a long time. Let me tell you high bronze is infested with plat players playing their mains on there. I am not using it to troll people on rat

Widow main here with almost 200 hours on her peaking at 3900.

A few words that I feel people need to learn, this game is a First Person Shooter not a Moba, not Street fighter, not anything else. Everytime something has a insanely high skill cap that actually REWARDS it’s players for using properly you people decide it needs nerfed.

If you see a Widow destroying a team, then good for them! They are actually good at the game! They are helping their team! Getting picks! I’m sorry that some people can aim and don’t need to resort to holding LMB on Mercy to be effective (not trying to be mean to support mains, just trying to make a point, sorry in advance)

I’ve noticed most people who make these threads also have little to no time on the hero they complain about. (lol) You complain about people having skill now that’s just sad isn’t it? If a character isn’t braindead with it mechanics or doesn’t have an instant win button for little to no mechanical requirement, then why isn’t it nerfed to the ground???

If you can’t delete people with a headshot, why should anyone else be able to do so??? Are you going to want to nerf Zen again because of his two shot capabilities? Ana because she can 3 shot a 200 health? Where does it stop?..

You all see these T500 pro players smurfing and see them destroy some plats with a hero that has a one shot mechanic and think “Why hasn’t Blizzard nerfed this yet???”

If I had a dime for every time some plat made a post asking for a skill hero nerf…

That is not a smurf.

That is an alternate account or “Alt”.

If you’re a Bronze-ranked Junkrat/whatever, and your alternate account places you in Bronze because you only play heroes you’re bad at- that’s fine.

But you used the improper terminology.
Smurfing = Seal-clubbing.
Which isn’t okay.

Having an alt to train and naturally being placed lower is perfectly fine.

Your word choice made it seem as though you were intentionally smurfing.

As a trade off for mobility?

Ana got the short end. Don’t even try to argue otherwise.

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Not really.
If you increase her hook CD she’ll be easier to counter.
No need to change all of her counters.