Widow desperately needs a nerf

ya, sym with the shield is epic against widow, especially if yo are able to get up to where widow is, just shoot an orb than zap. no clue why he things im mad because i play sym. sym v widow isnt a problem. my problem is non shielded characters vs widow. even the orb does wonders against widow since shes usually scoped lookin in another direction. so never sees it coming

Widow - Sniper - One hit kills with headshot
Unreal tournament - Sniper Rifle - One hit kills without helmet
Counter strike - Scout / AWP - One hit kills with headshot ( AWP 1 hit kills body shot )
Team Fortress 2 - Sniper rifle / machina - One hit kills fully charged headshot

See the pattern here by any chance?

Overwatch isn’t new with the whole one hit kill sniper thing.


What you may not realize is 150 health is A RIDICULOUS NERF, you know why tracer has that is she has the mobility and trust me more than likely the widow isnt so far away its unbareable. You have to remember this is a short range game. Also please tell me I read this wrong. Removing grapple KILLS the character INSTANTLY. You act liek she pops 300 dmg every shot you do realize there is a charge up right?


all those other examples didnt have unlimited ammo. and no one is complaining about her 1 hit kill ability. just the mechanics of everything else that surrounds it

and her charge up isnt mandatory, she is free to fire before its charged, and the charge isnt long enough.

and the health nerf makes sense, if she can kill in 1 hit, she should die in 1 hit. shes tiny, so hard to hit anyway

Did you have hundreds of hours of fun?


There’s your reward.

“Winning a thousand games in a row” because you picked the “correct hero” at hero select for the previous thousand games in a row is not a reward. It’s a problem.

The game should not be decided at hero select. The skill-scaling you get from the snipers is turning to a problem because, honestly, the sniper mains and one tricks are too good given the advantages picking their heroes give them.

Repeat OSKs are imba in OW. It’s that simple. Nobody ever thought that limitless skill ceilings would be a problem. The player base proved that assertion wrong.

It’s evident now that every hero in OW needs a clear skill ceiling.

You’re basing your argument on how she can 1 hit headshot, do you have short term memory?And Widow doesn’t have infinite ammo, last time I checked she has 10 shots or 30 in a clip. Are you playing Widow 1 Shot customs instead of the actual game?

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That’s why I don’t play FPS, but I play Overwatch. I was also fine with TF2 Sniper because he was a sitting duck with a very limited scoped vision. Looking just the differences between TF2 Vanilla Sniper and Widowmaker:

  • Widow have more health. Her HP value is average (200 HP), while Sniper is frail (125)
  • Sniper scope reaches 100% power (ie, instakill ability) after 3.3 seconds. Widowmaker reaches 100% power after 1.25 seconds.
    • (Neither need a full charged scoped shot to instakill, but Sniper clearly take more time to hit that “instakill level” of damage)
  • Sniper scope severely limits his vision, while Widowmaker don’t limit it at all.
  • Sniper can’t scope if he is jumping or falling. Widow can, which allow her to “jump snipe”, which counters a common weakness of the archetypal sniper, and strengthen her reduced scoped charge time.
  • Sniper is a sitting duck with no mobility options. Widowmaker have a grappling hook.
  • Sniper have a flashing dot telling the enemy team where he is aiming. Widowmaker have tracer rounds that reveal her position after she make the first shot.
  • Not weighting much on the ultimate, since ultimates are the main difference between Overwatch and TF2, but Widowmaker also have native wallhacks and a single-target wallhack on the venom mine. I think everyone agrees how strong wallhacks are for a good sniper.

Sniper was infuriating to play against, but he have a ton of weakness, and you can beat him even in a game without barriers and huge in-fight healing. Widowmaker removes all of his weaknesses, and she also get extra mobility on top of that.

I’d say, at least for me, Widowmaker existing is the sole reason why I’m perfectly fine with other one-hit kill attacks in the game. If she can OHKO every second from a mile away from the fight, any ability with that capability in a short cooldown is also fair.

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This is prob more true now that sym doesn’t have her flying barrier. But throwing your barrier at Widow from her perfect perch provides perfect cover for your team.

If she grapples to repositions she leaves herself open to dive char. Throw some spam orbs in the locations she will side step at the same time. If she doesn’t grapple it denys her the area.

I didn’t claim to kill her. Just deny her the kills and potentially set her up for death.

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no, im basing my argument about how often she can 1 hit headshot

you really suck at reading since that has been the basis of my argument this whole time. reading comprehension lacks with you… but i guess i knew your moment of civility wasnt gonna last long.

and infinite ammo means reload infinitely… all overwatch characters have unlimited ammo. no one is seeking out ammo in this game. but all other games with snipers heavily limited how much ammo a sniper had compared to other guns

I agree with you. I play a decent amount of Widow, and Sym’s flying barrier does indeed screw her up.

so much for that “widow is a hard counter to sym” then…

damn, that kinda killed all your personal attacks against me :-/

You tried to swing at me that I’m raging and “slandering” you, meanwhile you’re doing exactly what you called me out for. Calm yourself down and take some deep breaths, you’re just coming across as a rude incoherent kid screaming about something that doesn’t need to be touched and you want a nerf of it.

The widow players have gotten better with 2 years of practice. The hero has seen minor changes, but the community that plays her has improved significantly. They can regularly do things now that we laughed at as impossible two years ago.

Literally two years ago, widowmaker one-tricks were laughing at me and downvoting me when I suggested that getting repeat picks in a row was possibly OP because, to quote them, “getting two picks in a row is really, really hard and almost never happens”.

It’s the usual in GM now (just watch widow mains like Kepherii). Three is now the new Two, and the better widows in OWL can regularly do it against the best players in the world because while you can scale your skill with Widowmaker, you can’t scale your ability to dodge a flick shot with the other heroes.

Widowmaker’s skill scaling is a serious problem, and it’s only ever going to get worse.


Still hard counters when the shield just goes through Widow and she can shoot again lol

i agree with this 100%

You agree with “to get”?

I approve. :slight_smile:

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dude, in almost every single game i play against widow. and my win ratio kinda shows that it isnt a problem for me. the problem is just an overall balancing issue. the massive problem with overwatch overall is that its breaking all of the balancing rules with classes that have been established as the norm in games forever. and you cant try to reinvent the wheel without running into a lot of problems. widow has some of those problems. but every other problem i see people are already addressing. except this one

well now your just saying obviously misinformed things. Barriers moves at a snails pace. Unless ur within anyones range, that barrier will take forever to “goes through widow”

This by the way is my only true gripe about the Symm change. She’s going to be fish food T-T. I predict soooooo many bring back Symms flying barrier threads when she goes live

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stand behind the shields

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dude, im gonna miss that shield more than anything. the new sentries are badass tho. pharah and widow will have them throw within their range and its game over