Widow desperately needs a nerf

Right off the bat the first sentence is terrible. Low pick rate =/= how hard it is to play them lol

And you’re complaining about Widow a LOT, I’m complaining abotu you complaining, you’d make a great Outlaws fan :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: You saying I’m raging is you hardcore reaching for something to use against me, I had quite a good day, just gotta put some people that don’t know what they’re talking about in the forums in their place, this is how I normally am lol

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Widow hard counters Sym…? Put 2 and 2 together man…

Can you stop with this? You have a top 500 icon but are some how plat.


snipers dont fit well in this type of game… maybe read everyone elses criticism of widow to realize that? shes not fine. there is a problem.
and we’ve all been clarifying and saying what is op about her this whole time. and many people have been bringing up other good points about it.

the solution is remove the grapple, or limit how fast she can shoot when scoped. and increase her damage in other areas to compensate

you can repeat it all you want but she is very much not fine. and the other team shouldnt have to be all tanks just to avoid being 1 hit from the other side of the map with no ability to prevent it. i mean, people do realize that the maps in overwatch are overwhelmingly open areas… right?

Nope. It was only a month ago or so you’d find lots of threads about people mass reporting Widows etc.

What I think it is is Widow is now just the flavor of the month DPS nerf target. All this noise only started very recently. Before we had Tracers one clipping teams, total unkillable Gods from Bronze to GM. Now its God tier Widows.

It’s like this forum watches OWL then just starts acting like everyone they play against is SBB or, now, Pine.

Total joke. Confirmation bias and massive exaggeration.


widow hard counters everything with 250 health or below.

you obviously have 0 to add to the conversation yet are here just to insult people trying to have a polite discussion.

Snipers fit this game great, it provides diversity of kits in the game. Also suggesting her ability that makes her a viable sniper and part of her character? You forgot to use /s dude.

Well, people gotta blame somebody. Explain to me, again, how she hard counters Sombra, Tracer, and Genji. Just because she can one hit doesn’t make her a counter to those characters. Actually, the 3 I mentioned counter Widow, not the other way around. Again, you gotta educate yo self foo before you try and say she “desperately” needs a nerf.

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Add more barriers to your comp, and make sure your DPS heroes actually stay behind said barriers.

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The problem with this is slow movements and then you provide a clump of enemy teammates ripe for your team to take advantage of.

The problem kinda lies in the maps more than anythings. They heavily favor snipers. They feeds players through a predictable path while the flanks are often death tunnels.


If you want to nerf widow, play winston. Problem solved


A legitimate anti Widow comp is Rein/D.Va/Widow/Tracer/Mercy/Moira

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she is the only “true sniper” every other sniper is a sniper hyrbid, that have a little bit of sniping aspects and dont have other aspects, meanwhile she is 100% sniper. and that is where the problem is. the game isnt about realism, the game isnt about rewarding skill with an overpowered character. its a balanced fighting game… key word, balanced.

and if she hits their head, they are dead. including sombra, tracer, and genji. just because genji can reflect doesnt mean he doesnt have a cool down on it…unlike her sniper. same goes for everything you just said

Man oh man, Widow is overpowered now? You’re playing the wrong game man, you gotta be. Just because she can one hit headshot them doesn’t make them a counter. Sombra and Genji absolutely destroy Widow, and Tracer does too.


Heres an idea for ya stop thinking the most skilled hero in the game is a problem and get a brain. Dont mindlessly walk outta spawn also what rank are you that she is such a big problem in? Not rank shaming legitimately curious, because I have played 2 games MAX that a widow has shut down the game to bear nothingness and ive played literally from bronze to diamond


He’s a Sym main in Silver.

(no really, look on his profile)

I play a lot of sym on my alt account. Widow is easy to play against and I will spend the entire game rooster-blocking her with shield spams with Orb net spam when appro

Like I said, False assumptions get you no-where and provide nothing.

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no one wants to make her weaker… no one is calling for her 1 hit ability to be taken away. just a cool down before firing or removing the grapple. and definitely lowering her health to 150.
if you bothered to read, efverything else we want buffed or changed to something more powerful. her ult sucks, and something that is more powerful would be great. change her grapple for something that does damage, change her rapid fire up a bit to make it a nicer option if necessary… etc. its her rate of fire when scoped and grapple that are the issues.

The definition of nerf is to make something weaker.

Widow hard counters Sym. Sym can’t even hit a Widow and is easy pickings. Don’t lie to prove your point.