Widow desperately needs a nerf

I only think it’s stupid that her only counter is dive, but you can’t even use that against her since dive is terrible on this meta and she will just grapple away to a Brigitte or something like that.
Any good widow knew how to avoid and counter Genjis, Tracers, Winstons or anything you threw at her already, now that dive is bad Widow and Hanzo are dominating over everything since they can just run around uncontested by anything other than another sniper.

You literally have to go out of your way to take her out. Furthermore, you need to do this without her taking your head off. Keep in mind this thread is aimed at great Widow’s, they rarely miss and have great game sense.

These comments that I am reading are under the assumption (whether they are intended or not) that “great” Widow players are “stupid”. Widow has an unlimited skill ceiling, you can’t lock her down if a player has reached “that” level of skill.

She will go “Ultra Instinct” on you if she needs to (I know, DBS reference).

You’re more dependent on her making a mistake then relying on yourself to not make any. Players have now optimized Widow and can even super-clock her. If you win the match, you win because her teammates made mistakes.

Great Widow’s always have a way to snipe you

Note: Forgive the references but I wanted to make it clear that Widow allows for players to maximize their hitscan potential with her. For context, a player that has mastered Winston can probably react faster than what Winston allows them to.


The problem is, if you nerf her, tanks will run the game without anyone to check them.

So a Widow nerf will just replace one problem with another problem.

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Oh no, the end of the world! Someone is better than me! :cry:


To me, widow is perfectly fine. She actually requires skill to play, therefore, her one shot kill is absolutely reasonable.

Edit: She can be easily countered by a Genji, and if you are having issues learning him, then use heroes who are much easier to master, such as Winston, D.va or Reaper.


No, she isn’t. Genji, Doomfist, Sombra, Mei, and PTR Symmetra all require much more skill to be used effectively than Widowmaker.

Unless you are talking specifically about aiming skills. Then, sure. Widow, Hanzo and McCree are the heroes that rely the most on having good aim. But aim isn’t the only skill you need to be good at Overwatch, and isn’t even the most important one (Positioning is).


For the record, if a half ton gorilla jumps on top of you, a rocket hit you on the face, or you stand half meter away from an exploding grenade, you also dies.

IRL info don’t mesh well with a fantasy game. Otherwise, everyone would die from a single hit from any weapon

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How about lowering her charge damage (just enough so she can kill 200 health heroes with one head shot) and removing mine damage and increase the cool down to grapple. But she gets a more consistent sidearm like a knife or a pistol in return.

So she becomes less powerful at long range but she can more reliably defend herself at close range.

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Nice sniper, not even a threat at sniping range.

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What a joke of a post. :rofl:


What if snipers were meant to kill people from a mile away?


I love you. You get it.

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What game are you playing? Because apparently shields doesn’t exist there.

yeah she should be nerfed,

putting a cooldown on her scoped shots would ruin her. she’s a long range hero, so her smg is garbage. forcing her have to rely on that would make her a joke.

hanzo is a sniper and he’s good both long range and close range, has more mobility, and has a better ult. but yeah, let’s nerf widow cause she can grapple every 8 seconds.


I main Widow and think she is fine but this rework idea actually sounds pretty cool

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used to main all of those heroes and (aside from the new sym Lol) and honestly I had to put in way more effort and time to get good with Widow than those heroes.

I do want to point one small thing out: Widow does NOT have a counter in a single hero. Winston, D.Va, Genji, Tracer, all dive heroes, are still vulnerable to her because they have to actually know where she is and GET to her to kill her. Many many times you’ll see a D.Va or Winston go on a Widow and they take a bunch of shots to the face from the Widow for their troubles, then the Widow just drops to a low ground, gets another shot or two as the D.Va or Winston falls on her, THEN! she Grapples to the high ground again and gets more shots on them. Tracer and Genji… they just get shot before they get to her.

The only problem with Widow right now is Grapple Hook and Venom Trap. The hero should not be as mobile as she is. I don’t know what the fix is - maybe it’s a cooldown increase on Grapple, maybe it’s removing the Trap and giving her a minor close-range combat ability (something related to ballet?), or maybe it’s just giving her greatly lower movement speed on Grapple. But those are the problem, not the one-shot kill.

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Widow is a SNIPER. Why are people complaining about her when that’s her role?

However, I do have to concede to the fact that there isn’t a “cover” mechanic or some sort of natural way to deal with this. Maybe something like a smokebomb or flashbang could help disorient and provide better positioning? But then again, maybe that’s not the game for it here.

“but…but…but… only skill hero left in the game”.
Im getting tired of this argument.
Shes point&click, so why the heck do those skillful Widow mains need 10 bullets in a single magazine?

Getting 2 headshots within 7 shots doesnt sound like great skill to me and yet its shown to me as potg every second game.