Widow desperately needs a nerf

I don’t know about you but if I were shot i the head by a .50 cal. (assuming it is a .50) I wouldn’t walk away with just a limp, in fact the fact that you don’t just die from one on any body part is a courtesy from every game dev ever. On top of that if you really want someone to blame for getting hit in the head by a sniper either blame yourself or any and every fps ever. And just because someone can track well doesn’t mean their hero needs to get a nerf, just because I have learned movement techniques and how to track headshots as reaper doesn’t mean that reaper needs to get nerfed, it just means that, not to jump on the bandwagon and be cliché as hell but it means you need to get good.

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Sniper jarate and the Razorback did sort of counter spy but they were still simple to circumvent. Bate out Jarate and either use the pistol or bait a trick stab.
Withe the Razorback use the pistol most notable the ambassador. It may have been nerfed recently but it still is super effective either that stock or the Enforcer.

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Her only real counters are Winston and another Widow can we consider that counters since Winston is barely playable with Brigitte around?

But she is though lmao.

It depends on how good you are at a character, I’m good enough at mcree to counter widows, as well as Genji.

she does.
she needs a nerf. just because she has to aim a little bit doesn’t mean she’s balanced.


Its not so easy to jump at a good Widow as Genji especially if she has her team playing around her and do i even need to mention that Mccree at 20-25m barely does any damage even with headshots?

Well that’s why McCree needs to be buffed or be like the Widow and learn how to track ^-^

The thing i want the most is him to be buffed… he is my favorite to play after Genji but i barely use him in comp or even QP.

That’s what people need to be talking about, not the reason why a .50 cal can kill people in 1 shot. :roll_eyes:

The game doesn’t aim for realism tho… there is really no reason for her to deal a 300 damage shot from over 30m distance even if she is a sniper… in a game like that it doesn’t work… check paladins’s snipers

For one I’ve seen maybe 2 games that have snipers that don’t 1 shot kill in the head. This is petty. Paladin’s is not near the quality of overwatch.

What a bunch of nonsense. I do agree with the hit boxes point though. It’s not like you can spam head-shots with her, she does need few seconds to charge her shot. Widow is one of he hardest and most rewarding heroes in the game! If you can’t counter her properly it does not mean she needs to be addressed!

But Overwatch its not a standard FPS its a hero shooter we are talking about each hero having different mobility and hitboxes and even tho it has more quality in a lot of ways than OW paladins is way more balanced because even tho snipers get a high reward they can’t one shot anything in there.

Nerf Braguette and Widow’s counters would be fine.

Then go play Paladins, it’s not easy to get headshot’s, people who get headshot’s earned them that’s always why it’s been considered skillful to be a sniper. And before everyone got salty, headshot’s were too.

I already did and the only reason i stopped its because they nerfed my favorite hero lol

This pleases me… I take solace in knowing I mastered a tough hero and it irks people…

I’ve been reported for using KnB in console. I can’t help but laugh.

I love how the word “Squishy” has become a derogative term yet people get salty by getting killed easy because they are “Squishy”.

I love you, you are a good person.