Widow desperately needs a nerf

Both of them just die if they make a mistake, Widow doesn’t. Widow could mechanically harder but she isn’t nearly as punished for her mistakes as those two are. Also, Genji has one out and stall. Tracer almost never has all her blinks, so she has two but one usually isn’t viable to use as an escape. Widow has an out in addition to an early warning system.

At my rank, even Pharahs counter Widow. But a silver believe Widow needs to be nerfed. This forum sigh…

Widow has one of the lowest sustained dps in the game.
if that’s not a limit to you…


People cant accept when they are getting outplayed.


dude, you are diamond, stop acting like you are gm. and maybe make an argument that has substance? attacking people for having an opinion doesnt do much. just makes you look immature and petty, while trying to claim others are immature and petty

it’s already at like 12-15 sec right? Any more and she will no doubt feel clunky.

My thought was fall off dmg or reduced scope? It would reduce the amount of area she can effectively shut the enemy team out of so they can contest her without needing a very specific comp?

I don’t care ?


Dude, it’s 8 seconds.


Fall off dmg on a sniper? Damn now ive seen it all.

Soooooo… The enemy Widow is always hyper pocketed, much better than you, and you want to 1v3 her, since you are too cool to use the shield your team provides?


that seems like a flawed argument when she one shots people.


Ho, if only Rein, Zarya and Hanzo were meta !!! \o/

is it really? Well no freaken wonder. She’d give Peter Parker a run for his money lol

what’s so bad about that? It would give clear restrictions on her reach in a game where so many characters are limited by their reach/mobility.

Obviously it wouldn’t be mcree lvs but may prevent her from getting kills from near invis possitions

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Yeah, they buffed it because people kept targeting the hero that could one shot half their team. Nevermind the fact that Snipers have historically been poor at repositioning once flushed because they could one shot.

Try killing a Torbjörn Turret that is being hammered, and tell me Widow has a high dps.

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why are you trying to read into things by just projecting what you want on something despite having 0 evidence to back up your claim?

im a sym main, i have a shield, widow isnt an issue for sym. if i was complaining about characters that kick sym’s a** id be talking about pharah or doomfist.

this has 0 to do with me or my skill and just my observations on the games mechanics as a whole. and from what ive seen, how they have implemented her makes 0 sense compared to the rest of the roster. ive explained why several times. if that is too hard for you to understand, then im sorry you are missing chromosomes

Depening on your mmr you shouldn’t be fighting those widowmakers in the first place.

with a lot of heroes getting reworks why do they refuse to rework matchmaking

Torb is F-tier. You should reposition and aim for something else while telling your team where the Torb is. Or Shoot the Torb if he’s not LOS. His entire model is a head lol (hyperbolic I know but not by much)

ive always found torb and his turret easy to take down, even when hes hammering. i guess the sym orb passing through stuff makes it easy