Widow desperately needs a nerf

Ah, so the people who were bad before, suddenly became pro players ?

Okay, makes sense. :rofl:


The funny part is, if this nerf were about Brigitte or Moira, people would tell you to learn to counter…


theyve objectively gotten better… i mean… shes not a troll pick anymore, and shes now in the meta, despite her having no changes

so what other explanations are there?

So, that means that you never got better unlike them ?

You know, I’m glad widow is meta. I like when people actually take cover and learn sniper angles. It can be frustrating when everyone is face tanking damage without even using cover.

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no, that means that even with skill, other heroes have a cap because there are limits on them, widow being a clear exception… and without even realizing it, you helped make that point

That’s simply no true though. Triple support happens, but its nowhere near the meta anymore after the first few weeks of the season.

As for them both being so meta; one is OP, and as you say, the other simply has good one shot potential while being able to stay in the back, remaining safe from any potential stuns and other fire.

i dont want her to stop being meta, i enjoy combating a widow like all heroes. i just think that, as is, she is unbalanced

Someone posted something excellent a while back. When the game was released no one was good at her due to the game being new and the amazing widows have played for ages.

She herself hasn’t changed but the players who main her have. They got gud.

She isn’t broken but I think the argument is that she is able to get more value for her skill then any hero (except for new hanzo?). Waaaay more.

I enjoy watching GM sniper game play because of how stupidly crazy it is. I’ve said it before, most the maps in the game favor snipers.


Actually, you’re explaining yourself you’re bad, and people who play Widow for hundred of hours got better than you. So, of course, their main should be nerfed. Because they’re better than you.

Man, wont gonna rank shaming, but you’re clearly silver for a good reason. ._.

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So you want to nerf skill?
You want to nerf a hero literally because people improved.
Come on.

Also healers can outheal sustained dps heroes. Maybe that’s an issue you should consider.

Not going to call anyone out but some people here defending widow because she takes skill moan about Tracer and Genji fairly often. Those two have a good case for requiring the same or even more skill.
Anyway, both the snipers need their mobility gutted. Their inability to just escape is what balanced them out, they both got huge buffs to their movement and we got a hero that can be swapped to to remove threats to them, making their weakness irrelevant.

if your GM and you are starting to learn widow because she is OP, your going to bring her win percentage down.

Okay, do you know what’s really bad in this game?
Easy heroes, that people can master in a couple games by anyone, that people want to be as powerful as much better players on much harder heroes.

Because Widow is one of the hardest hero of the game, where Genji/Tracer have so many out of jail cards they’re not that hard to learn.

oh look, more ad hominems with 0 substance to back them up. maybe stop telling me what im saying and actually accept that im bluntly saying what im saying wiht 0 nefarious agenda.

the people claiming widow is fine as it really suck at defending that position.

i think my win rate speaks for itself, when i do seasons, i play with friends, so ya, my rank is low, but i rarely play seasons

The only nerf I could ever see her getting is to grappling hook. She needs to 1 shot snipe. It wouldn’t be widow

i can agree there… but that is also why there is ranking systems. those characters still have limits put on them so they arent op when mastered. and while some characters can be easy to use, every one of them still have ways to master them and they all still have caps put on them so they arent so powerful its broken once mastered… except one

Pick something else than heroes being hard countered by Widow. You ll oddly be able to survive, even kill her.

We call this “countering”. A magic way to win games, where you ruin your opponent plays by picking a hero who counter them.

So that’s way, you stop whinning like my lil sister on the forum about the most difficult hero to master.

ummmm… sym blocks widow easily, so it isnt a countering issue… that has already been discussed. the problem is other heroes… aka non tank/shield heroes. aka majority of the roster

but im glad you are here doing as many ad hominems as you can think of. too bad you have no argument behind them… so it just falls on being raw fallacies