Widow Bug/Issue Megathread w/ Video Examples (updated? 25 January 2019)

Hi brokenstyli,

You should now be able to edit your list/post as you intended.

Thank you for your patience.


Wait what? No, I didn’t ask to be given Trust Level 3. I asked for this post to be made a wiki.

My post wasn’t a disguised request to get Trust Level 3, I said that specifically to emphasize how much time had passed between me posting the bug list, and getting a response. And how checked out I am after waiting so long that I don’t even want to continue maintaining the bug list and how unreasonably high the requirements for maintaining Trust Level 3 are…

Unless you globally changed the requirements for Trust Level 3, that’s not fair to anyone that has to grind away the read posts count.

At least now you can make it a wiki

This sets a really bad precedent.

Can anyone check if Trust Level 3’s requirements went down globally? How do you even check that?

I mean if you find someone who you know for a fact wasn’t level three, you can look at their .json and find out yourself.

But let’s be real; bad precedents have been the name of the game for the last few months.

Just checked. It’s not a global change.

This is not okay. I specifically said that I didn’t expect to be a special exception and magically re-unlock Trust Level 3 (in another thread criticizing decay in Trust Level 3.)

Hi Brokenstyli,

I apologize, I misunderstood your intent. I never perceived this topic as a guise for you to gain Trust Level 3. This topic is constructive and beneficial. We love it.

I permitted that Trust Level gain since you specified you were limited to editing your original list/post. The developers and myself can tell that you put a lot of effort and time into that post, that’s why I wanted to make sure you had all the tools to update it with the information/insight the developers provided above, if you wished it. I see you no longer want to maintain this, so I’ll revert your Trust Level. This original post looks like it’s already a Wiki, so we’re set with that request.

Thank you.

That was the first thing I did after seeing that I was Trust Level 3.

Thank you for your response. Especially since, for this, you picked up where a retired Community Manager left off and the transition couldn’t have been easy… Despite my sour feelings and disagreements about how Widow is being handled, I really do appreciate the response.

If this is the start of an ongoing dialogue, instead of a one-and-done status report, then maybe it wouldn’t have felt like a waste of 8 months to maintain this list. Not trying to throw shade here, but it’s been really hard not to.

For fear of painting a target on my back, this video clip for TF2 –

– (timecode 9:35) … sums up my recent feelings with Overwatch right now, at least in regards to Widow, developer communication, and bugfixing.

Community engagement feels like it has dropped off entirely… what happened to the developer update videos?

I’ve said this in multiple threads. Frequent responses… even if the response is literally “Nothing to report at this time, stay tuned”, those responses feel more communicative and transparent than being radio silent.

Can this be the start of an ongoing dialogue? Can we get a roadmap? something I don’t think is too unreasonable to request since other games under the Activision-Blizzard publishing label exactly have a roadmap.

Can we get more responses to followup questions after an initial blue response (below)?

Or is this just going to revert to another 2-3+ month radio silence?



What an impressive feedback :+1:
It’s help me to understand some situations i lived in game.

Thank you for writting such a detailed post

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Anything new here? Which bugs are now really fixed?

Gave up on Widow a long time ago, can’t tell ya…

Last I checked (which was the Busan PTR patch) Hanzo still blocks headshots with his forearm, Grappling Hook autotargeting is still a mess, and enemies still pop in around corners from occlusion culling.

The only thing that seems to have been changed is that now all non-ledge walls slingshot. And maybe hit registry?

Edit - New bug discovered by Reddit user /u/topikcz
Widow clips through floor/ceiling – https://gfycat.com/LargeRecklessFawn

Would be interesting to know, what happend till the last 2 months.
Maybe a dev can tell us? :slight_smile:
But i don’t think so :confused:

idk if anyone else said this, but the double bullet trails are packet loss, that symbol on the top right with the 3 squares pops up immediately as you shoot, indicating packet loss

Almost everything is still exactly the same as the bugfix patch.

  • Grappling Hooks will now automatically slingshot you on every single non-ledge, non-floor cast.
    • Horizon Lunar Colony’s Green Room windows (and some other targets) have not been fixed. They still do not autosling you.
  • Grappling Hooks towards ledges will sometimes cause Widow to slide/clip through railings/ledge walls, instead of swinging you up and over, in order to reach her intended destination faster.

I’ve had to explain this dozens of times, so let me be clear on this.

The doubleshot/misprediction bug wasn’t packet loss, it was the resending of packets immediately after dropped packets, with incorrect aiming coordinates caused by the camera’s kickback from recoil, causing missed shots.

Floorshots suddenly hit enemies, which never happens on a normal desync/packet loss/no-reg, see this video – https://gfycat.com/PresentForsakenGelding

The game is supposed to resend packets with the same information as fast and as soon as possible, and it wasn’t doing that for the longest time… it resent packets aimed slightly higher than it was supposed to…

This was allegedly fixed in the patch after the bugfix patch. There weren’t any patch notes for it though, and it was already difficult to test to begin with. I have not noticed it since the bugfix patch released, so it might have been fixed?

Member when there was one of these for a lot of heroes? I member… it would be cool if one was made for every hero for everyone to see all the amazing hero specific bugs

With a response time of up to 11 months, it’s simply not feasible to keep these megathreads updated.

I gave up on trying to log Widow’s bugs. Doomfist’s buglist author gave up too, and I imagine the same for Mei and Genji.

Even the most outspoken Rein main on the forums, who tried redirecting attention to Rein’s bugs (though he didn’t explicitly author a buglist), gave up and quit Rein (and maybe even Overwatch altogether, I dunno).

Yep, unfortunately that’s true, I wish they stayed up, but one can still dream

I do not play Widow at all, but I’m astonished this is still a thing. Please get Blue involved

Blue responses have already been made, and some bugfixes have been deployed.

Some bugs still remain. They will not be fixed any time soon as they are systemic problems that require re-designing many underlying systems. Check back next year around February, and again in October… if past bugfix timetables are anything to go by, they’ll likely deploy between 3-11 months. Or they may just move on if they can’t determine the root cause of issues.

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That’s so say to hear.
Same goes for WoW (PvP and PvE). So sad Blizzard…