Why you will never climb!

I can see why most high tier players don’t give advice on forums…it always gets over ridden by so.e pleb complaining about the dude smurfing…

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yeah there is just 0 percent chance of this. more like mad boosted. a diamond player struggles to place gold. silver is just not even physically possible. you would have to have <10% kill participation or something

It’s funny, because I’m actually in silver as a dps right now and almost every single widow I’ve come across has the aim of a master’s player. I know silvers, because I am one and they definitely don’t have aim mechanics.

Silver is the new Plat.

I’ve seen 18 seasons of this game, and that’s the truth.

Ranks mean almost nothing anymore, with this playerbase full of long time players and smurfs.

The reason is because they try to force even matches, rather than let the ranks BE the difficulty. They adjust it to suit the match.


Most high skill hitscans, who didn’t change dropped the last few meta’s because meta’s where bad for them. Meaning all hitscan heroes will drop, since the system compares you with other players playing the same hero.

Next to, hitscan is very situation based. There are lots of players who will hit head shot every head shot one day/game but the next they miss everything.
So only consistent high skill hitscans will be in higher tiers.

Hello from GM.


I dont use comms.


Considering how many one-tricks there… I never switch too.


I ult straight away most of the times :man_shrugging:


Thats opposite, you get chased very hard.


Dunno what is BM, but sounds like something youll see in GM on constant basis :joy:
Widow missed one headshot? WIDOW YOU SWITCH RIGHT NOW!!!




Unless your Moira has 5 gold medals.


Yes! i agree! im doing soo goood and on dps yet im low silvar!!! My favorite hero is gengu and i love to popp of with him! Sometimes i can get 2 kills with my dragonnn blade and we still lost! D:< I honesatly thjnink i desrerve gm!

Smurfs were in this game since it’s launch, so they didn’t go anywhere for now aswell. So how other players climb with smurfs and others cant? This is the definition of bad and better player, so second one will climb nomatter what. If you will stop this mentality that some smurfs are exists just to make you suffer and unable to climb, this will definitely change your game approach. I was hard stuck 3300 sr thinking this elo filled with 50% of boosted trash and 50% of smurfs and decayed accounts (this is close to be true) but then I start learning and improove, focusing at your own gameplay is the only way to climb. I get gm, started play this game in low gold 06.04.2018 and ended up as gm 11.06.2019, or this period was something special and smurfs were not exist?

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i already explained some of this stuff in different post:

amount of smurfs/throwers/leavers/cheaters etc in different regions not same… also theirs activity changes across time
as example: after any patch i see reduction of cheaters cuz they need some time to update aimbots;
while free weekend heavy increase of cheaters / leavers / throwers etc cuz they dont care about bans at that time.

basically by just playing at right time we can avoid some bad things and make our sr climb easier

also by constantly playing 6stack we have 0% chance to get thrower / leaver in our team
or someone can get in our stack a smurf/cheater to use him as climbing tool

we can exploit most of “bad” stuff in our favor if we know “when / where / why” it happens

Which makes his “smurf” account simply his alternative account. He may be unable to climb rank on it due to it being his alternative account and not spending as much time on it meaning he decays.

But his thread just makes it seem like the issue OTHER people can’t climb is because of playing badly and lacking communication. But all it says to me is that he is unable to climb because of these players pulling him down.

Kinda late to the party, but hello from the rockbottom.

And those that exist have no value. At all.

Saw that a lot. I, personally, am not a refusing type, but I usually have no idea who to swap to.

Happens a lot, myself included. Full hp, think the time is right, fail.

Uh… maybe, not sure.

Quoting a certain cyborg person, “Translation?”

If talking about map layouts, they mostly don’t work. But I also see this point’s “more than what’s in front” message in a slightly different way. The way of explanation from the game itself.

Agree, I still don’t get why they’re here. Along with all the numbers in profiles.

Uh-huh, no. Twitch, Youtube, doesn’t matter. It’s bs and doesn’t work.

Thank you and good day.

I will never climb because of the following:

  1. my aim is trash
  2. my game awareness is trash
  3. I now play against smurfs and players well above my tier level

Hard to care about your advancement when the other team plays well above the tier they are in. same when you get that one or two on your team you know should not be there. I am bronze/silver and know this. I am okay with this as I have seen how good those in higher tiers are and know I would not keep up with them. Why do they have to come down here and ruin my fun in the pig pen. stay on your grassy hill…

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You can climb by playing safe, don’t die. Let the enemy team make mistakes and persue you. There’s a time and place to get aggressive but if you don’t have the proper game sense to judge that, play with yourself team so long as they’re not out of position too, and let the enemy make mistakes, capitalize on those. You can have average aim and accomplish this and get into platinum at the very least

Smurfs are morons. PERIOD. They come onto low rank games thinking they’re gods. I report each and every one of them for every available reporting option both in game and to Microsoft.

I make up things to report anytime I encounter one.

Stopped reading there.

I’m not interested in listening to anything a cheater has to say.


You can blame smurfs, and everything else about this game, but in reality, higher ranked people give you advise and you fail to try it. There is NOT a smurf in every game you play. The longer you play, the better your aim and tracking will become, the other aspects that are needed to climb, you just refuse to do, and thats your downfall. Take the advise… dont take the advise, makes no diffrence to me, but to those that do want to climb out of elo hell, try some of the tips given from people higher than you. Think of it as free coaching from GMs and Master players.

On another note… seems alot don’t know what BM’ing someone is… Bad Mouthing… talking trash to your team. It just never does any good, you accomplish nothing.

And with that… have a good night and great holidays!

I agree with numbers 2, 3,4,6 and 7, don’t agree with the first due to the fact I’m mainly a support player and i don’t need comms because I have a knack for adapting on the fly.

Also don’t agree with number 5 due to the fact that even BMing your own team means nothing, when the person making the bad choices in the game that was BM’d is ultimately what was the starting of the loss.

But no you are right for the most part and Once i went the same way your wife did, i was never not in bronze for any of the seasons i have played in and it is sickening.

You don’t need any coms in this game, you don’t need switch heroes at all. No skills - low rank. It’s only personal performance based. Why GM people easy climb from bronze to their rank? Because they’re belongs it. They could do it solo easy, because they have skills, they using abilities right as it should and etc. All people different otherwise there is no ranks at all and all will be in one league. As example myself - I couldn’t drop as tank below 900 even I whole match kill myself or shoot the wall (just example, not doing it in match, of course) and I can’t climb to 700 as healer even I whole game “on fire”. This is because my hidden personal performance based MMR and I’m belong to bronze. Using voice, text, following teammates command won’t make me better.

No real reason to climb, from what I hear the same problems in gold are in master’s too. Except seal clubbing montages…that’s what our ranks are for eh? Source of income…pay them to boost your account. Then watch that scrub free fall back do n the ranks laying blame left and right.

Competitive Overwatch is handicapped to limit the effectiveness of tank and healer pairs:

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