Why you will never climb!

This acount is my smurf. Diamond. My main is Masters. Im ok, not great! My wifes account was at one time diamond but some reason placed silver, and slowly dropped into bronze. I began to watch alot of the games and replays. This is when i realized most, and i mean just about ALL, in low elo will never climb.

  1. NO COMMS. The lack of communication in low elo is unreal. You need comms for call-outs… flankers, ults, hp, targets, ect.

  2. REFUSAL TO SWITCH. People in low elo refuse to get off a hero that a) isnt working in your comp or b) another hero would suit better to counter. She ran into soooo many DVA mains. They would never swap. 2x shield is the meta for a reason… it works. While not always, and there are spots for other heroes, you have to pick and choose whats best for your TEAM, not you. Team game needs team players.

  3. WASTED ULTS. I seen too many people LOW hp, decide to ult with most their team dead. Rein 100 hp tries to shatter, dead, wasted. Reaper 80hp, DB, dead. TEAM game, TEAM fight. Even if it causes them to use a defensive ult, its better then maybe 1 kill if any at all.

  4. CHASING. No need for 3-4 people to chase down 1 opp. That leaves 2-3 on the payload/point, and easily lost.

  5. BM’ING YOUR TEAM. This does no one any good. Just frustrates players and gets people in bad moods, in which disrupts gameplay. Your in low elo, your not a rockstar. Dont expect GM type plays from bronze players. If youd like someone to switch, ask. No need to call them names because they refuse to. Wont help the situation any. Just do your best to help the team.

  6. TOTAL LACK OF AWARENESS. Theres more to this game than whats just straight in front of you. You have to look to sides and behind you. If there is a tunnel or corner, take a peak so your team dont get blasted from out of nowhere.

  1. MEDALS DONT MATTER. They are PERSONAL stats. It does not however mean you helped the TEAM. Perfect example seeing as ALL low elo have a dps moira. Moira-“I have 30 elims and gold damage”, while thats fine, as long as your TEAM isnt dead from lack of heals all game. Not picking on Moira players… i can go on. REIN-“I have gold elims and damage”, and again is fine, as long as your team isnt dead due to no shield. Learn to balance it, and keep your team up.

These points boil down to 1 thing. You are not a TEAM player in a TEAM game.

Watch high rated streams, and you can see all this in action. Kephrii, one of the best widows in the game, if he sees that widow is just not working out, he WILL swap. He talks in VC alot and calls flanks, opps hps, ect.
When you become a team player, and learn to comm atleast some of the important things, you will surely begin to climb!


Comms are useless in low elo games as the players don’t know how to parse the information fed to them into action. You should only use Comms after fights and between rounds. [quote=“Mythic-11287, post:1, topic:434210”]

Not some much as refusing to switch, it’s probably that they can’t switch due to not knowing how to play the hero

Also see above, not being able to process the information due to focus on own game. [quote=“Mythic-11287, post:1, topic:434210”]

Good point, bm is self defeating. [quote=“Mythic-11287, post:1, topic:434210”]

Again the players don’t know how to communicate with each other because they have to focus on their mechanics so much.


your part of the problem why people cant climb. People smurfing lmao but u didn’t seem to include that in your rant did you lol


Argue with the guy if you want, that doesn’t make him wrong.
No comms, no plans, no ult tracking, no climb.

Smurfs aren’t the reason people can’t climb, Yeah sometimes you catch a duo boosting or somebody pub stomping but not every game.


he included only things that could be fixed by player =/
and avoided everything else:

  • smurfs
  • leavers
  • throwers
  • cheaters
  • shady sr gain/loss rules
  • wierd matchmaking system

and any player can climb by playing good… but less luck he has = more skill he needs to climb


Its avoided for a reason as it hss no effect on your ability to climb in the long run as enemy teams have the same. Leavers are not really problem anymore btw.

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Yea because youre the only1 who has to fight your way through smurfs. Stop crying

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Funny. I won a bunch yesterday in order to “climb” to a rank i’ve been WELL above 10 million times. Only to be met today with the worst f’ing teammates you could imagine.

The handicapping needs to go. That is why a lot of people don’t climb. The game is made to cancel them out for the sake of an even match.

These players do all the basic crap you mention in the original post. And it doesn’t matter.

Blizz wants to force even matches above all. Except, when it does that it doesn’t consider that these losers are actually throwing, and can NOT be carried.


I play a lot on my alt recently and no they dont. They do exactly opposite. Atleast in ranks i was in. OP is totaly right about every single point he made.

And what do you mean by handicapping, is that new fancy term for forced losing?

What do you want then lol? Unfair match so you can win easy? If match is even, you have great chance to infuence it as individual with good plays so you will win.


obviously not… but amount of smurfs/throwers/leavers/cheaters etc in different regions not same… also theirs activity changes across time
as example: after any patch i see reduction of cheaters cuz they need some time to update aimbots; while free weekend heavy increase of cheaters / leavers / throwers etc cuz they dont care about bans at that time.

basically by just playing at right time we can avoid some bad things and make our sr climb easier

also by constantly playing 6stack we have 0% chance to get thrower / leaver in our team
or someone can get in our stack a smurf/cheater to use him as climbing tool


I agree with everything you said except the part about coms, I don’t think you have spent much time in low rated coms It’s garbage tilting destracting and people blaming each other - nothing useful being said hardly ever, certainly a call out is very rare. Overall it will hurt more than help.


Your wife is diamond and placed silver? yeah no.


There has been and still are a lot of complaints regarding many people has trouble getting out of lower tier´s. One of the reasons is that many of the players in lower tiers doesn´t care about playing the game as a TEAM PLAYER. The possible solution i thought of is the following:

  • A minimum of 1000 SR is required to play comp.
  • If you drop below 1000 sr, you are not allowed to play comp.
  • You can gain sr again playing quickgames.
  • However, you can only gain up to 1000 sr in quickgames, for more sr, you have to play comp.

My theory about this is that people who wants to advance, will take the comp a bit more serious. I might be wrong, but its my humble thoughts about the issue anyway.


The following are facts based on my experience in response to your numbers.

1 - Wrong. Comms are WAY over-valued. I turn voice off all the time. The amount of redundant and oftentimes wrong callouts is countless. “Doomfist behind!!” Yeah, duh, you can HEAR him going YAAARRGH! Just react, no need to bark doomdoomdoomdoomdoom and now we’ve missed other valuable audio information. I climb the most when I turn comms off. You can call dvadvadvadva all day long but sometimes, that dva just ain’t gonna die. The ONLY thing you can control is your own actions so just make sure your actions are the correct ones. The game has been out for years now and nothing has changed as to how a teamfight should go, if you don’t know priorities as to who to target, then you belong in a lower ELO, regardless of what people are spewing over VC.

2 - Wrong. SO many people think that as soon as you lose a team fight, you have to switch. Wrong. How many times have you all died and gone, “Ok what switches do we need?” when you should be going, “we lost because they used 4 ults, now we win”. Execution > composition. You can be Pharah playing into hitscan the whole game on a 2cp, get one good ult off and you still win the game. A Pharah one trick will also know all the good LoS spots. As long as you play whatever hero you’re on well enough to do your job, it’s totally fine. That includes the Pharah example, maybe just play on the ground a bit lol. I would rather a team of one tricks playing their one trick than forcing them onto heroes they hate/are bad at just because the meta demands it. I climb the most when I one-trick, funnily enough.

3 - Agree. This is an awareness one.

4 - Half wrong. It depends on which way you’re chasing and sometimes, not even that. The biggest mistakes I’ve seen people do when I’m passing through plat is they just stick to the objective and wait for the enemy to gather to full strength. This is throwing. If you win a team fight, you effing push up and take out any and all stragglers, if someone comes back early, you take them out, too. This creates massive staggers for them and more time for that lone Ana on King’s Row payload to push it all the way to point C.

5 - Absolutely. Ties into point 1, though. I climb more whilst zero comming/one tricking cause I don’t have a salty zoomer saying, “urrrgh why did you do thaaaaght?” to tilt me.

6 - Agree. A lot of this is failure to listen to audio cues, which, once again, can be smothered by neckbeards yelling dva. Playing support will help fix this issue for your other roles imo.

7 - Half agree. While they don’t mean a whole lot, especially in short games. They can be used as a basic indicator to a problem. A Hog can say, “wtf Moira I have gold healing” and this could be cause the Moira is trash but it could also be because she’s getting zero peels.

I’d like to make my own golden list to climbing as follows:
1 - Ensure you do your job regardless of composition.
2 - Pay attention.
3 - Be bold. EG: Take that risky play, take the space afforded you, capitalise that enemy’s mistakes. Don’t just be passive.
4 - Regardless of points 1-3 you will still lose. Sometimes, regardless of ults used, callouts, composition, the red team is simply better. That ties into my previous point: execution > composition. Quit blaming blue and start improving you.

There is one hidden, sneaky factor affecting your games and that is the matchmaker. It’s actually somewhat of a hinderance to proper competitive games. For the purposes of the player’s experience, it attempts to make every game have ~50% winrate but will fluctuate to a 40/60% winrate with SR compensation/reduction. What does this mean? It means that no matter what your SR is, the games are matched on MMR. I could buy an account, place it in bronze but I will not go against other bronzes for every long once it figures out my MMR. It’ll just be those bronze games full of bronze smurfs doing the same thing. This is actually a hindrance to climbing. If you are in plat but belong in diamond+ you should just win the game, the other players get salty but you get out of that ELO quick smart, instead of every game being roughly 50% winrate no matter where you are. Your games should be 50% at your peak.


But he didnt say you have toswitch because someone will tell you to. You should know yourself when to switch. And if you dont, it can cmvery easily be readon for lost game so he is right about one.

So is he right about first point, coms in team game are very important. I lost countless number if games just because people didnt comunicate. I lost some because of toxic coms sure, but you can leave or mute voice if you want.

I don’t believe in hard counters. Some matchups are difficult and sometimes you’re gonna lose regardless of swaps. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t but it’s easy to scapegoat not switching as the reason.
There are times when I’m one tricking where I go, “it certainly would be easier on X hero” but fortunately it’s a team game.

Junkrat for example. He can nail a Pharah if he’s good but it’s also not his job to kill her. He can hide in cover and kill the rest of the red team. GG Pharah, you didn’t even kill the rat you swapped to counter.

A hacked Doomfist can still nail some shotty hits to Sombra’s trendily shaven head and still win.

NB: I agree that comms can be important. Especially for people more reliant on it for some reason but there’s nothing really in OW that you can’t figure out just by paying attention. Even blue ult combos. I just think they’re WAY over-valued and often a crutch/scapegoat for red team being better.

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Sure, diamond junkrat can do that to low gold pharah. But same skilled people? Thats serious disadvantage as you would be a hero who cant even touch her if she is high enough in sky.

This game simply has counter picks, thats the reality. Some heroes really dont have counters, some have hard counters.

What if enemy team is wiping you with grav+dragon or blade? Playing mercy,moira fir example is pretty bad decision as you would easily negate that ult combo with zen as support. Being able to pick tight hero for the comp is great power in OW.

Great time to start lobbing nades at someone else. You absolutely can still do fine with Pharah around as Junkrat. It’s actually hitscans that give him more trouble tbh. Case in point, Chro in t500 consistently.

I agree but it also isn’t the be all and end all.

Agree, but i think the main problems are 1 and 2, since this is a mentality problem.
While the rest are things you learn or are a result of 1 or 2.

The mentality of lots of players in lower ranks are:

  • i just want to have fun playing X… And it doesnt matter if we loose or win as long i can play X.
  • i play how i want, dont tell me how to play or who to shoot at, regrouping… why? you all suck let me do my thing and maybe we will win…
  • Group? What? i have group members? i need to play together with? In a shooter? Let me just run around and shoot stuff just like other shooters.

Sorry to say but i think those players shouldn’t even play comp (yet)
Comp would be so much better if you have to earn it first to play in it (like do a test before you can enter) And if you play below X/ got to many complains from team members, you have to redo the test.

5 and 7 are consequences of 1 and 2.

  • Players who want to win but got hold down by players who don’t care if they loose.
  • Lots of skill level differences in lower ranks, where almost every game has at least one player that is completely useless and isn’t doing his job(role) and you have to do both if you want to win. (because they dont have the game knowledge => we need a tutorial mode/test mode where you first have to prove yourself if you have the game sense to play comp)
    Will create lots of frustration between the players who just play for fun/solo and players who want to win/play as a team.
    Where medals are often used as a proof (not that medals actually are a good proof to see if someone is playing well, but if you have for example more damage done with monkey then your pharah, it was a good proof the hard counters the enemy had were to much to play pharah well enough)

A lot of players realize this but won’t care unless there are reset/forgive opportunities. SR encodes teamwork and consistency more than trickwork and memes.

I wouldn’t expect a rational person starting at 500sr to tryhard ‘solo queue team group adapt’ for hours a day just to 60/40 matches to grind up a numerical value that takes them further away from playing for themselves and having fun.