Why you will never climb!

You forgot



You know how dps will tell tank and supports what their job is…well DPS also have a job: " obliterate the enemy by ANY MEANS NECESSARY"
Source: overwatch main website. where it gives a really basic overview…
Strange that dps don’t know this…they quote from it like it’s gospel everyday.

all of these apply to everyone and happen to enemies just as much as you so they’re completely irrelevant for your ability to climb

all they do is impact the fun you have

and half of what you listed isn’t even an issue

This part gets real bad in plat or higher, rather stay perma gold like i am than deal with higher rank ego.

Goes pretty well with tank and healer control freaks

Simply because i’m a Genji one-trick because i like playing as him and not listening to anyone else doesn’t mean i can’t climb.

I know i’m unable to, but if i think i can’t i’m leaving the option out completely.
It’s my choice to do so, and i’m happy.

The game it’s goal isn’t to climb, or to improve.
It’s to enjoy what you have, just play the game.
Your current ranking is fine isn’t it? Just enjoy what you have!

That is a really long way of saying that low elo players are bad at the game

I agree that smurfs are bad and should be banned, but if you read his post it says his smurf account is diamond. So currently he is not ruining any matches in low elo assuming he is telling the truth

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Gold/plat would be mid elo. Bronze/silver is low elo.

youmust be new here, anything that is not considered high elo is considered low elo. then when you do get to what would be considered high elo then suddenly its everything below top 500 is low elo

Its funny you say infested. when in reality, its not. Sure some do the unranked to gm and all that, but not alot. Someone has a good game, oh hes a smurf. Ive seen that sooo many times in lower elo its unreal. They more than likely ARENT smurfs, just someone playing well, communicating, and winning.

Not really. You can one trick to climb but if you are able to flex and play multiple heroes at same skill level as you would by one tricking, flexing is better option.

Thing is, you need more time to master more heroes so its more time effective to focus just few heroes or 1-2.

I think lowering the number of deaths (trying to die less times than teammates but still trying to do the job of the class the best way possible) is a very good strategy both with damage and healer. It automatically improves many aspects of one’s gameplay in an indirect way even if different ranks require somewhat different playstyle.

Low death count means: loss = losing few SRs, win = gaining lots of SRs. Dropping 10-15SRs per loss and gaining 25-30SRs per win results in solid climb even with a 50% win rate.

Losing only a few SRs in case of defeat registers as a kind of success in my mind, I often enjoy making the best of a bad job.


If you dont care about your rank, dont play comp …QP for fun.

No, if you don’t care about your rank, play comp, because it is the best format for the game.

And you aren’t playing anything special, unless you are in the OWL

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This is true. Im stating reasons why people DONT climb. They dont put in the effort to do simple things.

Unless someone is intentionally throwing(Rare) there’s no such thing as what u just said

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The very definition of smurfing means he’s intentionally putting himself at a lower rank than he is.

If that is untrue, then his other account is simply an alternative account, and not a smurf account. And if he is unable to climb rank with his alternative account, then he contradicts his very purpose of creating this thread.

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Generally speaking…most people won’t climb because they want to climb on their terms…like 1 tricking a hero that is less effective than current meta.

At start of season I made a gold claim…put 1k hours on my favorite hero and see if I climb…barely 5 hours in I was getting frustrated with the ineffective results while working my butt off…I started to look for the most “burst potential” and " high skill ceiling" heroes. Result was frustrating :rage:. Finally, figured trying mei…a meta dps… She was 2x as effective in the first 45 mins as it was on the 5 hours as tracer and only required half the effort to see results…climbed 200sr easily. Same with tank 10 hrs on hog and I was stuck on a plateau… 3 hours on orisa and I climbed 500sr. Low gold to plat and Im still hitting a 60% win rate…I expect to hit mid plat by Friday and diamond by end of next week.

According to him his main is masters and smurf is diamond. So my point is he’s not ruining any bronze or silver games currently by playing on his diamond account

Hi, gold elo here
Let’s talk about calls
me : see reaper tp behind
me : reaper behind
me : go back to helling my low hp orisa
random teamate dps : dies
random teamate dps : hey guys there is a reaper behind

Without ult tracking :
Enemy phara : has ult
Enemy phara : use ult
My team loses the teamfight cause she got value

With ult tracking :
Enemy phara : has ult
me : I thing phara has ult
Enemy phara : use ult
My team loses the teamfight cause she got value

So the problem isn’t the lack of calls, it’s that people don’t listen or don’t save cooldowns to counter an ult