Why you will never climb!

It took me 3 years to learn that meta hero’s are the hero’s you should be playing if you want to climb…meta changes roughly every 7 months…so at some point a hero you like has or will be viable. Playing your fav hero is an expectation of climbing on your terms…it’s slow and tedious and requires 2 times the effort of meta picks. Most people want to climb on their terms…and never get anywhere.

  1. don’t put yourself at risk of dying before a team fight. Stagger mechanics are brutal in this game…and your team will inevitably lose a 5vs 6 7/10 times. After the first fight the team that wind has ult advantage…which means you lose 2 teamfight in a row generally and 1 min bare minimum from total round time.
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Here you have got the most fundamental design flaw of overwatch. Without it the game would be better for a lot of players. Overwatch wants the game to be this competitive try hard game so badly everyone needs to be active in voice, but it will not happen, ever.

Nor did they bother trying to improve the team experience either. Simply decent voice commands would improve the communication immensely. Visible health bars for everyone when someone is tagged, would be huge, I mean huge. Blizzard think they can create a culture where people actively use voice in mid tiers and upwards like in CS, but they will not. OW is also a lot more fast phased having people focusing on the game more of the time than making calls to their team.

Climbing is one of those things where you have to consistently have impact and you’ll win games.

Kind of like a masters player on a diamond account, you aren’t going to have 100% win rate until you cross 3500. You’re going to have a 55-60% win rate depending how far into masters you are and how low of a diamond account you’re on (I.e. a 3999 player on a 3000 account would do better than a 3500 player on a 3400 account).

You have to have this impact all while putting up good stats or the matchmaker will force you down. A good example would be widow maker. You could have impact and win games by headshotting the enemy main support every fight but it that was the ONLY damage you did, your MMR would be bad.

Understanding why comms are important and how to use them are part of overall gamesense I guess.
This feels like a flat earther thread where even a basic concept is being argued against.
Be silent, keep staggering in and thinking your teammates can read your mind. How has that been working so far?

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For example: there is the ingame voiceline for “group up”. Use it. If it doesent work, yelling in mic to group up wont work either. Basic comms are not part of overall game sense, but if you lack the game sense then you shouldnt do anything more complicated than calls like position of enemies and low hp. Also you write it like you would keep staggering in, but Ill assume you mean your team staggers because else it makes absolutely no sense. Then again, Im on OW forums, only a few guys and things make sense.

But mmr really doesnt matter above diamond so having good stats is usefull only few games before new seasonal placement and during the placememt. Only in that moment your mmr is relevant.

It’s still there. It might not impact your SR gains but it impacts how hard of games you get. 3500 SR but 3800 MMR = you get similarly under ranked teammates versus over ranked opponents and you probably destroy them for an easy win. Yes, I know MMR isn’t illustrated as a 4 digit number even on blizzards end but I figured that’s a good way to make my point.

SR gains above 3k are based on expected win/loss. If you get a game you’re “supposed” to lose but manage to win, you win more and vice versa.

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I guess main reason for this is very small community of people in high diamond+, so its hard to create balanced teamds, now even more with role q.

I just can’t take some seriously that seriously thinks a team needs a “main dps” and a “flex dps”.

These aren’t reasons people can’t climb and plenty of people have proven such


In all fairness, the game is sooo toxic that people stopped using them. I will say I stopped using them for a bit now because every match has toxic players unless you are on a team that is steamrolling out of the gate. Even though Comp mode is a horrible and at an all time low imo since role queue, it has made the game a lot more bearable with comm off.

The rest of your post I very much agree with and see it all the time. I try to do everything I can like time my ults with others, stay with the team unless I am flanking at times etc. I was in plat for many seasons until Role Queue and then dropped to bronze out of the blue and even struggled to get back to silver. Now I can’t even get close back to gold.

This is due to what you said but also you didn’t mention, which I very much see in almost all my matches now are dps healers focusing on dps and I usually get 2 off tanks (usually 2 dive tanks or 1 dive and 1 Zarya or Roadhog) and we get rolled all the time due to no shield tanks.

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Sees title
reads first line

How can you not see that you are part of the problem? I know you are trying to help but you are losing your credibility.

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You know what’s funny about this?

There are two religions preaching in this forum:

  1. You have to one-trick and master a single char to climb
  2. You have to flex to counter the enemy team

They are both right and wrong at the same time :smiley:


Sometimes it’s just blind luck. Many aspects of how matchmaking decides, which teammates to put you with, are yet to be revealed.

Best post I have ever seen on this forum. Agreed :handshake:

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I’m confused
Are you agreeing or disagreeing with me lol?

i was silver when i started out, now my smurf is masters…
to say someone will never climb is so unbelievably arrogant and it kinda sounds like you’re projecting. if someone really wants to climb they will, they will put in the time and grind like everyone else

Both. Your skills sometimes can get you places, but sometimes they just don’t matter, as you received teammates that you can’t make win.

comms in gold or plat…

non-existent when match starts.
we lose the round, all of the sudden everyone joins comms to flame someone.

thats your comms in low elo.

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Oh please, get off your smurf account. You’re one of the major reasons why people will never climb.

A team that are doing perfectly fine, but goes against you who are way above their level. You are stopping them from climbing.

Go play in your elo, and leave the rest alone. Let them play and learn.