Why you will never climb!

So he is in top 500 as junk , so what? He can do that because people in his elo are not dumb and they actualy switch to counter pharah so they can play around him. Dps is not only role who can deal with pharah. But you will not have team able to switch very often to deal with your counter pick for you. In the end its you who want to climb so you have to learn to switch.

If you are winning match as junk vs pharah fine, if you cant touch her and she is wrecking your team, its your responsibility to switch to deal with her if you dont want to lose.

And how many junks main is in highest ranks exactly? :slight_smile:

One exceptionaly good player doesnt make it rule.

Planning tactics is, like how to combo stuff. But simple target calling or healers letting now they need help, or like someone saying a flanker in our back attacking healers(so tanks stop pushing forward) should always be done.
Communication is a skill, just like aiming and game sense. You need to train it.
Starting with simple focus target calling when you see someone out of position etc…

In lower ranks they dont have much mechanical skills on any hero. So swapping to a hero that will be a better choice should not be a problem.

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Yeah, you can shove those tips up your bum. You smurfs ruin this game. Lower elo is completely infested with smurfs.


Alternatively, you can wreck her team by playing well, too. These are all hypotheticals based on who has the better player. In reality, your team isn’t even obligated to switch to deal with Pharah, really. I also think a lot of the stigma around one-tricks is this mentality of, “well now we have to change the whole team around them” they actually don’t have to because they’ll be on that hero regardless, they just want their team to play their best as they’re doing, themselves.

Supports and tanks are an interesting example; they often just have to deal with being “countered” for an entire game. Even Hog isn’t a full-on counter to Reaper, for example. A good Reaper will often still win and the rest of the tanks just have to rely on everyone else, similar to how a Junkrat would have to rely on everyone else if a Pharah is tunneling him. Hence my previous point; execution > compositon.

Sometimes people are just gonna lose. We are all so caught up into reasons why and so many times we don’t have the maturity to go, “Red had better execution”.

I want truly random games.
Not some hidden matchmaking, or forcing even matches artificially.
If the three best players end up on a team, cool. They win, they rank up.
Instead, OW makes sure that doesn’t happen by balancing out teams.
That makes it so skill doesn’t even matter any more.
And many of us can see that, plainly, by playing the game and witnessing some wins and then suddenly a bunch of idiot games to cancel that out.


It doesn’t even need to be random tbh. It can just be roughly based on SR. Look at Chess, for example. If a someone were a grandmaster but didn’t realise it and somehow got seeded really low, they would go against other low ranked players and completely destroy them until they finally got to where they belong. OW’s version would be to put another grandmaster that didn’t realise it and got seeded really low against them, hahah!

My point is: If I fall to plat, I should be mostly against people that live in plat, I’m sure there’d also be smatterings of other people that also fell to plat that didn’t belong there, too but regardless, the people that don’t belong there would climb out of there a hell of a lot faster than they do now.

Unfortunately, as you seem to know, Blizzard values every player’s perception of fairness over actual fairness.


Most of these are true, if you want to climb you usually have to get a good team to play with you (people with mics and who positive).

I get it, i understand how you mean that. But honestly, sometimes switching will decide win or loss. I was flex player before role q so i know that. Now is flexing limited.

Two days ago i played brig one game and i am absolutly sure i would win by playing zen. I could switch but i didnt. Maybe i was stubborn to challenge myself to win with brig.

But i realized it was ultimately stupid decision not to switch as it cost me the game. Brig wasnt simply ideal pick against what they had.

Sometimes i have these moments, you even wont realize that . Games lost, you think about game for a while and they it will strike you "damn i am idiot, why i didnt switch to this hero, it would be perfect solution in that monent/comp ".

Well its your opinion. I think it would be very bad, even now people are complaining about one smurf in game. I like to see some kind of order, me and rest of ow community dont really want total chaos with all ranks in the game.

People generaly want to play with people on same skill level. If i am diamond, i want diamond team mates so i know what i can expect of them

Leavers aren’t a problem? Are you playing overwatch? As they are everywhere.

Personally I won’t stay if there was a leaver on my team. Unless in the two minute window we actually able to work as a team.

Leavers cause unbalanced teams. Before role queue players could swap around to make a decent short handed team comp.


LMAO, you are one of them I see. Second leavers are even worse than initials. No wonder you think leavers are issue. If you would stay, you would see that people actualy came back sometimes. And most importantly, you lose less sr in games with leavers. So yeah leavers are not really a issue anymore.

Btw not to mention they are not so common.

I believe IOStux is correct about this - its only useful to even join to listen at Masters, before that its basically useless. The only time I would agree that comms matter is if you play with a regular team and know what to expect from each other.

As time goes on with balancing, this “need to switch” is going to decline a good bit, and in many ways already has. The game is moving away from rock-paper-scissors to one where the damage and healing are “normalized” for characters, so that it means one tricking is more possible. Sure, some characters will have an advantage for movement (Tracer, Pharah, Genii, Doom, etc), but in general the need to switch it up is declining. Blizz knows people want to play their mains and are finally coming around to shaping the game to support that.

I’m going to just say the only thing that really keeps you from climbing to a large degree is kidding yourself that your play is that good; one benefit of no comms is you aren’t distracted and can more easily focus on what you did right and what you did wrong as you go along. Being simply focused on improving and not winning is key; improve and the wins will come regardless of leavers, smurfs, cheaters, throwers, etc. but you have to grind and remember to make Plat on a character for instance, you have to be better than all the Gold players globally for that character… people forget this.


Rofl, are you actually trying to say that a diamon player dropped to bronze because of the ladder? I have few guesses like you boosted your wife to diamond and now if she is playing alone she is getting f’d. There is absolutely no way a diamond would drop to bronze because of the reasons you say. Im a diamond players, why Im not dropping to bronze? Why I can roll and eat bronzes as breakfast? Why your wife cant? Because your wife never was actually diamond but boosted by you?

This was not true for a really long time. He was actually a really toxic widow OTP for a long time, still managing to get to t500 constantly. Hes hero pool is widened because he tried to get to real teams OWL in sights, but it seems he failed bad. I mean he learned new heroes but didnt make it.


Yeah I think we all knew this but were afraid to have to say it, even on my worst days as a mid-Gold/low-Plat player I am never going to fall back into Bronze, no way a Diamond is unless they took up a new character in Comp.


You have 6 unique roles and everyone has to do their job.
If someone doesn’t because he is on a hero that cant do it, then he should swap.
And sometimes it isn’t even needed to do a job.
Like when the enemy has a sniper as main dps. On a map where it is very easy to avoid her/stay out of LOS and still be able to contest the point. If she tries to position her self so she can contest it, your off tank (playing like dva) will be able to contest her. So as a flex dps you dont have to be able to contest their main dps.
But if the enemy has a reaper with high impact as main dps, and as main tank a rein(on a map good for rein). Your tanks will be playing rein + zarya (so no roadhog). So as a flex dps you should be countering the reaper. If not then you are not doing your job.

And having 2 dpsers both playing as main dps, while you need a flex dps then both dpsers are at fault. Same like you have 2 off tanks and loosing because of both not want to play main tank (again; sometimes you dont need a certain role)

It is a team based game, saying something like the enemy has a good pharah. But i am in houses with junk, so have no problems with her. While your team is getting killed trying to contest the objective, is very bad. And the person who do this, even if he get gold medals, is the reason why you lost, and should be blamed for it.

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Tbh unless a dimaond player is like severely handicapped and playing only like mercy or other low aim hero and doesent pick a widow or other super aim based hero there is no way they would drop to bronze. I once wanted to drop down to be a “real smurf” but I hate throwing so I handicapped my self playing with controller. The account that I used for that was around 2700 still climbing but I took junk because I still wanted to win despite handicapping my self. I found out that I couldnt derank with controller because I used junk. So I gave up on the idea. If I picked widow I would have dropped hard.

Comms are very important if you’re serious.
Say that you’re Mei and you freeze Doomfist , We know Doom can have a ton of armour and Mei will never kill him by herself before he gets away.
Wouldn’t it be a shame if that scenario kept happening throughout the game?
Mei freezing Ball, Mei freezing a Doom or splitting a team with wall, But no follow up. You have just taken a very powerful hero and made them basically useless because you can’t be bothered to focus targets.

It’s like asking a friend to help you move and then you each proceed to try to carry heavy furniture up the steps by yourselves not talking to or helping each other. How dumb does that sound?

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OP, drop into bronze and play with your wife, it is the best rank in the game. Bronze players might lack skill, but they do everything else you said better than higher ranks.

Sorry, everyone here is an amateur on a ladder. Start having fun and stop caring about your rank.

Funny that IOStux for instance (and he is not alone) contends its more trouble than its worth if your goal is to improve your game and climb. On the surface what you say makes sense, and comms can in theory be useful, but the reality is given your example 4/5 of the time people won’t even listen or act on the information or coordinate. That’s the problem.

I believe match chat has zero value; at best the opposing team is a distraction, at worst and most likely they are toxic and you will get tilted even subconsciously. I will sometimes go into team chat until I hear someone mouthing off, then I’m out now. The benefit is better gaming and frankly I see small incremental improvement happening as I just focus on my game play and not the ridiculousness of their commentary like feeder tanks whining about heals or so on.

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If your goal is purely just to improve (and you will climb when you improve automatically) it can be helpful to just leave voice. But if you wanna push that 150SR for example your 2850 and wanna hit diamond because its your life goal and you can die happy after it will be helpful to use voice.

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