Why would “YOU” pick Mercy?

lol that’s not what I mean dude :joy:.

Baptist has vertical mobility. So say your team is distributed across 4 points. Point A is your tanks, B is your fellow support trailing behind, C and D are two separate points for the dps.

Baptist is limited to whatever position he is holding meaning his LOS can only vary slightly pending on what high ground is available. Mercy on the other hand has access to all 4 points on a 2 sec CD.

Hell Baptist boots take a full second to charge themselves.

She can react on demand while Baptist cannot. Plus Mercy is way harder to Dive then Baptist.

Unrelated, Baptist is the best support to pocket as a Mercy. It’s pretty gross when you see it in action.

Anymore I play her because she’s been my main for so long she’s the character I’m best with even with her changes back in 2017 making her a lot less fun to play. Obviously I’ll switch if she’s not working out, but she’s the one I have the best odds with.

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Because I feel like it.

When I’m feeling lazy and don’t feel like try harding, I have so many hours on her so I can get the most value out of her when I’m not having good days. I pretty much run on autopilot with her.

Mercy allows me to both reliably heal my teammates no matter where they go and stay alive for obscene amounts of time usually. On top of that, damage boosting can be super beneficial especially during her ult.

It’s not always about how much was done. Sometimes it’s about how effective was it in the moment.

Widow is the last one you want to boost if she’s good with shots cause there’s that ominous bug where it will not give you ult charge if her shot would one shot a target. I pick others like Mcree or Ashe.

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I’ve been playing mercy since open beta just because she’s cute. That’s about it.

If someone insta-locked Moira and our team had a Pharah.

Under no other circumstances.

Pick Mercy for damage amp. A pocket Mercy can greatly increase your DPS pick potential.

If the fights end quicker, you need less healing. That’s the logic behind Mercy

I just like the hero. While I struggle to get much value out of her base kit anymore due to the high damage against her low heals, I can be incredibly obnoxious with my mobility that its got to the point that if I die, I was seriously outplayed (legit had a df read my e-girl jump and killed me using a ceiling with meteor strike, GG that doomfist).

And her damage boost is so valuable now, with all the dps power creep, most heroes with damage boost can 2 shot most squishies in the game. Combining that with other damage boosting abilities, and it really starts to sting.

And personally, I hate rez. When people ask me to go mercy for rez, it low key tilts me off the face of the planet. Why go mercy for rez, when I cans go any other healer and stop you from dying to begin with? It’s obvious to enemies, it’s horrible to use, and it’s cast time is longer than most ultimates in the game. And it’s a standard ability. Why we can’t have a slightly buffed version of current rez as Mercy’s ultimate I’ll never know, it would be perfect as an ultimate now, acting much like Tracer’s pulse bomb where it’d either be high value or wasted, but charges quickly. Either that, or just replace it entirely. Mercy doesn’t need rez to be Mercy. If you take it away, people will still look at her and go ‘Oh, that’s Mercy’ if you ask someone to name a healer from Overwatch, or something, I dunno, it’s the best example I got.

But I play Mercy because I love the hero, struggle to aim as Overwatch is my first fps (gasp, shock, horror, I know), and just have fun playing her. Yes, it’s way more stressful than it needs to be playing Mercy now, but that makes it even more enjoyable, honestly, even if I do sometimes lose braincells due to, uh… ‘questionable’ positioning on my teammates behalf (I see all… You can’t hide…)

But I digress. She’s fun to play, and I like her character and simplicity. Just f rez.

I pick her, when I have at least one DPS that loves damage boost.
Like any non-flanking DPS for example. Or Pharah.
Ashe, Hanzo, Soldier, …
And/or when i know, I need to be able to switch between height levels a lot.
Mercy is super reliable rn.
But honestly, any healer is playable atm. And almost any combination is viable.

Because Mercy’s mobility is a blast, and the lock-on beams let me keep my head on a swivel. No other healer enables an “omniscient chessmaster” mental state like Mercy, because her playstyle of zooming around the battlefield and keeping an eye on the big picture offers her a level of perspective that’s second to none.

It’s just too bad that she can’t do anything to prevent the prophecies she makes, which makes me feel all the more helpless and frustrated when I play Mercy. I saw the danger coming, but I had nothing in my kit that could have done anything about it.

The rework+nerf marathon took Mercy from being the oracle of Delphi to a Cassandra of Troy.


I like to pick mercy when I feel too lazy just damage boost Ashe and spam “I’ll cast a spell on you”

Why would I pick Mercy? Because I prefer to stay really far away from enemy flankers, and don’t enjoy direct involvement in fights. Healing/boost beam allows me to stay aware of my surroundings, instead of having to stare at teammate. Mobility and flight are also nice bonuses.

Any other healer works better for team, of course, but it’s loud complains of playerbase, that made Mercy way she is now, so I am not feeling guilty for having some fun at their cost. Besides, other healers aren’t fun for me, even while I could play Ana on somewhat decent level.

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Sometimes I feel like playing Mercy and sometimes it just works great… but most of the time I switch to Moira and get stuff done myself. I just can’t get any value out of her anymore, she used to be so much fun and I love her, but… everyone else feels much better.

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For her mobility, fix her"bug" and I will stop.

Because she is fun to play. And she’s also good.

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I enjoy her mobility. Also if certain heroes are picked that she works really with that people already mentioned. Idk if maybe it’s because I’m 2900 right now (so plat/diamond range) but I noticed Mccree becomes a pretty good counter doom with a pocket while otherwise he struggles a lot. So I thought I’d add that in as well since I didn’t see it mentioned.

I think shes fun in areas like Hanamura point b, where her mobility gets full use. If your team is somewhat spread out you can feel borderline unkillable there.

It’s easy to keep up with my teammates, and you don’t have aim to heal.