Why would “YOU” pick Mercy?

Specifically you. Why would you pick Mercy over other healers and what’s your justification? Personally, I love Mercy to bits, but I find myself being much more beneficial with literally like any other healer, besides Zenyatta.

She has Rez, which is an amazing ability, but Baptiste has Immortality field, which can save numerous teammates and even himself. Ana can increase all healing and even negate it. Brigitte can apply armor and heal with repair pack faster than Mercy can heal. Moira just has insane healing, which can save just about anyone. So Rez just seems like you’re reversing a mistake that others can prevent all together.

Okay, so what about Damage Boost? On average, Mercy gets about 1,000 or so amplified damage and maybe like 500-1,000 hero damage. A good Baptiste can get 5,000+ hero damage without really trying too hard. Why boost a teammate for an extra 40 dps when you can pick Ana or Baptiste and add your own 75 dps?

I get Mercy is an easier alternative, but for the better players who can actually pull off the harder heroes, why play Mercy?
(Please don’t be toxic. I want an actual informal discussion.)


Ashe, pharah, widow, Bastian %100 need mercy. No other hero can enable them as well.

To pocket ana or zen and ensure discords and antiheals are used on the enemy

Pocket hero’s like junk, McCree, soldier… Mercy isn’t necessarily needed for these 3 heros tho…

Dmg boosting allows some hero’s to break their intended ttk values… Widow can shoot faster and still one shot…ashe can now one shot… Pharah gets better sustained damage ECT…

Ana and bap and zen are way more vulnarable than mercy. Ana zen can keep mercy topped off yet rely on help when focused. Mercy pairs insanely well with this


I find Ashe to be a really good pairing, so if my Ashe is decent, I’ll usually pick Mercy. Ashe is one of the only heroes that I find using my damage boost makes me feel like I’ve made a difference.


i like her playstyle the best out of every hero in the game save for maybe ashe or lucio. plus i suck at ana, baptiste is too boring for me n i usually on play him in bunker, and one can only take playing so much moira.

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We already have a main healer, and we have either a Bastion, Ashe, or Pharah on the team, and the map isn’t better suited to Lucio (basically anywhere with good ledges or long approaches where Speed Boost will come in handy)

If there’s a Pharah, Bastion, Ashe or Widow on our team, that’s a good start. Also as a counter-pick to enemy Dive heroes.

As a GM support main, she’s the best support pick in many situations.

If you have any sort of hitscan or ranged DPS, or if you have any sniper, she becomes highly valuable. If you are running a mobile comp like dive, she overtakes the less mobile supports in a heartbeat. If you are running some sort of cheese or bunker comp, her ability to pocket and rez and sustain the bastion is unbeatable. Her mobility, ability to peel for herself and others versus dives, her ability to make DPS players godly with pocketing and boost, the insane fight-changing value rez can have, the way damage boost bolsters your entire team’s ult economy, her fast charging and versatile ult…there are many reasons to pick her. And once PTR goes live, there will be even more reasons to play her over other supports.

Brig lacks the sustain, consistency, and survivability Mercy brings.

Not anymore on PTR rofl

Because Ana and Baptiste do mostly trash damage, whereas Mercy damage boosts her teammates to make them be marginally more impactful, secure kills quicker, and also boost their ultimate gain. The ultimate boost is the most powerful part of damage boost, you can help a Zen get Trans or a Solider/Genji get there ult like every 30 seconds by damage boosting them. And ults win games.


The skin. The affectionate voice



To pocket an Ashe, a Widow, a Bastion, a Pharah, or if we have two DPS that are more divey or away from the main fight.

Ana, Moira, Baptiste, et. al., will eventually go down. They can’t rez themselves. That’s Mercy’s job (even if she can’t rez herself, either).

Further, how many of them have some of their heals on cooldowns or have some sort of limit? Mercy’s basic heal has no cooldown, though.

Finally…“Heroes never die!” Valkyrie can let her fly to trouble and support multiple heroes at once under the right positioning, or fly from trouble so she doesn’t die.

I think that says it all there.

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Team picks some weird dive thing live hammond, d.Va, genji, doom. I’ve had that happen and I feel more comfortable with mercy there.

Low key mercy ana is insane.

The ana can keep mercy topped off as she dashes around… Ppl also tend to try and focus down the ana instead… which allows mercy yo just heal up ana when ana is attacked. Ana throws nade and boosts mercy healing to 75 hps…

Also ana mercy can bait out ults… Through using ana as bait and sacrificing her. For example when genji uses blade bait him with ana and move far away from ana. Let the ana blow her cooldowns and die and eat the blade. Genji is antihealed ur team can focus him and u can just rez the ana… So u end up winning the fight


I tend to only play Mercy when we have good dps players. No offense, but playing Mercy with subpar dps is a pain and it’s usually not worth.

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Try running it with ana and heal when nade goes down. 75 hps will make it so you can easily keep anyone up. Or you can damage boost to help clean up the antiheal

The downside to running mercy with Moira or bap is they can’t reliably keep mercy healed as she moves around. Baps nades are too inconsistent and Moira can’t heal at range.

Running mercy purely when you only have an ana and nothing else is worth it trust me.

It’s also fun playing aggressive when watching for nades and either super healing or dmg boosting

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The only reason I’d pick her right now is to have a low-stress game. Something about Mercy is just cathartic after playing the other healers. I think it’s that she has practically zero ability to make plays on her own, so I can just focus on the big picture stuff and let the rest of the team worry about the details.

The only thing that Mercy does that someone else doesn’t do better is her damage boost and frankly, it’s not often that a dps at my level can aim well enough for it to make a huge difference.


Playing Mercy is really relaxing to me as well lol. Except for when I hear the charging of the

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The only objective reasons to pick Mercy are:

A: You’re really low tier, like Bronze or Silver, or new to the game and need an easy hero to play to learn the game.

B: You have a Pharah to pocket. Good times.

C: You’re playing bunker comp with Bastion and you already have a Baptiste.

D: You have a really good Ashe or Widow and want to pocket them. By really good I mean they have to have REALLY high accuracy, because boosting missed shots is a waste of 1/3 of your team.

Besides that, the only other reason are entirely subjective. For me personally, I also enjoy the hero, and I have the most time spent playing them, 600+ hours, and have really mastered her kit and the gamesense required to play her optimally.

But even I with my 600 hours on Mercy, can swap to Moira, a character I’ve played for only 2 hours total, and have an immediate and depressingly noticeable bigger impact on the game with her with far less effort and risk than I ever did with Mercy.

Res seems powerful, but an average of 6 resses is not the same as 15-30 eliminations/assists.

Damage boost seems powerful, but 1000 boosted damage a game is not the same as 6-10k damage provided yourself.

Sure Mercy has ‘utility’ but its not good enough to justify her complete lack of offensive capability and he total reliance on her team to do everything for her.


Not really…killing someone in one shot with Ash is only 200dmg… Yet they are dead.

Breaking ttks is hug value.

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I wouldn’t, but not because of any power level reasons. its because she boring to play.

this is an intentionally loaded question. I think you understand that people don’t pick heros purely based off of whether or not they are viable, and to try and frame it as that’s the only reason they are being picked is disingenuous.


She’s fun to play, you have a comp that suits her. If you’ve got a sniper based comp or dive / comps that are high mobility based or that have a Hammond at the front line or a Pharah.

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