Why would “YOU” pick Mercy?

I wouldn’t? I hate mercy.

  • If you want to switch off and can somewhat rely on your teammates, although you’ll likely need a second main healer to play alongside (unlike the other main healers who don’t)
  • If you want to damage boost a really good ‘damage’ teammate
  • If you somehow find you can deliver a lot with Mercy, even with a poor team

Otherwise literally every other main healer is a better choice.

If there’s a widow that needs boosting, I’ll be there.

Nano Moth.

No one expects the moth.

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Thats why Moira is in desperate needs of nerfs, which she gets on the PTR. Moira gets more value than Ana, Baptiste or Mercy. You’re just asking to lose on live servers if you run no Moira against Moira. Nobody can keep up with her insane sustain and nothing can counter it, even Ana’s nade gets blocked by the endless shields.

@ OP:

I play Mercy for a couple of reasons.

  1. I don’t have a lot of time to play and practice on my aim. The likes of Mercy, Moira, Brigitte, Lucio and even Baptiste to a certain point are my go-to heroes, as because I miss a lot as Ana and cannot outduel a Genji or Tracer as Zen
  2. I love her mobility, which is unchallenged by all other supports
  3. I love that it’s hard to get good value out of her. Your beam juggeling has to be on point. Your damageboost management has to be perfect, especially if you have no Moira or Ana as second healer. I love that I come across so many Mercys that misuse Valk like crazy, and it’s even more satisfying when I do.
  4. I love when I get away with risky rezzes
  5. I love that I am usually last to die during a teamfight, because Mercy is the support with the best survivability if you are good
  6. I love that the enemy Mercy often switches to Moira because she feels like she can’t keep up with my healing and then proceeds to unsucessfully chase me half the game.
  7. I love saving my team with excellent beam management
  8. It’s most satisfying to kill flankers as Mercy than any other support
  9. I love that I win most of my matches and people tell me that I carried and it’s seldom to come across such a good Mercy, which reassures me that most just don’t know how to use her properly.
  10. It’s satisfying to outheal your Moira or Ana while still dmgboosting over 1.5K damage

Mercy is one of the supports who is underestimated the most (together with Brig). Most people play her horrible, have bad gamesense or positioning and then blame it on the team for being bad/not peeling/ Mercy being bad. The truth just is that Moira is too good, that even Ana and Baptiste cannot keep up anymore.

Yes she is team dependend but not as much as everyone makes her out to be. She has insane damage on her pistol with super forgiving hitboxes, so even if you’re caught offguard, you can actually still win a 1v1 even if you have no escape (like Zen and Ana).
With a bit of mapknowledge and practice, you can pull of insane GA techniques. From making Divers waste their mobility CD to jump to you (jebaiting), to reaching highground and be away from the brawl (superjump) to literally being able to jump off maps and fly back up to escape danger. Only Lucio can do this too.
You never ever miss your healing, you can scan the battlefield for danger and you can call out stuff. Just because you don’t (most Mercys don’t use a mic) doesn’t mean it’s not valuable. I’ve won games because I’ve spotted flankers or snipers when my team was busy with a brawl, called it and my team reacted to it.

Just because Moira is OP and Ana is slightly overtuned doesn’t mean Mercy is bad. It’s Moira and (maybe) Ana who need a bit of a tuning down so Baptiste and Mercy can keep up with them.
And guess what, Baptiste/Mercy Ana/Mercy Brig/Mercy is pretty much META on the PTR. I see Mercy every. single. game and I see the team without a Mercy lose A LOT.


Mercy was my first ever pick and I love the way she plays. Plus I low key feel powerful whenever I can pull off super awesome rez’s…

Anyway, I’d say I’m a good support. It’s all I’ve ever played and while I know I can do better I feel most comfortable staying with my Queen.

You pretty much hit the mark on that to me. The other reason I also pick Mercy is for her revive ability, something I consider valuable on defense.

to damage boost bastion and rez people smart enough to die behind a wall

If my team has any sort of big ranged damage I like to go Mercy.

Widow, Hanzo, Junkrat, Pharah, McCree, Ashe, heroes like those can carry hard if you just give them a little extra oomph

If I were fighting a Dark type.


Personally, i play mercy if im deffending on a capture/assault map, mainly for the rezz, or if we have a phara or bastion on our team. But on like attack or controll, i often dip over to playing moira, lucio or baptist, just for the value. Just personal thoe

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mostly because she’s fun. i like to fly, i love how she feels when you’ve mastered her movements

other than that, i find she is an excellent shotcaller. she is more free to look around and stay alert for flankers and can dedicate more attention to full awareness of your team and the enemy team. i’ve told people that if they lack awareness in the game, play mercy. if mercy is “too boring,” you likely aren’t doing enough in terms of paying attention yet

i also feel mercy is an excellent shotcaller because she is fully aware of the contributions of her own team. you can assess how well each member is hitting their shots-- and yeah, maybe it’s fun to pick on them if they’re your friends and having a tough time for a minute, but it also makes it easier to decide who to enable.

mercy’s damage boost also makes her the only one who can reliably decide to make certain allies get their ultimate faster. i find it powerful and unique to be able to control who among you has their ult and when.

and of course, the cheeky things about playing mercy. pulling out the pistol in valk for the first time in a round when no one considers you a threat yet-- that’s one of the best feelings. getting that widow. or getting tired of using guardian angel to make the tracer or genji chase you around and saying “enough is enough” by headshotting them to death. flying around just out of the line of sight of an enemy when they have used their cooldowns to rez someone while standing on top of an enemy like a troll.

but all that said, i wish she was better and could make more impact. she is the hero i have the most time on and i have had games where i watched the replay and would not change a single thing i did as mercy (which is rare for me lol) and yet… i have NEVER been losing a game and thought “alright THAT’S IT! I’VE HAD ENOUGH” and switched to mercy to win.

Because mercy is fun baptiste lucio is fun the rest is boring(my opinion)

I’ll only pick mercy if one of the following is true.
a) we are running dive, lucio is taken.
b) My team has a bonkers widow/ashe/mccree that I can d-boost.

Otherwise i’m more valuable on another support.

Never, but if I liked to and could flex to other supports like I do as a tank main (I can play them all well except maybe D.Va) I would say it would be due to very specific hero Synergies. Outside that her value isn’t the greatest.

So when I tank I would prefer a Mercy when I go

Winston-She can follow me and boosted Winston is no joke
Hog-boosting him during a Hook can one-shoot tanks
WB-Not so much for the boost but if she can heal him well and he makes an excellent escape tool

For dps

Ashe-One-shot on 200 hp heros and boosted Dynamite is borderline broken
JR-Hell yeah batman, Boosted JR doesn’t get the love he should
Bastion-obvious and he prob will die a bit
Genji-It can be fun if the Genji is good
Hitscan-Hero’s like Widow, Soldier, McCree are also good but their like bottom of the barrel for boosting in my book.

Honestly, the idea of pocketing a damage character is not a good reason to pick Mercy because her value is not enough. The reasons to pick her are because of her mobility (for a dive comp) or to damage boost Bastion/Ashe because of the damage/burst potential you can have; though for Bastion/Ashe, I feel like Ana + Baptiste is still better most of the time. Resurrect is good against burst damage/one-shots, but until they buff Resurrect to better compete against the value other supports can do, it’s too bad/sluggish. Her hp/s also needs to be higher, like 52 or 55 hp/s.

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I think people think about her boost as additional damage that looks bad when you compare her to almost any other support’s regular dps thought that game right? “oh great your boosting added 3k additional damage, big deal”

But the value from boosting targets is that it breaks damage thresh holds that those dps cant normally do since it would be OP if that was their normal state.

An obvious one to use as an example would be Ashe and Pharah. With Mercy Ashe can 1-shot 200hp heros and Pharah can body shot and splash damage kill targets.

Well why do you need to be able to do that when you can use Baptiste, for example, so you can get a lot more damage & heals combined? Baptiste can contribute to a kill better than Mercy damage boost, especially after the INSANE damage buff they gave him.

Yes and no. If both Ashe and Baptist are shooting at the target at the same time then you get the same results but that requires a bit more coordination.

Mercy provides that value without the need to have perfect or just really good coordination.

Baptist is also limited in mobility so he can only ever assist from his positioning. Mercy can at whim provide that threshold breaking support from almost any positioning.

I’m not arguing the value is extremely limited but on certain maps/comps a Mercy has way more opportunity to provide that value that other supports may not physically be able to do.

If Ashe coach guns up to a higher ground, Baptiste can exo-boots up to her.