Why was mass rez removed

I asked if Mass Rez was countered the same way as EMP.

I didn’t raise any other topic.

No its not? EMP affects your enemies while mass Res affects Allie? They are differnt in nature?
Good placement counters EMP.

Good placement doesn’t counter mass Rez since it’s mercy team that dictates the flow of the game since they can be aggro. Different ultimate for different purpose. Makes close to no sense to compare.

the first seasons mercy was underpowered

it was a common joke that mercy died during her ult

its why she got invurnerability

that may have been too much damage reduction like roadhog would have been better

I don’t entirely agree with your statement but I can see the point you’re trying to make.

8 second dragonblade was also fine. but hey… look where that went

Despite what anyone says, it was so satisfying playing Mercy before, I think she’s balanced now but not as fun.


I don’t think anybody would disagree like with the mass Rez argument on whether or not it’s op. Fun is subjective? I enjoy Valkyrie a lot and I think it’s way more fun to control your character like that as well as the enhance mobility. Makes you feel more like an angel. Especially for the battle mercy playstyle quite fun imho when you smack those widows flying at them with the pistol.

Not everybody can find fun in everything.

the problem is some people just can’t accept that and uhr uhr DPS mains uhr uhr you killed mercy narrative

And who was the only character in the game where your ultimate was not dependent on the enemy team walking into your fire or shooting at your teammates during it? Mercy.

Which in turn made her the easiest to abuse it. They ultimately had to turn off the Personal Performance SR System above plat because people were focusing on abusing it at the high levels instead of trying to win. So the problem was not isolated to Mercy, but was brought to light by the hide and res fiasco.

As someone who also typically is also made to play tanks and heals it was true.

Mainly being that people always wanted the meta healers. Someone hop on Mercy would lead to people asking them to switch off to Ana back when Beyblade and TriTank was a thing. When dive took over people asked for Zen/Lucio.

Then there were the times no one cared for the Mercy being picked, and I never saw people demanding Mercy to be picked till she got her rework.

I did not hear or see anyone going “GG we dont have mass res we lose” because of how rarely mass res worked out for my teams and the enemy teams. I fondly remember the play of the games I got because of an enemy mercy, and I remember how many times I saw play of the games where an enemy mercy used their mass res and fed our DPS the play of the game on a golden spoon.

I also remember how many times my team lost because of the mass res.

In truth I only ever saw the big mass res work 5 times… and it was always due to the fact the enemy team blew all of their ults.

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Because resurrect in general is a terrible ability. I hated having to play hide and seek when I first one-tricked Mercy. If I didn’t, you bet I got yelled at for “ruining the game” by not crouch-hiding in some random corner waiting for my moment to swoop in and “HEROES NEVER DIE!”.

I wouldn’t be mad if they removed resurrect entirely and gave her a different ability – one that won’t make her a mandatory pick to win like she was before.

You make it sound like mass rez was a ticket for a free win, which obviously is miles away from truth.
If you don’t manage to win a 6v5, you are probably not able to win a 6v6 and so, not able to win the game.

I don’t understand.

I’m sure there’s at least 10 other threads discussing this - might I suggest searching for one of them instead of resurrecting (haha!) an old discussion? It’s been pretty done to death already…

Honestly, while I didn’t play under the mass resurrection era it is probably healthier for the game that its gone.

People generalize that is was bad DPS wasting all of their Ultimate’s and then complaining when she reset the fight by resurrecting her entire team. However, I have watched streams where Mercy had her ultimate in most if not all of the team fights. Which lead to Mercy being pretty much mandatory in almost every comp to compete with the other teams mercy. This is unhealthy for character selections as she had to always be there.

Secondly I have watched several Higher end players (Top 500/GM) complain about how stupid it was on particular maps. Especially on 2cp second point for defense… It gave the Defending team which is already favored by map design a huge defense advantage.

Finally there are plenty of examples where a team used no Ultimate’s and wiped a enemy team only to watch that entire team resurrect and Ult them. Or the attacking team used 1 or 2 Ults, but could not lock the point and Mercy resets them to use another 1 or 2 to finish the job…

As for her new Ultimate it is rather impressive when used, much like Moira’s Ultimate you want to always save it for 2+ team mates in front of you. However, the main mistake I see most Mercy’s make is they hold it, and hold it. In the rounds where I play Mercy I will Ult 3 to 6 times in a round. Her Valkyrie Ult has on several occasions allowed my team to survive enemy Ultimate’s, and her mass Damage Boost is amazing “IF” your team is good enough to capitalize on it.

Because you killed everyone on the objective. But don’t go for an extensive hide and seek mission away from the point to find the Mercy.

Or more than likely, you killed the Mercy, but you killed her before the team whipe.

Either way, as mentioned with the current Dva and current Roadhog, old mass Rez would have very little counterplay.

Besides your implied “make sure you kill Mercy first to get awarded your permission to do a team whipe, but don’t kill her too early either”.

Because that’s a dumb mechanic for literally everyone to play around.

It’s not that rezing a team is bad, it’s that Mercy let her team die instead of keeping them alive in the first place. Please go watch the dev update on it, they explain this.

I was pretty sure you will answer this.
So you are telling me that you are taking a 6v5 against a team without his main healer. And you need your perfectly executed ultimates to kill a team of 5 players without their main healer ? If you do, well to be honest you probably deserve to loose the game…

I never implied this. Don’t put words in my mouth please. I’m only saying “if you want to do a teamwipe, make sure you got Mercy at least in the same time you actually teamwiped”.

People always want to counter resurect. There’s no problem with it, but you will probably have to face it at least once in a game (assuming the Mercy players has a functionnal brain).

Countering resurect is not limited to preventing Mercy from using it.
It is one of the options you have.

Whenever Mercy resurects her team, her allies become very visible and immobile during 2.25s. Most of the time they are either all grouped up in a very small area (Zarya ulted) or they are all spread up. They have bad positioning because you had time to take control of the area.
You have the advantage of being the first to shoot.
While they are invulnerable, you have the time to

  • Setup the best D.Va ult you have ever seen
  • Tell your Reaper to prepare spinning
  • Launch your graviton surge to instantly shut down some (if not all) of them
  • Ask your favorite cowboy to tell them what time it is
  • Use Mei’s Blizzard
  • Prepare to release your EMP
  • Meteor strike them all
  • RIP-Tire in their face
  • Blink blink blink recall, then blink again and finally stick your bomb to someone
  • Start raining the justice from above
  • Prepare to hearthshatter them all
  • If you don’t have any of the precedent options available, you can still put their head in the center of your screen, and left click

Very little counterplay.


Because the expectations for its use evolved into something that wasn’t healthy for the game. Hiding during team fights was the only acceptable strategy at higher levels and anything that discourages participating in a fight altogether is a bad thing.

I got yelled at every game for daring to heal my team during fights instead of hiding and coming in with the mass rez. That style was bad for everyone whether they realized it or not.

bruh this isn’t just about dps. zarya’s ult was trash, bcause mercy could get her ult before zarya, which meant mercy could have it every fight, which denies the effectiveness of her ult. it was a stupid, non-engaging ult, and didn’t belong in overwatch where every pick is so important.

the “good” mercy could be literally any player they just have to hide behind a rock and neglect their teammates when they got their ult and a lot of people say they never had this happen are also the mercy mains that play her at a time when no limits was shunted down into the moldy basement left to rot so they are either lying or competent most people blamed the dps that had to fight against a mercy no it was everyone that had to work with that mercy because they often got killed and you would be surprised at how often they lost do to this

A couple reasons really.

Such as if you knew a big push was incoming, the best decision for the Mercy would be to wait until your team dies and then res them all. It shouldn’t be a viable strategy for a healer to let allies die.

And even if the enemy team does kill the Mercy first, they still only have a short window to follow through as the Mercy could come back from spawn for the mass rez, this was fairly common on Point B.

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No good reason. I’d like it back.

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