Superjump sucks but the increased mobility from Guardian Angel is incredible. This version feels more like a massive update to Guardian Angel instead of Superjump.
The main target of all the Guardian Angel changes was to make an interation of SJ as an ability that is accessible, consistent, and good to use. This newest iteration gives Mercy a LOT of horizontal movement and ultimately buffs GA in its neutral state but fails when it comes to SJ and Mercy’s vertical mobility. There’s a lot of vocal negativity around this iteration because of this but with some changes, which I’ll explain later, this has so much potential to be the best version of Mercy we’ve seen.
For anyone who doesn’t know me, my name is Skiesti. I’m a Mercy player with over 5000+ hours on the hero and I’ve never written on the forums before. I’ve been alternating between playing OW2 and OW1 every day since the Mercy GA change came out. I’ll spend 6-7 hours on OW2 playing only Mercy w/ her new GA changes and the rest of the evening on OW1 to maintain my muscle memory and movement.
I wanted to offer a perspective on Mercy’s new OW2 GA changes. I’d ask that you keep an open mind and give it a chance. Mercy is still fun and she’s certainly not dead.
OW1 Superjump > OW2 Superjump
OW2 Guardian Angel > OW1 Guardian Angel
From the feedback I’ve heard, Mercy players don’t like the new changes. I’ll ask them why and they’ll very frequently bring up SJ. I’ll then ask ‘Well, what about GA?’ and they’ll respond that GA feels much better than before.
- Buffed horizontal movement but vertical movement suffers
- SJ is consistent but less effective as if it is an after thought
- Keep in mind that this is the first iteration of this specific version. If changes were to be made to it to fix SJ and polish up the meter/GA, this could potentially be really good for Mercy’s mobility
Let’s put Superjump aside and start with Guardian Angel.
- Allows for easy backward GA which used to be unreliable
Backward GA lets you get out of danger easily, provides plenty of opportunities for outplaying enemies, and if a teammate is committing and you GA to them but they change their mind, you can very easily back up with Backward GA - Directional movement allows for more opportunities to outmaneuver and outplay enemies. Also more options for plays/escapes
- Is less predictable due to variety of movement options given
- Better directional turning control and ability to make sharp turns. Makes it easy to break you path and make split second changes to movement
- Can be used at any point during GA
- Arguably gives more skill expression
- Can still do (as far as my testing has gone) all Mercy techs except for floor bounces
- VERY good in specific situations like: if an ally is out of your sight and you’re unable to get to them, forget walking, just GA to one teammate and then part way through the GA, launch yourself toward the teammate you need to get to so you have a sightline on them.
^ Stuff like this makes you more independent if you get a little creative
- Not able to slingshot as well next to targets who are close (due to meter)
- Not able to bunnyhop after a slingshot
- Lack of diagonal movement before your ‘launch’ since new GA only reads the forward/backward movement until after launch
The new GA is basically a completely different way of thinking. That’s one of the reasons I initially wasn’t a fan of it and was also not feeling great about another change. The best comparison I can offer is that the OW2 GA feels like playing in a 3D perspective with more angles and another axis whereas the OW1 GA feels like a 2D perspective with more straight lines.
Getting used to the new GA change is going to take more than 15 minutes of playing Mercy. It’s going to take practice just like OW1 Mercy’s tech did and once you start getting the hang of it, she plays quite fast.
Going back and forth from OW2 to OW1 playing Mercy every day for hours, OW1’s GA feels… Flat and slow with less options available to me. Yes, we have plenty of tech there but it’s not utilized as often as OW2’s omnidirectional movement. There’s so many things I find myself wishing I could do in OW1 with GA that I can’t do but can in OW2. How GA moves in OW2 might just be the most fun I’ve had with Mercy in such a long time once I took the time to get used to it.
I know it sucks to retrain your muscle memory but if Mercy is better as a result, isn’t it worth it?
Now it’s time for Superjump which is where this version really fails.
- Has potential (:
- Is consistent
- Directional issues. Doesn’t feel good to look up or down to SJ
- Sucks that you have to take your eyes off the teamfight to look up/down even for a moment since Mercy has a great strength in her ability to observe
- Lack of vertical movement, you have to look exactly straight up or down to go in a straight line otherwise you go in an arc
- Perception is distorted when you look up/down to SJ, hard to tell how far up you’re going to be going so you think you’re going further up than you actually are
- Less height
- Prop bouncing is a little clunky w/ it
- Meter to height conversion is too slow:
You have to be between 10-15m away from your target to do a full SJ
You can’t do close SJ
There’s a lot of cons about Superjump in this iteration which is making Mercy players unhappy with the GA change in general because the ability isn’t as good as it was. I get that, I’m unhappy with how SJ is right now too despite being satisfied with the updated GA (for the most part). However, a lot of the negatives that come with this version can be fixed with just a few changes.
If this version goes into a second iteration where they adjust/polish, it’ll easily be perhaps the most mobility we’ve ever seen Mercy have and in a fast paced environment, she needs that.
There’s a few changes that can be made to make this iteration feel incredibly good.
- Tap Crouch or Dbl Tap Jump (probs not bc of accidental inputs) to SJ instead of looking up or down
- Meter charges faster based on distance between Mercy and her target.
This should also (I’m pretty sure?) fix short SJ’s and short slingshots that are not really possible to do right now/feels bad. Should also fix clunky prop bouncing - Slightly buff the height of SJ since it’s def a bit lower now which doesn’t really allow Mercy to get to high grounds she used to be able to
- Maaaaybe take a look at fixing the lack of diagonal movement
Superjump sucks right now, can be good with adjustments.
Give GA a chance, it’s actually fun if you take the time to figure it out.