- Get Mercy into a roughly correct place statistically, then worry about fine tuning and powershifts to make it more fun.
- Assuming you take skewing factors into effect, full data unmirrored winrate is a useful tool. And ultimately the whole point of “Hero Balance” is increasing the number of heroes that are both worthwhile and interesting/novel to play. And while pickrate isn’t a perfect measure of that, it’s pretty close.
- I’m a Hog main, and I’ve asked for pretty much every buff he got. And even I was suggesting the nerf he got. The whole point with his changes was just to get him into a “boring, but not a complete throw pick” status because his current design is to frustrating for him to be meta. He’s gonna get a total rework in the next 1-3 weeks, so whatever he has now really is a placeholder.
That said,
I still think Mercy players should be making calm rational posts on “So we can all agree that a lot of people aren’t happy with with, but I can see what you’re trying to do to make sure her survival rate doesn’t go too high, let me help you out by showing you a better way to implement the devs idea, in a way that doesn’t piss off a bunch of Mercy players.”
Formatted less like a threat, or reads like a passive aggressive dictionary entry, but something more like a resume, like this post is the damn best formatted Mercy post I’ve seen in years.
Why the new Mercy GA (not SJ) is actually good
It’s just frustrating that almost all upset Mercy posts are trying to “work against the devs”, as opposed to “work with the devs to find a more agreeable implemention of the devs idea”.