Why the net reaper nerf for experimental?

They reduced the cooldowns for shadow step and wraith form, but they have neutered wraith form by removing the slight speed boost and reload while not changing shadow step’s issues at all (speed of use was the issue not speed of cooldown ). Overall, it amounts to a net nerf to his kit which is a pretty big disappointment. At least now he has a slight better change at surviving his ult thanks to tank damage reductions and mcree change than he does in the normal game.


The changes of Want*d were good but too severe, Reaper needs the speedbost for reach the heath packs, he can reach them with Shadow Step if of course he can see them.

The no-reload also makes Wraith alone only usefull for avoid things rather than a strategic reload.

They should tried this instead:

Wraith Form from 8 to 6 seconds

Shadow Step from 10 to 6 seconds

Shadow can be used while in Wraith and vice versa

Wraith Form has the same 50% buff speed but can reload only half the magazine

Now is balanced :ok_hand::ghost:


It makes the changes net neutral yes (he would have to be retuned entirely to be considered balanced in overwatch atm haha). I don’t think Want’d plays much reaper (or if he did it was long ago) so i get that he just went to augment the worst part of the kit without getting what all he was changing to compensate.


Agree with everything, after more than 500 hours with him i maybe understand what Want*d was trying to do but at the end Reaper doesn’t need any nerf in the slightest.

Specially in a experimental where as the live game every other dps does what he does not only better but also being safer.

At least the changes of Cass and Hanzo should make Reaper in this exp last 1-2 minutes more :smiling_face_with_tear::sweat_smile:


I rather not have this change go through if they consider actually removing his speed boost in wraith. Actually feels horrible to play with it gone

This right here

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Some changes with the numbers and this changes would be good, they can take some inspiration from this, making Shadow Step finally viable without a Hanzo or a Widow waiting with the crosshair in the big head of Reaper.

But they will never do it because if they do something like this the metal rank in comp will be a lake of tears with people complaining about him, and the funny thing is that he is the fairest of the dps :joy: :man_shrugging:

I only played him for one match so far but honestly I was so effective that with how often you can Wraith now I honestly think he would be OP if he reloaded and still had speed boost from it. Granted, I think low tank damage also is contributing to his (and others’) extended survivability so he has more opportunity to make those plays. Admittedly, I still wouldn’t want it to go live, but it doesn’t feel like a net nerf to me.

Side note, if anything comes through to live, I hope it’s Shadowstepping while using Wraith.

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Because it’s Reaper and apparantly even creators can’t go 5s without nerfing him.
All he needs is shadow step to have an instant cast. That’s it, you give him that and he is INFINITELY more playable.
If they were to nerf speed of wraith, it needed to be compensated with flying from the april fools patch so you can use his escape ability to oh idk, escape.

Seeing the changes for Mccree (the players main) vs Reaper clearly shows how either the clear bias or how little they know about why Reaper is so terrible right now.


Yes, this.
I don’t no, why they don’t try this.

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I’d have to smoke some pretty heavy doobies to think the reaper changes are a nerf, I don’t miss the speedboost or the reload at all.
Being able to shadowstep like a madman easily makes up for it,and being able to wraithform like a madman as well means that you can often get away with stacking the two if necessary.


Are you kidding? It’s a massive buff to be able to flank and have 100% escape rate.


the changes were made in the first place to make finally viable Shadow Step one if not the most useless ability in all the game usefull only for move around being noticed with Reaper that talks when done, also some use Wraith not for escape but rather for a tactical reload for example when they avoid Hook or Flashbang, without the reload now Reaper is more vulnerable and this makes him also a hero that should be aggressive in the first place to get value for do something a lot less dangerous.

Wraith helps Shadow to not s*ck now with the only change to not be destroyed in the head being invulnerable to Cc during that, don’t get me wrong is nice.

The problem is that now Reaper needs Shadow Step now more than ever in this exp being is new and only way for escape a difficult situation, after all right now he is like years and years ago with Wraith, there’s a reason that they buffed it in the first place, to help him in his role of Assassin flanker rather than the one of THE tankbuster role that unlucky for him he is no more.

P.S specially now less tankbuster more than ever without the reload, only shotguns he has and nothing else.

As i writed in some post earlier they just need to change some numbers, the changes were good but too severe for a hero that some people forget does not give anything to his team, with no utility and too situational, the hard truth for my main :ghost: :pensive:

The the dependency they created that Shadowstep now has on Wraith-Form is a no good for me.

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Exactly, a Reaper use Wraith for be invulnerable while in Shadow Step, 3 seconds of a slow edgy boy that can’t reload, needs to calculate the Shadow very very fast because if he does not do it fast enough at the end is the same, why?

Simple, if someone combined this two but is slow at the end as the live game he teleports and they shoot him in the head or they Cc him to death if Wraith expires.
Shadow has 1.5 cast time, it means that Reaper needs a precision more than when he falls off the map saving himself with Shadow :joy:

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You can now use shadowstep to be aggressive. Sure, it’s not a speedboost for chasing, instead it gets you in so chasing isn’t necessary in the first place. (And with the bonkers cooldown it can also get you out sometimes)
You can also still use wraith to avoid hook/flashbang/etc, and probably ALSO use it to escape just 4 seconds later. I’ll happily give up a free reload for that, even the speedboost too, for that matter.


Because the tanks have been changed into wet paper bags that hit about as hard as Spongebob???

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This would be fair enough if Reaper was broken, but people forgets that he does not need any kind of nerfs, one example is the nerf of the damage of his shotguns from 140 to 120, did that helped him? no

Why someone should take a Reaper that does 120 of damage from 2 meters cutted in half by armor when there’s Hanzo that does 125 or a Widow that does 120 in the body from the other side of the map or even Torb that does 125 also?

Before nerfing a hero for having some buffs they should ask to themself these 4 questions

Is this hero broken?

Does this hero give something to his team about utility?

This hero needs compensation nerfs?

Is this hero played a lot or nobody cares about him?

Answer for all these questions is a big NO about Reaper, hard truth :man_shrugging:

Well, this is our argument, experimental Reaper feels like a buff to me personally.

I’m curious what elo you play at, btw, I’m pretty average on a good day, so it’s possible that my enemies are just blind (plus lower tank damage going around), and that’s why I’m getting away with even some pretty silly shadow steps. I do realize that perhaps sharper players would shut my playstyle down, but my experience has been that I’m having a blast compared to live Reaper.

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I feel like you’re really underselling the power of short cooldowns. It’s true that Wraith Form feels a bit sluggish, but you can basically spam it now, and its newfound synergy with Shadowstep can make up for the difference in speed.

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Yes, but what does wraith form offer now. There is no speed bonus to using it and (to a lesser importance) no reload. So its not as useful/ is more limited in scope. shadow step still has a long use time and is only a positioning tool. So lowered the cool down on intangibility and a maneuvering step is great, but the use for one is now reduced drastically while the other is still extremely situational and telegraphed.

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