Exp Reaper feels amazing

Only grip is that wraith is so slow but the amount of times you can use it compared with shadow step actually can make me engage!

I might go back to being Reaper main if this the direction.


You, I and many others are having completely opposite experiences then. As someone who uses his wraith for everything, removing it’s speed and reload ability for a cooldown that’s slightly lower is not a good trade off at all.


You can’t use wraith for everything on an 8 second cooldown. It’s shadowstep flank try to get some back line kills, and wraith out, unless you are in a duel then it’s wraith reload (which is the dumbest concept in a game period)

People only like current reaper because it’s familiar and ExC has to be played different, but overall ExC can be more engaging and more impactful to harrasing the back line.

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Different opinions are good, specially for a underperforming hero :thinking:

Wraith is used for and not limited to:

  • Baiting abilities
  • Cleansing yourself
  • Chasing a target down who is just out of range and on their own (can’t do this on exp).
  • Disengaging to a health pack which often gives you enough HP to be able to survive in combination with life steal (can’t do this in experimental).
  • Move far enough back from melee based heroes to not be in range of them like Rein (can’t do this).
  • Reload your weapons to finish off tanks before they get burst healed in half a frame back to max or rebreathed back to max (can’t do this in exp, this issue is particularly prevalent when every tank has 500x more hp).
  • Moving out of spawn quickly so you can contest a point quickly (can’t do this on the experimental).

If you have learnt how to use your cooldown effectively, the EXP Reaper is alot worse because the main thing you are using wraith for is finishing off a kill and escaping. Finishing a kill because I’d rather take out their main tank and die not having wraith by using it to reload, then escape and keep their main tank up. If I can 1:1 trade for a main tank that is incredible value.
Escaping is not doable either even with shadow steps changes against any decent team because wraith lasts a shorter amount of time than the time it takes to shadow step. So you can initiate the shadow step safely but any enemy with half a brain will just kill you on the exit, especially since most of the time you are escaping with very little HP.

Yes lowering the cooldown improves the aspects it doesn’t destroy on the expc, but it also gives you alot less flexibility and prevents you ever realistically engaging an enemy.

All Reaper needs to be actually viable is to have shadow steps cast time substantially reduced. That’s it. Now you can more effectively use it to back out of trouble while still maintaining the flexibility of wraith and encouraging you to use it in more spicy scenarios since you can now rely on shadow step as an ability to escape.

Reapers’ issue is he has 1 amazing ability and 1 terrible one used for nothing while having a set engagement range. He needs wraith to effectively engage or disengage based on the situation and shadow step is just there to get in different positions. If shadow step could actually be implemented as a way to be used during combat without gutting his other ability like the expc has done, he would be significantly better off.


It still does this, I bait FB all the time

Only this it cleanses from is anti nade, which I haven’t tested if it does or not, but if it doesn’t the cooldown reduction more than makes up for it.

Only one person you can sort of chase down wiith wriath and that’s soldier everyone else will still get away in the same scenerio you’d use to chase down. Also with shadow step almost always up you can chase down much better with it.

You can still do this by combining both abilites of SS and Wraith, and still have it ready fast enough to use again incase someone else still engages.

Once again, you can combine both abilites and do this effectively still having shorter cool downs

This is just a flat out lie, i’ve been able to get to point faster with exp reaper than I have with current reaper

Everything you’ve mentioned on 8 second cool down will get you blown up in team fights and in solo engagements wraith/ss makes up for every situation better.

You are aware I was just listing what it does on live? If it was ruined by the expc I explicitly labelled it so, I was hoping you’d have the brain capacity to work out if I didn’t label it as ruined by the expc then it was still doable. And from this I’m not going to bother wasting anymore time replying because I don’t fancy spelling out absolutely every single thing I type which will result in further waste time replying to replies that you somehow didn’t understand.

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Clears burn, and Venom Mine too. Won’t clear Sleep or Trap, but you can still Wraith while trapped.

And IIRC, it will break Gravity Surge and Gravitic Flux.

It still does those things, I forgot about venom mine and fire but I usually ever get hit by those nor do I use wraith to clear venom mine as if I’m hit by it Widow already knows where I am before and will act accordingly. I’ll test if it removes the damage later but I know you do not take damage while you are in wraith.

Ok bro peace