Why the **** did they buff BASTION of all characters

If he is behind two shields in a spot where his back isn’t obviously exposed, the hog player is going to get melted if he doesn’t coordinate with his team to take down the shields first.


I lowkey have to go Hanzo whenever they have a Bastion. He is weak as hell on his own, but when supported… he forces the swap unless his team is basically trolling him.


1 person out of 500 is .2 percent
(I’m just trying to help out )

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I was: Experimental card for Bastion?

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People before jumping the gun, his pickrate did see an increase of about 0.06%! his pickrate is now only 0.15% under Sombra! Hell even in bronze his pickrate is less than 2%, almost at directly 1%

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Ah the classic “low ranks don’t matter”. The majority of the playerbase are in “low ranks” and for them bastion is a problem. He’s just anti fun. With two shields, a sym tping him around, immortality field, mercy pocket etc. he just becomes HORRIBLE to deal with.


Not an issue. :coffee:

I never said that

i disagree, i think they made the right decision in buffing him, they just picked the wrong PART to buff.
his problem is that he’s immobile when dealing max damage, and mobile only when he’s running away.
they should have buffed recon and made sentry mostly for tank/shieldbusting


Bastion in Recon mode can basically run around healing as often as Roadhog. With 100 armor he’s pretty beefy and basically a tank-lite. His self healing is insane now.

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Honestly, it baffles me too. Bastion is one of those characters that makes the game mind numbingly boring and/or frustrating for everyone in the lobby except for the Bastion, with the only enjoyment coming from the catharsis that occurs when you kill that bucket of bolts. It doesn’t matter how well you counterplay it, it’s still boring asf

Honestly, if you aren’t willing to rework him, leave him in the dumpster where he belongs.


It’s okay to think bastion is good and annoying when you are new to the game, same for roadhog and reaper. In reality though, bastion is the least picked character in the game and was a meta character once in the past 3 years for less than 2 weeks. When you find out how to properly counter him, he becomes the most situational pick in the game. Atm he sits at 0.08% pickrate in GM, which means there are probably 1 or 2 bastion mains in high ranks picking him atm

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What does that have to do with Hog?
:eye: :pig_nose: :eye:

What etc.? You just listed off the entire team! How is an entire team of bronze players coordinating this complex and self-limiting strat?

Explain kolorblind, or bastionmain cuase im pretty sure they are both t500 and both play bastion continuosly.

Remember kids, Transformers: Dark side of the moon on blue ray is not Overwatch.

Depends on the situation, but most of the time Echo is way better to deal with a Bastion than the other, especially Pharah and Reaper.

That is almost the problem, they were like the only people playing Bastion… literally. The number was so low it rounded down to zero.