"I Know many of you are dying to see more bastion in your matches"

Anyone else feel like what Jeff REALLY meant here was “Yall are going to hate this- but you asked for it so enjoy!”?


That’s what I thought… :point_up: :rofl:


He was obviously trolling us…


Pretty certain that’s what he was getting at.

I don’t think any hero should just be dumpster tier all the time, but I don’t know if I can deal with a Bastion meta (in his current form). Hopefully he gets changed to be less frustrating to play against and around.


i was just staring at my screen in horror when he said that. I cannot express the mixture of season 17 PTSD and a feeling of all the remaining hope i had for the future of this game draining out of me


I just want to see the numbers… don’t care that they are making changes unless the numbers are there

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most people ive ran into already hate seeing him in their games with a passion. even last night i was told my kill myself along with WHO BASTIONS AT 4AM and a few other things.


I cant help but be forced to think of Joaquin Phoenix: “You get what you flipping deserve”

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Bastion is one of those heroes that’s so hard to balance, because any tweak can make him super OP’d mode in low lvls, while still leaving him useless in Masters+.

Someone suggested earlier that they put his turret form on a resource meter and buff recon mode. That … might be interesting? That way he couldn’t just sit there like a donkey in his bunker against a team that can’t play the heroes needed to dislodge him. BUT at the same time, might make him easier to play independently and in PuGs, where you’re not going to get 2+ people to center around you.

But I dunno. I just hope they don’t break the game … again. :sweat_smile:


Bastion is one of those heroes I want to play but am too scared to.


Blizzard: " “I Know many of you are dying to see more bastion in your matches”



I think he already heard some low ranks crying how OP he is.


I mean, I almost never see him outside of MH.
I don’t think I’ve seen Pirateship in months.

I’m hoping the changes they make make Bastion scale more in the hands of his players, letting him crit but lowering raw damage, turret is a resource or a cooldown ability with a set duration like Fortify but longer with a better recon mode to even him out. There are options to reduce his pubstomp capabilities while making him stronger with a good player on him.


I’m gonna’ laugh if this actually does turn out to be a troll. He never said they were BUFFING Bastion, just making him “more viable.” As in what? More viable…as a healer? More viable…against Hanzo?


insert “Many of you will die, but it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.” meme


Sarcasm is sarcasm.
I reacted like this mentally, “lol”

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We’re literally dying. RIP plat and below. But the poor guy deserved some buffs.

buffing him could also make him a must pick masters+, and i dont want that for the third time

It is not a popular opinion-

But id actually like to see his turret mode be his ultimate. Activate ult, let him swap in/out of turret freely (much faster than now), with some MAJOR buffs to the turret form. Long duration (15-20 seconds). Maybe return the shield aspect of turret- But give it a “once per ult” life amount. Have it start at- iunno, 1000 hp (place holder number, take it with a grain of salt). No regen to it, when its gone its gone (thus why id give it a large amount). Buff the damage of the turret- make this thing way scarier to be in front of than current. Maybe just the actual damage, maybe the reduce the recoil- maybe return headshots to it.

Either way- Make the turret scary.

Id like to see his turret be his “moment to shine omg run”, less a “enh” easy to counter gimmick hes built around.

Have tank be his alt form. Up his health/armor, have the rockets do about 100-120~ damage a hit, so hes right in line with phara/junkrat for explosives.

Buff sentry a bit.

Again, not a popular opinion- But i just dont think a hero built around the gimmick of “im a sentry all the time” is going to work well or be well received in the community- especially if it was ever buffed to the point it was regularly viable. I feel something like this though would let him keep sentry as a core part of his kit- but players would be more accepting of “he can do that” with it being an ultimate, with buffs to his core kit so hes not a bump on the log the entire time outside of it.

Bastion comps are not fun for anyone in the lobby other than the bastion

Rework this dude please