Why the **** did they buff BASTION of all characters

Every match has a bastion now, and its ruining the game. Even in QP, people are boosting and shielding him. It really makes me and my friend group not want to play anymore. Maybe I’m just being whiny but when you play for 6 hours and only win two games something is wrong. Anyone else mad about this?


I dont know what rank you are in, but hes not in every game…


Eh, he is only a problem in lower ranks

In high ranks he is only good if supported by his team, and even then it is not the best strat

Out of how many? Because if you keep losing to the same hero I would suggest counterpicking.


For the record, even in Bronze, he is still one of the least player characters even there


What even was the buff anyway? I’ve noticed more Bastions personally, but no actual difference in difficulty dealing with them, and they’re still far from “everywhere.” I get like one a day.


Stronger self heal and his sentry mode is more accurate



You realize you’re talking about the one hero who’s ever had a 0% pickrate at high ranks right?


I have been learning to Play echo because he’s a sitting duck for her sticky bombs, but when he’s being shielded it’s almost impossible. Same with Roadhog, I can hook him and blow him into hell but only if their team lets me get close.

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How dare they support a teammate!


Every match has bastion now? I’ve honestly only seen him maybe 5 times since his buff


Guess it’s just lower ranks. I’ve only been playing since April


Probably. He can’t get much value at higher ranks because of coordination. He’s still super easy to dive/pressure

Highly doubt that they protect him 24/7. Also Soldier, Pharah, Zen and Reaper are much better choices against Bastion.

My friend group also hate bastion.

Like I recognize that he isn’t broken and is statistically underpowered but my friends refuse to go into team chat or use LFG, so its literally impossible to fight it because it requires an organized team comp to do it and people not feeding into it.

Another problem is Roadhogs. Roadhog is easy to take out when you work together, but if it’s just you and maybe one other against him, it’s impossible.

It only takes an okay hog player, seriously what ‘organized’ people talk about here?

I mean its gotta be 1% cause i did see one bastion main in the top 500.

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Bastion isn’t even popular or strong in lower ranks, he’s legit still one of the worst heroes in the game.

I like to use Zenyatta against him, merc him with volley orbs. Moira’s damage orb can also hit him though team protection so that can be pretty sweet.

The most of the strongest heroes in low ranks counter Bastion, I have faith that through experimentation, you will find tactics that turn Bastion into a good match up for yourself.