Why Sombra needs buffs

Highly agree she cant emp spam or torrment tanks as hard. As a rein player i love and hate this cause sombra is gonna be in a bad spot

as per every sombra nerf we must add to the memes.

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We need a Bob Ross meme with Jeff edited in and Sombra falling out of the picture.

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Yeah… I’ve already seen something with Jeff as Bob Ross around Mercy and superjump, saying “Happy little accident” :slight_smile:

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Sombra’s barely able to make a kill with the amount of bullets she has right now. Damage is raised 20%, but ammo count is lowered 50%. You’re pretty nuts if you consider that reasonable.

I said reasonable as in increasing damage in exchange for less ammo, but for that would take a more significant increase and not just that.

Sombra needs her entire kit to be remade. Being able to engage in fight and teleport to safety is BS mechanic,not to mention her Hack ability can shot down multiple heroes. Buff her damage, but remove hack, or remove stealth ability or ability to teleport back.

You actually played a decent sombra! It’s just your latency was so high your hack and reaction time are very unreliable

You certainly have a point here,
For me I would suggest the regular hack reverts the impact of armour and make it like it was before the buff (I think from 5 to 2)
and for the emp, make the armour to be treated the same as the hp until the emp effect takes off

Why is it so difficult for you to understand that taking an activity seriously and having fun while engaging in said activity are not mutually exclusive?

Sorry. Just read back through this exchange and realized I am wasting my time. Have a nice day!

Come at me hermanas.

She still has the capability to 1v1 a good amount of heroes on the roster, despite her hack duration being reduced, it’s still a massive amount of value and quite forgiving with aim, when in the right hands hack can still guarentee a kill. I just don’t think she’s changed so much to the point of not being good.

She was meta for multiple seasons, and she was even good in Goats.

Who can she reliably 1v1? That’s not really her primary function anyway. Like, if she gets the drop on you and gets the hack then it’s more realistic, but depending on the opponent, that’s still a possible loss if both sides have perfect aim. And even if not.

She wasn’t very good on ladder before her hack duration nerf. Hack is strong with team play, so owl used it well, but it would have been nice to have something to compensate for the duration nerf as she was actually nerfed 3 times there and was hit hard which shows in her stats

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False. She has never once in the history of OWL (or ladder for that matter) been meta. At best she was viable during the tail end of Goats, while sporting a 42% WR in OWL matches.

So you’re arguing quad nerfing the statistically worst performing character in the game was a good thing? And those that are complaining are just “so overblowing the Sombra nerfs?”

I’m sure you think she’s “perfectly fine where she is”, you obviously want her near unplayable.

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sombra is a support DPS, your role isn’t to get kills.

it’d be great if her cloak had a resource meter (and possibly reduced stealth/unstealth time)

6m/s movement speed (tracer and genji movement speed)


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This is what I want most of all. Revert Hack/EMP nerfs(which won’t happen), 6mps base movement and palate swap the colors for Hack. Red on friendlies, purple on enemies.

Oh yeah, and make TL and reload interactions while visable function like they do stealthed.

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With the 42% win rate? Which carried over to owl?

McCree, Doomfist, Genji, Lucio, Roadhog, Junkrat, Widowmaker, and a lot of other characters

What? Can you word that better?

She was nerfed 3 times but not while she was balanced. She was nerfed because she was OP. I don’t think needs compensation buffs. She already does a lot

It could be her damage is fine. They should adjust her weapons spread. It feels like a large percentage of her bullets miss in close engagements.