Why single out brig in 222 reworks?

While not giving live even five minutes of a chance

Niche means “used in the correct situation”.

No, not nerfed, just not buffed enough. Her relative power is better, but maybe it could do with even more improvements.

They rework characters in phases - they get multiple buffs and nerfs while they’re on the PTR and they already said this is gonna be a nice long PTR phase.

lucio deserved the nerfs. the week before he got nerfed he had a better pickrate than ana in GM

There is a video of Seagull interviewing Jeff and speaking about the Brig rework specifically at different points. Generally they said in their play testing in the 2-2-2 role queue she was a liability to the team on the whole in her current state. She was actually a throw pick as a support. Changes had to be made to allow her to be more viable, but with a buff there come some nerfs. In this case, her shield and self healing.

I honestly played her on PTR and felt she was in a much better state with the changes than she was prior. However, my experience on Brig is as a support first, flanker suppression second and main liner never. She is a completely different play style now and if you try to play her like you did, you will lose out big time.

Also keep in mind Role queue and most of these changes wont be live until the BETA comp season Aug 13th. So this will be a long PTR phase.

Compared to what? Buffed where?

Compared to old brig in 222. Buffed to be better in 222.

But…she was never in 222. Where are you saying this from?

Exactly. She IS in 222 now, she couldnt keep up.

I’m saying it from the dev update that told us all the reasoning behind it. You should watch it.

You just said, that anything prior to now with a forced 222 is irrelevant. There’s no 222 now. You can’t have it both ways.

There was a time when unbuffed brig was in 222.

The devs said she was bad, so they buffed her to be better in 222.

Old, impossible, non-222 comps aren’t relevant anymore.

Let me get this out of the way Brigitte =/= Lucio and Zenyatta

Heroes can need changes without them needing the samw changes, if a character’s independt capabilities are too strong their independent capabilities need nerfing, if their team reliant capabilities are too strong their team reliant capabilities need nerfing

They saw the issue of the second one with Zenyatta and Lucio and nerfed and gave compensation buffs to try and keep their power as individuals the same as they were before the nerf

But what needs to be said is that they swung the compensation nerf hammer too hard with these changes and hopefully have realized it and are trying to decide how they can remedy this, but they were very clearly trying to make her power as a healer better to fit with 222 while making her power as a brawler weaker

They made her rely less on her other healer by giving her repair pack multiple charges and a duration meaning less down time on healing from it
They made inspire heal even more and made her whipshot faster to reduce her reliance on getting close to proc it and again to make her depend less on her other healer to pick up her slack

However when they went to nerf her brawler side they nerfed it too hard, making inspire procs much less common and her gameplay far too passive, however despite this much more passive playstyle (stat comparison I’m bringing up from the master player on brig changes post) even with a ~25% decrease in their inspire uptime with these changes their healing numbers have remained nearly the same showing how much these hps buffs are making up for these survivability nerfs in the healing department however its also proof that these changes are an overall nerf showing they nerfed the brawler side far too much to make her better in a 222 environment and that needs to be changed, they need to buff her survivability back up if they hope to bring her to an acceptable spot in a 222 environment and compete with the other main healers

Yes main healers not off, their goal was to make Brigitte work better with Zenyatta and Lucio in a 222 environment not Moira Ana Baptiste or Mercy, so now we have 5 main healers and 2 off healers

…when??? You’re the one arguing there was nothing before or to consider with goats??

…what ? She had 2 months of not being in goats because mercy was still the meta…

Honestly I think Brig needs to spend some time in the dumpster, and I’m not just saying that to be vindictive. Brig dominated the game for a long time, and I think Blizzard is just making absolutely sure that she is out of the meta before tuning her back up.

I agree that she feels useless on the PTR right now, but someone somewhere might still find a way to get her old value. Blizzard can’t really risk that. I think these changes will make it to live not because they are balanced, but because Blizzard wants to be sure that she doesn’t need further reworking before they buff her to be balanced, and they need a massive sample size to be sure. That’s my theory at least.

The time was when the devs put brig into their own internal testing sessions to see how she was doing. She was bad, obviously.

Goats is impossible now, get over it.

i’m not getting my hopes up, i’ve seen what they’ve done to her allready, nothing but nerfs over the time she’s been in the game, i mean goats was a problem, but was she the specific reason though? it wasn’t lucio? not the d.va? not any of those other characters that just replaced and diminished the whole roster?

i’m pretty sure the repair pack change is going to stay because it is making her more well-rounded and it’s not as “unfair” to fight against someone that can get an instant 150 heal to win duels.

but her inspire needs to be reworked hard into something else, healing is probably not the way to go for that.
her whipshot is the most valuable asset she has as it’s her only ranged offensive ability so it’s probably going to stay.
her shield and shieldbash are controversial so they are going to stay at where they are because people can’t seem to be able to play around that.
but with that her normal flail swings are now much more a detriment to use for her so they need to come up with a better idea for her main attack.
her ultimate would be good if she herself became a threat getting all tanky and speedy leading the charge but it’s not good enough in that capacity so that also has to be reworked hard.

most of her kit revolved around that shield and flail mitigation play and being able to force herself into spots and be a nuisance or just outright take things from people to gain value, like push a reinhardt out of position, bashing an ulting lucio, stuff like that and surviving through all of that.

but that really don’t happen too often on ladder, maybe in owl they’ll find use for her 2 cc abilities that gives a greater reward and value than just “oh genji jumped straight into me, let’s bash him and have my team execute him”

but don’t color me surprised if they only tweak some values a small amount around from this ptr brig we have now.

For…who? Owl?
They don’t even like her.

You’re the weirdo hung up on goats. I never played it. I like her as is in 222.

Get over yourself and your weird goats goggles.
And follow your own logic

The very specific reason why Brig was reworked was because, AS JEFF SAID, she was bad without 2 supports. Her healing was too low. Go watch the dev chat:

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Again, but you’re saying this is on live. But live is inadmissable by your standards. So, if you have no data, she isn’t anything. You’re just making arbitrary changes.

No, i’m saying this on 222, when she didnt have 2 supports backing her up. That’s what we’re talking about here. Go watch the dev chat: