Why single out brig in 222 reworks?

Or it just means they haven’t gotten around to them yet. I believe the current PTR is more like Step One of the tuning/tweaking as we move into 2-2-2 lock.

We’ll see some buffs/nerfs to various heroes now that Blizz has the stability of 2-2-2.

What range? By pick rates? Win?
What is the qualifier? And what justifies such changes to happen at all?

Ohh a fresh perspective :eyes::eyes:

Cool, then you should forget about goats ASAP.

A rework is a process. Its when the devs change stuff.

Brig was underpowered without 2 supports. She is now NOT underpowered without 2 supports.

When something gets more power, we call that a buff.

When something gets less power, that’s called a nerf.

She did not get less power. she got more, which is what we call a buff.

A combination of those, and other data available to the devs. No, there are not hard, clear delineations of balance states, but there is very obviously an acceptable range in which players and the devs will consider a hero balanced, even if they shift around within that range.


They were and are balanced in 2-2-2. They received nerfs because of GOATS, but despite the nerfs, they still are balanced in 2-2-2. As a result, they don’t need reverts, because they’re still balanced.

let me ask you this, is she a main support? then why can’t she solo heal?
is she an off-support? then why did they buff her healing?

what is she?

Bit of both i’d say, depending on the situation. More healing means she doesnt need 2 healers backing her up.

so can i play brig and zen?
can i play brig and baptiste?
can i play brig and ana?
can i play brig and lucio?

and why would i want to do that when i got infinitly better options that compliments all those combinations much better?

You can’t say throw goats out while using it. Inherently that data by your logic is flawed.
And they are simply not giving her current kit a chance.

But they are worked in a manner differently that her. That is, they tweaked her dps back, and nerfed utility for heals. Not Lucio or Zen.

That seems flawed to again, single her out.

Yes you can play those? 20chars

Why would i care about GOATS when its impossible in this context?

She’s being singled out SO FAR. More reworks are coming - hog has been specifically mentioned, plus more will happen.

no you can’t her healing is too lacking with lucio without providing enough utility a zen or an ana or baptiste is way better.

the only support combination that actually works for brig is moira, and why is that when moira is the biggest aoe healer in the game?
wasn’t brigs healing enough?

She’s a niche healer. Use her in her niche. She’s great vs flankers. Its not just about her partner, its about your team and the enemy team.

Because Lucio and Zenyatta haven’t needed changes for 2-2-2… Brigitte did. All three received nerfs for GOATS that were appropriate to GOATS (sorta… Brigitte got a lot more), but Brigitte needed additional changes for 2-2-2. They may not be the right changes–I personally am hesitant to believe that they will make her a good pick–but she needed changes all the same.

No healer is meant to be niche as no hero. You can’t argue structure and design and go against it at the same time

but she’s more well-rounded know with repair packs, it’s so good with divers, and the boop and stuns is great for protecting a bunker right?
and she’s obviously going to be great with a brawl comp with rein right?

then why don’t i see her being played on the ptr in any comp?

Sure you can. Every healer has their niche. Ana’s best with something to nano. Lucio’s best with a team that needs speed boost. Mercy works best with teammates she can fly to. Zen and Ana work best if they’re not being hunted down by flankers.

Not sure - maybe she needs more buffs.

Niche output is not niche comp and you haven’t addressed where she fails in 222. She’s never been used there.

So inherently, nerfed.

yeah and we’ll have to wait another 2-6 months for those, because we’ll have to see how she pans out.