Why single out brig in 222 reworks?

Brig was nerfed over goats but so was Zen and Lucio. I expected that meant brig would be buffed/ reverted in some ways but if it’s going to be reworked, why is Zen and Lucio excluded? On that note, why isn’t Mercy also getting slight tweaks from her utility?

Why is just brig getting her utility nerfed?


Zen and Lucio were never particularly troublesome as standalone characters. Unfortunately, their tweaks were a tragic consequence of the comp they helped to enable.

Brig, on the other hand, presented problems as a concept all her lonesome, even outside of GOATs.


Um… You really wanna Geoff to tweak rest of healers? I mean I like little myhem from time to time but pro scene nowdays go Ape doodoo because “healing 2 stonks”. And his tweaks could end up really terrible.

Because its the general consensus that in a 222 environment Brig didnt have the tool kit she needed to survive, to remedy this they tried to push her into the role of a main healer (so now we only have 2 off) however because they overnerfed her she might end up being even worse off


Brig single handedly broke the game. Originally, she was this weird sort of hybrid DPS-tank-support when most other characters generally fit very clearly into one role and one role only.

I like the idea of Brig but she has proved to be too problematic.


She’s never been played standalone outside of ladder…
She’s.probably the only balanced healer on ladder

Oh no, I’m just asking in general the thought process. They also seem.to be looking at tanks, but only hog was mentioned. But dva and zarya were the nerfed ones. Why is hog the example?

But she hasn’t even been shown to be poor statistically. She’s just not Ana lvls…

She isn’t breaking your games now is she?
And again, they haven’t reverted Zen and Lucio .

Brig’s heals are way too inconsistent in 2-2-2, hence the repair pack rework.

Unfortunately, they went overboard with reducing Brig’s self-sustain and didn’t think to make Inspire consistent to match the new situatuion. Brig now hardly fits into her original role of “that healer you swap to when an enemy Tracer is stomping your backline”.


As far as we as players can see, we have no idea what comps she’s regularly played in and what her winrates with those comps are, the devs do and they saw that when in 222 comps she was statistically underperforming and even the playerbase noticed that just from there games that in a 222 brig had a tendency to underperform hence why the playerbase got the general consensus brig isnt good in a 222, and the more specific stats that only the devs can see agreed with this assessment and so the devs changed her with 222 coming to try and make her better

On balance, I think Brigette was buffed by her rework.

Reason given, she was too strong when paired with two other supports. Now that 3 supports GOATs meta is gone, she can heal like a beast.

Where? She seems to heal quite a lot in ladder…
She has never been given a chance outside of goats for higher play

I mean, goats doesn’t extend past diamond, and isn’t regular in masters… She seems to be fine tbh

… Then let her exist … Without them before seeing changes.

And again… No one is mentioning how Zen and Lucio aren’t being reverted

Ok? Goats isnt the only non 222 comp, your judging it by looking at GOATs being the only non 222 comp she plays in, also GOATs does extend into every rank, its just rarer to see and it obviously isnt going to be very coordinated past masters

But the fact remains the players consensus was that she underperformed in 222
The devs consensus was that she underperformed in 222
And the stats devs can see which are a lot more specific and cover all players agreed she underperformed in 222

All parts of the balance triangle agreed she underperfomed in a 222 environment and thusly they changed it

… Then let her exist … Without them before seeing changes.
And again… No one is mentioning how Zen and Lucio aren’t being reverted

Why? Like I said, on balance she’s getting an overall buff.

And if Zen and Lucio need a buff post 2-2-2, they should get one. That’s not a reason why Brigette should suffer.

But…she doesn’t seem to be. She seems to be be the only balanced healer in lower to mid tiers…

Did Zen and Lucio overperform then? Because they aren’t being reverted…

On balance, that would be a rework. A buff is addition. You cannot remove anything

But I’m saying they didn’t. Did they overperform then?

Indeed. She should be buffed. Not rework unless she was overperforming

It seems like you’re unfamiliar with the changes being made. Brigette’s healing is significantly buffed in the PTR.

I’m not sure if Zen and Lucio need a buff.

She also has a utility and survivability nerf.

And Zen and Lucio were changed for goats. My premise here is that since they aren’t being reverted, did they previously overperform?

Why change brig to heal and not dps like they did? Should they be heal based too?

Brig is going to be the new sym. Her original design is now a thing of the past. She’s just slowly going to get worst and worst. But I also feel it’s fair when you add a hero that single handedly destroyed an entire meta. And was a key figure in creating a meta the made dps irrelevant. All while being a very easy hero to use.

Brig was reworked to fit better in a 222 comp as she was strong in 33 but once she was only duo healing it became apparent she couldn’t keep up.

Lucio, Zen, and the others work fine in 222 so their tweaks aren’t so necessary as of rn.

Also 222 has been in ptr 4 days, and they don’t want to add too much to the tweaks just yet as it could become confusing and hard to keep up. Give it time and other things will get tweaked

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2-2-2 was a good excuse to do what they already wanted to do.


Give it time, they’ll test how she functions in 222 and tweak to better benefit the hero as well as not step on other support players toes.

This is true, and sadly Zen still outshines Lucio when most high-ranked players are choosing offhealers.

Lucio is really only chosen when we see Rein/Zarya, which we hardly see now. And even then, the nerf to speedboost doesn’t allow him to close the gap on Orisa consistently. It needs to be reverted.

Zen may be more troublesome getting his reverted. The damage powercreep still keeps his discord super valuable, and reverting it might still make him the #1 overall best offhealer.

I’d just like him to revert Lucio to how he was like… 6 months ago. Still the large healing aura etc, but give him back his old speed boosts.

Agreed. Brig is her own animal, and doesn’t have anything to do with Lucio or Zen as we go forward into 2-2-2.

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