Why single out brig in 222 reworks?

Both of those statements are questionable.

Brig has an above average winrate on live at ranks where most of the population is and the common comps aren’t using three healers.

Brig is theoretically capable of tossing more healing on the PTR than live but, in practice she wasn’t always doing that due to issues keeping Inspire up.

Brig also was drawing her value from other things in addition to healing that the reduction of her shield value reduces.

If you really want to push it on live, sometimes you can even currently get away with solo healing as Brig in some situations.

I did a survey on Brig a while back because I was curious if their was a good way to rework her.

I found that the people that didn’t like the character at all wanted her to be made into more of a healer and the people that liked the character tended to like that she was a mixture of things rather than being massively slanted towards being a healer.

So, the rework is basically doing what people that don’t play the character want.

Brig’s PTR niche is small enough that I’m not sure I would really use her.

The developers saying something doesn’t make them automatically right.

Omg it’s two things- 222 doesn’t exist forced. So is her data relevant, or not?

You can’t have it both ways, andnif you want to play internal testing only as your data,

Valk mercy launch
Ironclad bastion

You need to decide where you’re going to argue, because rn, you are bouncing around what you find relevant.

She was oppressive at every level. Low skill floor and ceiling with more potential value than any other character in the game. Things got better as nerfs came in, but she still had the potential to get too much value, especially in the old GOATs, which yes, I know, is impossible now, but it could still be true outside of it.

I think you’re lashing out at anyone who has an opinion slightly different then your own here though. I’m on your side. I want her to be balanced, and I agree that she feels far to underpowered on the PTR. But you have to understand that balancing is a process, it takes a long time and a lot of data to do right. Brig might need to be underpowered for a while in order to collect the data needed to balance her properly.

Basically… Like symm, torb, and mercy. :joy:

Not possible if her pick rates don’t relate

But …they already said she was underpowered in their eyes in 222…


She was bad in 222 when the devs put her in 222 without 2 supports. You did not see this.

She got buffed to fix that weakness. She might need more buffs still.

Valk and ironclad were both changed later - reworks are a process that takes time.

Jeff made an offhand comment about it be possible that she could be buffed in 2-2-2. That was obviously not an opinion shared by the balance team. What Jeff says is not gospel, and things can change in between an interview and the PTR phase.

Our point is the developers have a history of having internal testing that does not match up with the experience on live for the average players.

As a result, changing things based on said experience is rubbish.

Which means it’s ptr logic to which I say

Iron clad bastion
Valk on release
Brig on release

On live. As in, they were not balanced.

Also a side note, the reason why she was “singled” out is because as Jeff stated in said interview, she doesn’t have any merit to her in 2-2-2. They even looked at Roadhog for a possible re-work to make him more of a main tank, and said they could easily do it. However they didn’t do this for two reasons. First being that he isn’t a liability for his team, he has a defined role in the game and does it well. Secondly, they didn’t want to knee jerk rework a lot of characters at once, as people are adverse to change.

Of course. Which is why I ask… Why just brig for the balance team?

I get it. You dont trust the devs. That’s cool. I’m done repeating myself here.

…I asked a question. You aren’t giving a response. Just filler :woman_shrugging:t5:

Since his buff to 200 HP Zen have remained one of the best performing supports in all ranks and pro games. He was overtuned and deserved some nerfs.
Lucio got solid buffs before his nerfs. If anything, he is stronger now for most cases than he was before GOATS.

Still these 2 heroes have the only reliable defensive ultimates in the game. No one else can save your team from Grav or Nano + Blade/Visor. Just for this purpose alone they remain viable and highly desired picks.

Because she was trash outside of 3-3, it’s a rework to make her work in 2-2-2.

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She seems fine in 222 from what I see. Undettuned maybe, but not trash.

Dude you have to be trolling with his question…

I don’t think I have ever trolled on these forums. Unless sarcasm is included to which, I always forget the “/s” thing…and don’t like it.

But yeah…never…

No she was pretty trash in 2-2-2. Low heals that can’t heal or be activated at range except for her one use burst heals, plus no defensive ult which is pretty important. If she can make it as a main healer then I think there’s hope for her, but if she remains an off healer then it’s going to be hard to pick her over Zen/Lucio.

I always liked brig. Her utility was easier to find value from than say, mercy or Ana not communicating

More than Lucio, and a strong solor burst.

Different defense but just not Lucio or Zen. I found it strong against channeled ults like soldier or nano blade. Preemptive and continued. Like a barrier. Like a tank

I find tanking great , flat utility. :woman_shrugging:t5: