Why pve isnt cancelled?

false, the change to 5vs5 only happened to justify the 2, no worth to be called a sequel, was a downgrade in every aspect, thats the problem with the 2, they force a change nobody asked instad of drop the 2

better wait than get nothing, we alrea lready here waiting for something to happen to this game but nothing will happen

and yet overwatch have no resources, so no ow1, no pve and no ow2, everything died for nothing, the failure to make overwatch 2 killed the whole game

but lie to players for years and do nothing is acceptable for him

this sounds a lot better than overwatch 2 we have now

then blizzard should make an official announcement, stop being cowards and accept their failure, why so scared? their reputation is on the bottom, nothing to lose

and the new leadership failed so hard, im not here discussing the reasons of whos fault is, overwatch 2 is a complete failure and thats a fact

and now the awfull state of overwatch 2 is aaron keller fault, jeff was going to make the game he created and he wanted, was his vision, you didnt liked it, then why you play overwatch? overwatch lore is part of the game, overwatch didnt became popular thanks to gameplay alone, the world created was interesting enough for people to invest on it, overwatch characters were a big part of the succes of ow1 and won game of the year, if the game was relased as a militar shooter with operators without personality, you think will be the succes it was? and everyone was excited for pve, this is what people wanted since launch, story

ja i knew you need to search the definnition of literally. there is nobody who belives they are working on pve we know that, i already said that a lot of times, im just asking where is the OFFICIAL announcement? why they are so scared?

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Title of thread:
“Why pve isn’t cancelled?”.

Response to thread:
But the PVE they promised us was indeed cancelled.

Not too difficult to understand.

Yes we might be getting more crummy PVE that we always got anyway. Before 2019 announced OW2, we were getting PVE. We knew we were going to get more basic PVE. So there would be no need to promise us more.

But that juicy PVE that got everyone hyped, that warranted the 2 in OW, that prompted Kaplan to explain “redefining the sequel”. That is cancelled. It was 100% cancelled.

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You mean the guy who leads the team that focuses on PVP. Yeah hard disagree there buddy. An “awful” state was the period after the Echo release to OW2. All so Jeff could have his PVE mode. That was truly a horrible time.

Yeah, I could honestly care less about that. I don’t care about anything Blizzard is doing in OW, if it doesn’t pertain to PVP. If Blizzard wants to go back to developing PVE, go for it. As long as it doesn’t interfere with PVP, we’re good.

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i mean the guy who killed ow1, couldnt make ow2, and thanks to his failure the game is on a awful state with no hope for a bright future in sight

more fun and balanced than this 5vs5 mess

they killed pve to focus on pvp and pvp is bad, they cant make 5vs5 work, there are no more events, new maps are bad, new modes are bad

Ok, here’s my opinion. Disagree.

I like both 6v6 and 5v5. Honestly, I’d play either. As long as it’s PVP, I’ll play it.

And this is just the equivalent of:

Whhhhhaaaaaaa whhhhhaaaaaa! My opinion is the truth and you should listen to me because I’m right!

Playing buffed Zarya when you’re not up against rein feels like the lost PvE mode tbh

and your opinion about my opinion is not the true, the majority knows 5vs5 sucks

An opinion is neither true nor false. So, the 5v5 and 6v6 community are literally in the same boat opinion wise. You literally said it was an opinion, but you’re stating it as a fact. If you want to do that, show me the numbers that tell you the majority thinks this. Let me guess, it’s you, a handful of streamers, and some people on this forum. Maybe your dog, cat, or did your mommy agree with you too?


So what, “bring back mass rezz” was mentioned and clogged the forums for 4 full years before ow2

Tbh, even from the start of OW1, I didnt really was into the OW lore that much, heck, I was more about the TF2 lore (been playing since 2014), and we only have 6 canon main lore comics, appart from the ManVMachine and others). (and it seems the final 7th in the works finally)

Now, about the OW2 PvE, even though OW2/Blizzard havent said the PvE is oficially cancelled, yeah, I think its pretty much dead, I mean, we not getting any kind of news about it. I read somewhere they fired the OW2 lore/story team (someone correct me plz), maybe this specific thing just rumors.

If we, EVER, get another PvE content, I think it will be, TOPS, 3 more missions, then done, no more PvE, ever. Maybe just 1 mission to close the cycle or whatever.

well overwatch 2 being a failure is not an opinion then, overwatch 2 have 5vs5, ergo 5vs5 is a failure

and that have anything to do with this thread because…? and just because you mentioned it i think mass rez is a huge mistake, i actuall played the game for the first time after was removed from the game but the idea of resurecting the whole enemy team just pressing q sound awfull, i cant believe was implemented on the game, and in ow2 will be ven worst with how crap tanks are, rez the tank is already a huge proble, rez the whole team plus the tank, ugh

this is almost as bad as cancelling pve, why so scared? cowards, they fear a lot of people like me would have no reason to play if there is no lore (or 6vs6 dont come back) because even when people like to pretend it doesnt matter in fact lore matter a lot on this game, nobody would have played overwatch if was just a boring militar shooter with realistic graphics, lore is what made overwatch special, not the gameplay

Do you see any pve around or any hints of it coming? Because I sure don’t.
And they also fired the pve team.

Did you miss the memo about OW2 existing just so they can add pve?


Okay, now that you’ve objectively called OW2 being a failure a “fact.” What statistics do you have to prove said fact? What should we look at first current active player numbers, or revenue being pulled in by Blizzard this year?

Unfortunately, I can’t figure out how to post links on here lol. However, a quick google search will give you all the info you need. I found it pretty quickly.

overwatch 2 was going to be pve, there is no pve on the game, by textbook definition objectively overwatch 2 is a failure, simple, if i promise to do something and i dont do it is a failure, the goal they had wasnt fulfilled, this is not an opinon, is a fact. and then you add 5vs5 which is part of ow2 failure.

how much money is making or how many players this game have and if is getting new players is irrelevant on the topic, ow2 is a faliure, and maybe they are not getting much money or players, thats why they fired everyone, invest on this game is no worth

‘‘There is no official announcement.’’

The lead writer of the game who got sacked just tweeted that he doesn’t know if his stories will ever see the light of day for OW, if that doesn’t give you official confirmation that it isn’t happening then I dont know what will but you can be as delusional as you like.

when he left blizzard his claims became unofficial, and whoever said that was annonymous, ex employees have confidentiality clauses and cant talk about their time on blizzard. and again, the article talking about the rumors of it cancelation mentioned they actually made a lot of things and a lot are ready to launch, dont know if it will, but neither claimed will not. whatever blizzard get some guts and face people

Are you from 2022?

No, Overwatch 2 is a failure if it isn’t profitable. Too few people were interested in PvE, so the devs ditched it to focus on making the game profitable

literally people asking for more story in any form since launch, literally everyones happy or indiferent when ow2 was announced, nobody hated the idea because ow1 was going to be left intact

check the definition of failure

is profitable? everyone fired, clearly isnt, invest on this death game is a risk, will give no profits

There is OW2 written in there. :face_with_monocle: