Why pve isnt cancelled?

Only the hero mode has been confirmed to be cancelled, which happened before Overwatch 2 even launched.

The story mode has no official cancellation. An ex-employee worrying about it being cancelled is not the same as an official notice of it being cancelled.

I’ve come to realize this is likely exactly why 5 v 5/6 v 6 debates are so tribal.

One person says 5 v 5 sucks, is trash, doesn’t work. Anyone who enjoys 5 v 5 sees that as an attack and gets defensive.

And vice versa.

I’m certainly guilty of this. I have said 5 v 5 sucks many times. But I agree, we should not talk like this. There are issues, faults, and benefits from both modes. Everyone’s opinions on the modes are valid.

i think you need to search the deffinition of official, and just in case deffinition of literally

was not a hint, there is gameplay videos of push mode with 6vs6, they changed to 5vs5 around the time he left, maybe when pve was done and they need a reason to justify the 2, already was show here on this forum a tweet from a developer ssaying 5vs5 has nothing to do with queue times, was just gameplay reasons, what reasons? of course not mentioned

tecnichally true, but then they promised a watered down version of pve and no news about it since one year ago when they promised will be a lot of it

yeah not vague statment at all, one of “those” people, well you are one of “those” people too, you are going to deffend aaron keller and 5vs5? then we have nothing to talk about

No, leftist would be blaming others (devs, matchmaking, teammates) for every problem like this community does. I’m a personal responsibility person.

They officially said that hero missions/talents are done and so are story missions. That means PvE is done and over with.

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No they didn’t.

Again, hero mode has been confirmed as cancelled, we knew this years ago. The PvE story missions however have NOT been confirmed as cancelled. The only news we have in that respect is ex-employees who were part of the PvE team worrying that the story mode has been cancelled, and apparently that’s enough for games media to ‘confirm’ it, even though no one on the Overwatch 2 development team have said it’s cancelled or not.

Now maybe it has been, maybe there’s no one working on PvE story mode content right now. On the other hand, maybe the PvE team was axed and the existing staff who are still there have simply picked up their duties. We don’t know, and assuming one way or the other is foolish.

The PVE we were specifically promised, was cancelled.

The PVE they are or aren’t making now, is not the PVE they promised us. If they are still making PVE now, it is more of the PVE we were given for free back in OW1.

So yes, to me, PVE was cancelled. The campaign mode we were promised, was cancelled.


Why does it matter that there’s a 2 in the name? The PvP changes would’ve been made anyway, so what’s the problem? OW2 got me a next-gen console release with a bunch of technical improvements and, as you said, heroes and maps have continued.

We were promised two different PvE modes as part of Overwatch 2’s marketing.

  1. A replayable hero mode where we would play small bite-sized objective based missions on existing maps (with some new areas added to them), and as part of that mode we would get the ability to level up our heroes, equip them with gear rewards to enhance their power and change up their abilities with talent trees.
  2. A full story campaign where we would explore the story of the Overwatch universe where we would see Overwatch go up against Talon and the Omnic forces led by Rammatra.

One of those modes, and ONLY one of them has been confirmed as cancelled. The hero mode, and the reason it was cancelled was because the project was far too large in scope. Overwatch development staff admitted that if they wanted to get the Hero mode in the game as they envisioned it would take another 5 years at a minimum. On top of that it would require more resources to be cannibalized from the original game to make it happen, and this was viewed as unacceptable by Aaron Keller.

You would still be playing Overwatch 1, with no new heroes, maps or modes, and with fewer balance updates, were it not for that decision being made to cancel the hero mode and move the multiplayer parts of the game forward to the October 2022 release date.

By the way, if you hated the King’s Row PvE mission that was added as part of the Invasion PvE release, you’d have hated Hero Mode, because that’s what Hero Mode would have been. That, but with different enemies every now and then.

The second Micro$oft gained control of Bli$$ard, they literally fired any remaining member on the team that was working on PvE.

Give it up.

Edit: Oh and this is a very bad thing, I don’t know why people are arguing about this at all. They lied about PvE. The trillion dollar company then further canned it. And we’re sitting here arguing like actual animals instead of banding together to hold the evil companies accountable. But that would require far too much brain power for everyone I guess.

The plans to fire the Activision-Blizzard employees that got terminated shortly after the merger were plans created by Bobby Kotick before he bailed on the company, his final ‘screw you’ before he jumped out of the plane with his golden parachute.

And their termination doesn’t mean PvE is cancelled, as other employees on the Overwatch 2 development team could have easily picked up the slack and moved forward with their duties.

Again, until we get official confirmation, it could go either way. It could be cancelled, or it could be something they’re still working on, just not in the format of the first release, which clearly wasn’t popular. We don’t know.

Until we know, speculating and assuming is all you’ve got.

Except the guy who was at the forefront of PVE (Jeff) got canned and the winds shifted back to PVP. I agree that the name change was stupid, but let’s not pretend that there wasn’t a leadership change during the development of OW2. You may call no PVE a failure, and it definitely is to all those wanted it. However, there were reasons behind the decision out of the current developers control.

With that said, I was referring to your statement about calling people who like 5v5 “shills.” I wasn’t even talking about the PVE subject at all. I didn’t even mention it in my post.


“What that means is we can’t deliver on that original vision for PVE that was shown in 2019. What that means is that we won’t be delivering that dedicated hero mode with talent trees, that long term power progression”.

They cancelled that original vision for PVE that was shown to us.

We were promised a grand PVE. They cancelled the grand PVE. And now if they are still making something, they are going to drip feed us a lesser version of the PVE which was not what they promised us.

That is a cancelling of what was promised to us. In order to give us something lesser. Cancelling grand PVE to give us something lesser, is still cancelling grand PVE.

As far as anyone knows, Jeff left Blizzard of his own volition and wasn’t fired. Given how Bobby Kotick was revealed to have been interfering constantly with the Overwatch team, forcing them to work on his side projects for the game before cancelling them at the last minute… Well, let’s just say I wouldn’t be surprised if Jeff left out of frustration.

Mike Morhaime left for the same reason. He was getting frustrated at Activision’s meddling.

Again, old news.

You’re 2 years late on complaining about that. We’re past that now. This thread is about the story mode cancellation (which has not been confirmed). Keep up.

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You’re totally right, he definitely could’ve left of his own volition. However, I blame Jeff for putting OW1 on a shelf, and ruining the game for PVE. I personally never wanted it, and wanted Blizzard to focus on PVP. That’s besides the point though, long story short, I dislike Jeff and like to think they fired his butt for ruining PVP for so long.

I mean, as Aaron flat out said in his blog post explaining why the hero mode was cancelled, the Overwatch team under Jeff was still trying to make Project Titan happen despite its cancellation.

For those who might have forgotten, Overwatch was originally supposed to be an MMO. Jeff and the team still wanted that MMO to happen, but with it ‘cancelled’ and the assets cannibalized to create Overwatch, the original plan to create that MMO failed, so they started making plans to create Project Titan ‘through’ Overwatch, and the Hero Mode was the first stage of that.

That’s why talent trees, levels and gear were being added into the mode, because once they had those parts of the game created, they could move onto ‘Phase 3’ which would have pushed even more PvE elements into Overwatch. That was all Jeff’s plan, and under Aaron, they’ve shifted back to focusing on what Overwatch is known for, the PvP team-based gameplay.

It’s crazy how you can literally be shown hard proof and evidence and still think they’re working on PvE at all lol. Kotick didn’t plan to terminate half of the OW team. Micro$oft decided that after Spencer visited their campus like one or 2 weeks after the acquisition and roughly 2 weeks before Blizzcon last year.

Then in January 2024 that entire portion of the team was eliminated. It is naive to believe the remaining dev team has the ability, time, or resources to bother with PvE. They can’t even balance the PVP Game.

Your definition of ‘hard proof and evidence’ needs some work.